

Daily News - May 2024

Friday 31 May

DONALD TRUMP: “This is the final battle. With you by my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the war mongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will route the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all!”
If Trump had gone after Deep State savages in his first term, MSM/Democrats would've vilified him - Now though, there's a precedent!
Trump found guilty of hush-money plot to influence 2016 election!
‘Our country has gone to hell’: Trump vows to ‘keep fighting’ after guilty verdict!
Ex-President shake his head in disgust as thirty-four guilty verdicts leave the room in stunned silence!
Hollywood celebs rejoice over Trump verdict!
Tucker Carlson says: 'This won't stop Trump!' And compares US to 'Third World!'
"America is no longer the United States. We are a third-world shithole heading for a Civil War!"
Anti-Trump activists celebrate ‘Guilty’ verdict!
RFK jnr - Democrats want to ‘beat Trump in the courtroom,’ not the ballot box!
Tulsi Gabbard: "Biden has turned our country into a Banana Republic!"
MEGYN KELLY:"The Democrats must be made to suffer!"
ALEX JONES: "All these fake indictments... will backfire on the Deep State and the globalists!"
'What we're witnessing with the Biden family is just a web of concealment, of deception... corruption!'
Of course virtue-signalling celebrities like De Niro support Biden!
Dr. Hotez on why the COVID-19 pandemic was just a "warm-up" act! His solution? VACCINES!
SCOTLAND - Covid inquiry confirms hospitals were never overwhelmed, they were half empty!
Kicking and screaming, officials release vaccine deaths data!
German MEP Christine Anderson: "Just think about what your governments did to you, the restrictions they imposed which were utterly ridiculous, made no sense, had no scientific basis whatsoever!
Is Prozac a depopulation device?
In Canada, a broken healthcare system is killing patients!
By attacking and undermining the ICC, Israel has proved again it is a state gone rogue!
My family has fled Rafah for yet another ‘safe’ area. By now we know there is no such thing!
Netanyahu on French TV - Support the Gaza genocide! "It is the victory of Judeo-Christian civilisation against barbarism!"
Millions are paying the price of Western delusion in Ukraine!
Steven Seagal says Ukraine was known for 'organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism!'
How the climate establishment went to war over net zero jargon!
The climate scaremongers: Media wrongly frighten air passengers about turbulence!
I stood up to the Greens’ trans ideology, then they kicked me out!
Good riddance, Lloyd Russell-Moyle! 'Sanctimonious twerp encapsulates the worst aspects of new Left!'
Stephen Fry lambasts MCC as ‘stinking of privilege and classism!’
Ignorant MCC tirade by Stephen Fry fuelling abuse of middle-aged white men!
Britain needs to debate the limits of multiculturalism!
Why Europe’s young are increasingly anti-immigration!
Germans turn against Brussels, less than 3 in 10 see EU membership as beneficial!
KEIR STARMER - Systemic liar 'has had a very easy ride from the establishment!'
Under Starmer private schools will be the preserve of the international elite!
Is Starmer about to bow to Labour mutiny on Diane Abbott? Backlash at his 'Corbynite purge!'
‘Purge’ of Labour leftwingers must end, Keir Starmer told!
Starmer’s own party will be his real opposition, and he’s purging it now!
Rachel Reeves is accused of plotting a £20BILLION tax raid on pensions!
I’ve seen Labour stitch-ups in my time. But nothing as shameless as this!
Labour’s shocking treatment of Diane Abbott could alienate Black voters for years to come!
Tory MP says ‘excrement’ posted through her constituency letterbox!
Nigel Farage's fiery Question Time clash with Piers Morgan turns into war of words off air!
It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad Green Party launch!
What happened to the original ASBO kids? How Blair-era policy didn't exactly end well!
‘Living Like Barons!’ Bulgarian welfare fraud network stole over £50 million from taxpayers!
Benefit fraud is an insult to taxpayers!
Our 3-month nightmare at hands of feral girl gangs! Villagers plead for return to old-fashioned policing!
Savage Darren Massey let his pack of dogs maul woman, 24, in horrific park attack!
Chinese retailer, Temu, sells blades and BB guns without age checks!
Law student, 23, died after eating single 'cannabis gummy' sweet!
Police Scotland heavily criticised in report on 2015 incident where Lamara Bell lay injured in car for 3 days!
Who are the 3 men who 'dined and dashed' at her restaurant on Tuesday?
American Airlines flight attendants boot eight black men from flight after claiming they were 'smelly!'

Thursday 30 May

Deadly drug combo used to treat elderly COVID patients in Scotland!
VIDEO of Dr. Masanori Fukushima saying of the COVID vax: "“It’s serious. It’s essentially murder!"
Japan’s most senior cancer doctor says COVID shots are ‘essentially murder!’
VACCINES! 'Unsafe and Ineffective' documentary exposes lies by Big Pharma, health officials and MSM!
US Government ‘cartel’ paid CVS, Walgreens billions to reject Ivermectin prescriptions, push COVID shots!
DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID vaccine exceeded 500 times allowable levels, study finds!
Why children still getting unlicensed COVID vaccines?
Dr. Ryan Cole: "All (Pfizer's COVID 'Process 2') vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA!"
Whistleblower Melissa McAtee says Pfizer knew some of their COVID shot vials contained graphene oxide!
Dr. Alim Muhammad: The mRNA vax was 'first tested... in humanised mice. After 2 MONTHS, 100%... had died!'
Big Pharma admits it lied over MMR vaccine!
Employee sues hospital that fired her for reporting COVID vaccine injuries to VAERS!
17-year-old Aubrynn Carroll died 2 months after second Pfizer shot!
Excess deaths in Cyprus tied to COVID vaccine rollout!
The WHO is ignoring, or knowingly misrepresenting, its own data on COVID!
WHO pandemic treaty defeated, at least for now!
Did NIH ‘FOIA Lady’ teach Fauci’s team how to hide documents from public?
Decades of science link popular artificial sweetener to serious health risks!
HAARP frequency waves over Ireland!
Peter Hitchens exposes the farcical nature of Net Zero, to the horror of BBC Question Time panellists and audience!
AGENDA 21 explained!
'Elections Needed!' War Cabinet slams Netanyahu for 'pushing false delusions!' He has 'failed miserably!'
Palestinians are MUCH more likely to have Biblical Jewish blood in their veins than Ashkenazi Jews!
"The USA and EU are complicit in Israel's war crimes!"
Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on IDF shells during Israel visit!
Abby Martin: “It's not just Netanyahu, 95% of Israelis are terrorists! I saw it first hand...”
The lsraeli army (not settlers) set fire to a vegetable market in Ramallah, WEST BANK! 🇵🇸
"The USA and EU are complicit in Israel's war crimes!"
Protesters swarm cops, set fire to Israel’s Embassy in Mexico City!
France and Poland approve Ukraine using Western-supplied missiles to strike inside Russia!
Farage: Left is ‘begging’ Muslims for votes in UK General Election!
Farage on the Muslim problem – what kept you, Nigel?
Germany abandons plans to reintroduce military conscription!
Poland vows to fortify Belarus border after migrant stabs soldier!
The SNP must never be forgiven for its transgender madness!
Watch dealer who killed himself 'should never have been left alone' in the store, admits owner!
Hackney: Child in serious condition and 3 others injured in ‘drive-by’ gun attack!
Teenagers arrested after girl 'raped on playing fields' in Newark!
Man who raped girl, 12, acquitted because relationship was 'the cultural reality of the gipsy community!'
Gypsy jailed for raping 12-year-old pregnant 'wife!'
Dine-and-dash Gypsy lied about being pregnant to get bail!
Who are the 3 men who 'dined and dashed' at her restaurant on Tuesday?
Neighbour stuck in 'living hell' as traveller site 'breaches planning laws' with expansion!
Christian lecturer sacked from Methodist college after saying 'homosexuality is invading the Church!'
Britain has become the welfare state for the world!
Diane Abbott may stand AGAINST Labour Party?
Starmer’s sinister plan for Britain will end the country as we knew it!
IRONY! Media created the idea that Corbyn was a Stalinist and Starmer Mr Reasonable!
Uniparty Tories must go – even if Sir Keir is worse!
HITCHENS: Labour's vow to give 16-year-olds the vote - You don't often get a danger signal as clear as this!
Farage refuses to back down over 'Islamophobic' comments in fiery clash with Robert Peston!
'Go to hell!' Farage tells BBC where to go as he is asked to sign diversity monitoring form!
Farage lambasts Michael Heseltine for 'racist Reform' claim: 'He's full of BILE and hatred!'​
Why does the EU in Brussels have this on its walls?
Biden’s Philadelphia event empty!
Robert De Niro’s hysterical meltdown will only drive voters towards Trump!
Democracy in Decay! Citizens’ assemblies take power FROM the people?
Royal Mail investor speaks out to oppose 'Czech sphinx' Daniel Kretinsky's £3.6billion takeover!
What Gen Z REALLY thinks about you and what the rest of us think about them!
1% Club contestant accused of 'cheating!'
Homeless sent from Edinburgh to make way for Taylor Swift fans!
You need to stop being so nice all the time!
Challenger astronauts are still alive?

Wedneday 29 May

Mossad boss, Yossi Cohen, threatened a chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court!
GAZA - This is genocide!
Israel is wiping out Gaza's children?
Tanks reach centre of Rafah as attacks mount and Israel’s isolation grows!
Tribute to Gaza at African Champions' League Final!
IMPOSTERS! Every single Israeli Prime Minister has/had a FAKE name!
What did Jews do to Germans pre-1939? "50% of the media, 70% of judges... Catastrophic bank crashes!"
America's secret war against Russia? Marcus Reisner, Colonel of Austrian General Staff, blows whistle!
Jeffrey Sachs assessment of the Ukraine war and American foreign policy!
Ukraine knows it is finished!
Cops arrest Croydon man on suspicion of murder of Amie Gray!
Mission Creep? France is deploying soldiers to Ukraine, says Kiev!
NATO Chief must resign after calling for Ukraine to use Western missiles on Russian mainland?
Nikki Haley (ran v Trump for Presidential nomination in 2023) writes 'Finish Them' on an Israeli bomb!
‘I’m proud to be a Labour Friend of Israel’, says Rachel Reeves! (November 2022)
Billions of dollars buy no more than Ukrainian corpses!
Sarah, 96, violated by a vaccinator in her own home!
Von der Leyen vws to ‘vaccinate’ EU population against ‘wrongthink!’
THE LIES THEY TOLD! "Blood clots are happening after vaccination but they are certainly NOT caused by the vaccine!" "Nothing suggests a causal link between clots and the vaccines so theres no reason to be worried!"
“If you took more than two shots I’m convinced your life is in danger!” Professor Bhakdi explains!
Andrew Bridgen, MP, says British media is "totally controlled!" Bill Gates advertising vaccines on BBC cited!
BRITAIN: Richest 0.1% cause 12 times more transport pollution than average!
“HAARP is designed to inject energy into the ionosphere in order to control it!”
George Green - Elite whistleblower - Plan to kill billions!
News of the World paid women to sleep with celebrities, James Blunt says!
GERMANY: Bianca C. murdered by Mohamed Ali S, 17, after she laughed at him during sex!
WALES: Romanian immigrant, Daniel Popescu, jailed for attempted murder of pregnant ex-partner!
Nana Oppong and Israar Shah fled to Morocco and Spain after murdering Robert Powell in Harlow!
SOUTH AFRICA = 75 murders a day - Many of the victims white - MEDIA SILENCE!
The Bulgarian town that boomed from UK’s biggest benefits fraud!
Bulgarian gang used ‘burners and magic tricks’ to defraud DWP of £50m!
Irish man is viciously attacked by large mob of foreigners!
Chief constable who ‘wore bogus Falklands medal’ was only 15 when war started!
South Africa elections - Voting under way amid grim national mood!
Farage urges voters to reject open borders ‘uniparty’ and back Reform!
Starmer facing backlash over treatment of Diane Abbott as he’s accused of ‘West Wing’ politics!
Labour’s war on pensioners is a betrayal of the elderly poor!
Rachel Reeves is the Labour Party’s weakest link!
Labour civil war erupts as Diane Abbott exiled from party after 37 years as MP!
Why I, a long-suffering Tory activist, can’t be bothered with the election!
Ed Davey is worse than a clown: he’s a fool!
The shameless political class holds voters in contempt!
Trump defence dubs Cohen ‘greatest liar of all time’ in closing arguments!
Biden visits Hunter’s ex before she testifies in gun trial!
Progressive Biden is a threat to his own party!
Trump’s enemies have just handed him the keys to the White House!
Trump to give ‘very serious consideration’ to Assange pardon!

Tuesday 28 May

Neil Oliver: "Remember the depths to which the cheerleaders sank. Those politicians, TV pundits, newspaper journalists and editors and actors... who salivated at the thought of anti-vaxxers being left with nothing, being denied hospital care, left to die, sacked... socially and reputationally ruined for having a temerity to have a spine and an honest heart!
Can you tell me, categorically... that mercury in vaccines does not cause autism?" (The hard-faced bitch couldn't)
We were right! The ONS lied about covid vaccine safety!
REMEMBER! Starmer promoted the COVID vax and condemned those who pointed out it might not be safe!"
Bill Gates funding research to create deadlier bird flu strains?
Mossad boss, Yossi Cohen, threatened a chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court!
Israel attacks Palestinian journalist covering attacks on Rafah!
The children of Gaza!
Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ as civilians were ‘burnt alive’ in Rafah camp!
Palestine - THEY LIE!
'This was a safe zone... They dropped one ton of anti-tank missiles on tents... They're taking joy in this!'
‘300 million children a year’ suffer online sexual abuse and exploitation!
Farage: Migrant crisis a ‘national emergency’ putting Britain at risk of further terrorism!
British public want a total freeze on non-essential immigration!
Immigrant arrested after knife rampage on French Metro!
British cops trying to detain African criminals!
Britain will soon discover, to its horror, that there is no ‘moderate’ Left!
Macron tells young people to reject Nationalism, embrace European Union!
Starmer: 'I am a socialist who will put country before party!' (Yeah, right)
Tory MP suspended after backing Reform candidate!
Leaked Tory memo names and shames MPs shirking campaign duties!
Nigel Farage challenges Rishi Sunak to immigration debate!
Jeremy Hunt among 14 Tory big beasts on course to lose their seats!
Starmer and the stealth campaign to cancel Brexit!
As the Trump trial travesty nears its end, what chance of justice?
Skin cancer cases set to top 20,000 in record high!
We need crack troops, not sulking teenagers!
There’s a lie at the heart of the crusade against all-male clubs!
Pope Francis says priesthood colleges are full of 'faggotness'!

Monday 27 May

"They called it sepsis but it was like instant multi-organ failure... They kinda had to be put down... I didn't question the vaccines!"
"There is an enormous number of mRNA vaccines being rolled out for veterinary use... The mRNA vaccines can get into human breast milk! We have infants who are consuming undefined doses of these mRNA vaccines... And if it can get into human breast milk who's to say they couldn't get into the milk, meat and eggs that we consume? "
Christopher Chope, MP: 'A minimum of 7 million Americans now have hearts damaged by Covid vaccines!'
NO DEAL! W.H.O. fails to secure global pandemic treaty!
If you're not vaccinated you don’t get autism! You won't find autism in the Amish!
Eczema girl blames vaccines and other powerful drugs!
US Government ‘cartel’ paid CVS, Walgreens billions to reject Ivermectin prescriptions, push COVID shots!
DENIS RANCOURT: "As a scientist I can tell you… there is NO global warming, there was no pandemic!
Cancer/COVID patient pressed 5 times in 24 hours to sign DNR order died after being given midazolam/morphine!
The CEO’s of the 4 Big Pharma companies that produced the ‘vaccines’ are all Jewish? What are the odds?
Infected blood victims sue Government over ‘woefully’ inadequate compensation!
"The Corona is only for the non-Jews, it's not for Israel, it's not for the Jews," says Rabbi!
RABBI MANIS FRIEDMAN: "If you throw a stone at an Israeli soldier, your entire village is destroyed!"
Netanyahu and co. are letting missiles rain on their own citizens to regain support for Gaza genocide?
Israel is BURNING people alive in Rafah RIGHT NOW!
Israeli military launches devastating airstrike on Rafah killing 50 displaced people living in tents!
RAFAH: Israel distributed leaflets designating area 2371 as safe. 50+ Palestinians were just slaughtered there!
Massacre in Rafah continues! Horrific scenes...
Babies slaughtered in Rafah!
Keir Starmer wants Ruth Smeeth in charge of the Ministry of Defence? (Ex-MP, Smeeth, is Jewish)
Israel accused of 'collectively punishing' Palestinians by chief prosecutor of International Criminal Court!
Proof Israeli babies were beheaded on 7 October versus proof of beheaded babies in Gaza!
Zionist police attacking Jews worshiping!
Rabbi says Christian and Muslim unity is 'the biggest danger in the world!'
B'nai B'rith exposed...
And they want us to go to war with Russia?
Mark Zuckerberg says we plebs cause climate change - is 287-foot mega yacht, of course, doesn't...
To Net Zero and beyond – The world according to Ed Miliband!
Cannes Goes Trans! Spanish dad named ‘Best Actress!’
USA: Trannie attacks girls, adults in cinema stabbing spree!
Trans men ‘becoming postmenopausal’ in their 20s?
Australian actress Nicola Charles warns about eugenics, digital ID and total government control!
Is the Biden Administration trying to destroy the dollar?
National Service could mean 18-year-olds are 'deployed to the frontline', Cleverly admits!
National Service? Haven’t the Tories done enough damage to the young?
Bournemouth stabbing victim named as personal trainer, Amie Gray!
Teenager arrested on suspicion of murder after teen stabbed to death!
Savages put a watch dealer in a chokehold inside his London store before robbing him!
Brain dead Sarah Alden taken off life support following rape by black savage after arriving in LA!
Asylum seeker ran people-trafficking ring bringing in immigrants while working in chicken shop!
General Hospital star Johnny Wactor, 37, is shot and killed in Los Angeles!
Young women being targeted in spate of random sucker punch attacks on New York streets!
France’s drug gangs have reached its prettiest towns and cities!
THEY killed the husband of Italian MEP, Francesca Donato?
Prison and probation workers took equivalent of 770+ years of mental health sick leave in 2023!
Farage sparks Leftie meltdown after saying a growing number of Muslims ‘loathe’ British values!
Only by quitting the ECHR can we halt illegal immigration!
African/Asian men of fighting age, YES! Erika Baikoff, a blonde, Russian-born American soprano, NO!
'We are at risk of a dangerous situation if cash disappears!'
How dare Labour's Tom Watson lecture any of us on spreading lies?
Who should Americans listen to, Hillary? Bought-and-paid-for globalist whores like you?
Churchill ordered the bombing of Berlin in order to get Hitler to bomb our towns! (For propaganda purposes)

Sunday 26 May

Bannon on Ukraine “You've got to dial this down immediately! You got to get to the peace table!”
Western warmongers are lying, again! The Ukrainian "hardware store" was in fact a munitions store!
Rabid EU warmonger, Guy Verhofstadt, on still being a tw*t, Ukraine and war, war, war!>
NATO Chief: Ukraine should be allowed to use Western missiles against Russian mainland!
Iran v Israel and "Western propaganda!" Dershowitz destroyed by Greenwald!
Dancing Israelis prevent trucks of aid from reaching Gaza!
"The UK doesn't have finance. The City of London has, and it's outside of the UK!" (Get it yet?)
Andrew Bridgen, MP, blows the whistle, and not just on the vaccine scam!
VACCINES! US lady who lost her child after vax points out the correlation between SIDS and SADS!
"If the sudden deaths... were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7!"
Cancer/COVID patient pressed 5 times in 24 hours to sign DNR order died after being given midazolam/morphine!
US Government ‘cartel’ paid CVS, Walgreens billions to reject Ivermectin prescriptions, push COVID shots!
VACCINE? US golfer, Grayson Murray, dies aged 30!
"Young, healthy, top athletes and performers... have had their lives ended by the Covid-19 vaccine!"
NHS chiefs face legal action after 36 nurses protest being forced to share changing room with a trannie!
German song goes viral. Politicians/media freaking out! 'Foreigners out! Germany for Germans!'
NEIL OLIVER: 'THEY would demonise and then criminalise those who speak the truth!'
Horizon, maternity, infected blood – what other scandals await corrupt Britain?
HITCHENS: Now that we live in a Kingdom of Dunces, scandals and crises have become normal!
Teen beast arrested after double stabbing on beach leaves a woman dead and another in hospital!
Where the £3million we hand over to anti-knife 'charity's' pushy High Street collectors really ends up!
Politicians + Media = Gaslight, dismiss, cops, attack! (And, of course, cover-up)
Rishi Sunak: I will bring back National Service!
'It's easy to understand by many of British public have lost faith in MPs,' says MP!
Labour Party to give 16 and 17-year-olds the right to vote if elected!
Starmer seeks an Attlee-style landslide without having to explain why he deserves one!
Labour has gone to war on excellence!
Scroungers in UK's most deprived seaside town don't care who wins election as long as they get free cash!
Hillary Clinton blames sexism for 2016 loss: Donald Trump won because he's a man!
Britain's Got Talent fans accuse show of being 'fixed' and slam 'staged' audition!

Saturday 25 May

Arnoud van Doorn: 'The entire West is complicit in the genocide... We have to eradicate Zionism!'
Defenceless women or captured IDF soldiers!
Tucker on dual citizenship! Loyal to Israel and serve in US government? Yeah, right...
Israeli activists battle over Gaza-bound aid convoys!
Sunak mobbed by pro-Palestine protesters in West Midlands visit as they chant 'free, free Palestine!'
AIPAC - Ted Pike and wife in 1987 - "What Israel wants, Israel gets!"
AIPAC exposed! "If Israel wants to carry out war crimes, they shouldn't do it with our money!"
Israel just airstrikes refugees living in tents as a message to the ICJ who told them to stop the massacre!
British Army veteran breaks down the insanity of involving Britain in a war with Russia!
Putin ready to stop the war! Will the psycho warmongers welcome this? Doubt it!
Putin wants ceasefire in Ukraine, Kremlin sources say!
Slovak Gunman shot Robert Fico because of views on Ukraine War!
'You have BETRAYED Britain!' Steve Bannon SLAMS Tory Party as 'fu**ing left-wing liars!'
Why are THEY importing huge numbers of men of fighting age? To subdue us when the time comes?
Bill Gates wants vaccinate your kids - He says the vaccines are safe! Experts say COVID vaccines are killing people!
1,609 scientists say there is NO climate crisis and insist carbon dioxide is beneficial!
TOM RENZ: “We incentivised MURDERING patients in hospitals... You get more money when they die!”
Dr. McCullough's advice for individuals who have received one or more COVID shots!
Dr Jensen: "If you have a COVID-19 admission to hospital, you'll get paid $13,000. If that patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000!"
Excitable media act as Big Pharma salesmen!
Parents of boy, 9, who died of sepsis after he was sent home from hospital accuse doctors of 'avoiding responsibility!'
Elon Musk hits out at Irish government plan to cull 200,000 cattle! “Leave the farmers alone!”
Archbishop Welby racks up 48,000 miles on foreign trips since September despite Net Zero lectures!
Net zero efforts could cause rise in air pollution deaths!
Smart meter warning! Faulty devices may leave 'large unexpected bills!' Child contracts rare disease after swimming in Essex river!
JK Rowling slams Starmer for Rosie Duffield snub following trans stance!
DURHAM: Mother who beat son Dwelaniyah, 3, because ‘Bible advised it,’ gets life for his murder!
Woman dies after two stabbed on Bournemouth beach!
MARGATE: Cop 'knees boy, 14, in the stomach and throws him on the ground!'
They don’t even try to hide it. They hate us and rejoice in our replacement!
Physically healthy Dutch woman, 29, dies by euthanasia - She did not want to live with depression!
Paula Vennells booed for saying Post Office scandal programme ‘bored’ her!
Let’s hope the election kills this pro-death Bill!

Friday 24 May

The TV doctors who were paid by the covid vaccine makers! "The corruption is off the scale!"
Yellow Card latest – almost half a million vaccine victims!
Tucker Carlson: “Are we not allowed to ask about vaccines and autism? They’re forcing your kids to take this stuff!”
'I started to speak out about Covid vaccine/MRNA harm... because the MHRA wanted to inject these... into babies!'
Bill Gates wants vaccinate your kids - He says the vaccines are safe! Experts say COVID vaccines are killing people!
Simon Case admits Government failed to tell public about alternatives to lockdowns!
Germany warns Netanyahu it will execute any ICC arrest warrants against him!
EXPOSED: Israel's Secret War - Israel versus the West Bank! "Get out or die!"
Netanyahu, 2001: 'Strike them, not once, but several times, so painfully, that the price they pay is unbearable!'
Female inmate says she was raped in prison by bearded, 6'2" trannie who then claimed to be the victim!
Elon Musk on "manipulation of public opinion." Via Tucker Carlson...
The climate scaremongers: The great electric car crash!
Author of 'The Great Reset', Marc Morano, on the Klaus Schwab/WEF plan for humanity!
Which does Keir Starmer prefer, Westminster or Davos? DAVOS! (Globalism + Billionaires)
Labour’s frontbench is the least impressive in history!
Left-wing luvvies have revealed their true contempt for the working class!
Irony Alert! Voting Labour means open borders? Sunak presided over highest immigration in history!
This election heralds the death of the Thatcher-Blair era? A new populist Right will replace it?
Macron’s supreme arrogance is now tearing apart the French empire!
Governor Hochul calls New Yorkers who turn out for Trump Bronx rally ‘clowns!’
Trump took aim at “radical left pro-crime policies,” that have “destroyed” New York City!
Post Office PR warned Paula Vennells opening old cases would be ‘front page news!’
Young people are even MORE vulnerable to cannabis harms than previously thought!
Mohamed Nur, who killed stranger in ‘random, horrific’ London park attack, gets 32 years!
Soldier whose body lay undiscovered for 3 weeks was victim of systematic bullying by superiors!
'GB News is vitally needed! Ofcom has a clear agenda against channel!'
Britain’s fat, lazy children shame us all!
Smart meter warning! Faulty devices may leave 'large unexpected bills!'
Prince Harry’s life goal was to ‘get rid of the English press?’

Thursday 23 May

This may be the last election before the next world war?
Amal Clooney’s role in ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Sinwar!
Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson threatens the ICC for condemning Netanyahu/genocide!
Former Director of BBC Television, Danny Cohen, accuses BBC of 'egregious' anti-Israel bias!
The FBI didn’t want to raid President Trump’s home, but Jewish Attorney General, Merrick Garland, overruled them!
They lied about Vietnam, Libya, Syria, Iraq and said they'd 'win' in Afghanistan and Vietnam - Think they're telling you the truth about Israel/Ukraine?
OBAMA: "Come on down and find a spot to get vaccinated... Do it for your kids, your entire family, as well as for the community!"
Bill Gates has been experimenting with human lives in India and Africa for decades!
IRELAND: Are THEY giving kids nasal vaccines without telling parents?
Dr Paul Thomas says unvaccinated babies do not get sick. The more vaccines, the sicker they get. His medical licence has been revoked!
You can trust these guys!
UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell says he won’t be vaccinating his kid and wants to homeschool him so he doesn’t end up gay and communist!
Policing chief calls for prosecutions over infected blood scandal!
Anti-depressants prescribed to millions have a hidden side effect worse than death!
New Zealand Bee Keeper ordered to destroy $2,000,000 worth of Bee Boxes because the Government says so!
AUSTRIA: Fed-up motorists run over eco-protesters, drag them off the street and leave them crying!
Farage: Sunak chose ‘suicide over obliteration’ by calling for July election!
Rwanda flights won’t take off before general election, says Sunak - Oops just lost a million votes!
Labour will make UK ‘magnet for every illegal immigrant in Europe’, says Sunak!
More than 100 MPs are standing down ahead of general election! (Rats leave sinking ships)
IRELAND: Cops beat and arrest anti-immigration protestors!
Barze Faesal was arrested after a woman in her 20s was stabbed multiple times outside primary school!
Serial killer, Steve Wright, charged with 24-year-old murder of Victoria Hall, 17!
'Pickpocket' targets woman in a clothes store TWICE before sneaking away after being noticed!
Biden will cancel more than $7 billion in student debt for 160,000 people! It's called buying votes!
Darling of the Never-Trumpers, Nikki Haley says she'll be voting for Trump!
'Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen.. one seeming lie after another... One of the most shocking demonstrations of bias by a judge!'
American voters prefer deporting illegal aliens over amnesty!
The mainstream media can never be trusted!
Democracy in Decay: The shadowy unelected figures who scuppered our country!
Paula Vennells blames Mike Young (former Post Office IT director) for Horizon computer system not being investigated in 2009!
JK Rowling warns politicians 'If you want women's votes, protect our rights!'

Wednesday 22 May

NHS/Govt covered up truth, documents deliberately destroyed! Over 30,000 UK residents infected with HIV/Hepatitis C!
Infected blood - The opinions of haematologist, Prof Arthur Bloom, influenced the DHSS 'disasterously!'
UK rejects International Court arrest warrant for Netanyahu! Sunak says, 'deeply unhelpful!'
France supports ICC arrest warrants for Israel leaders!
Infected blood! This scandal must be a catalyst for change!
Trauma of families devastated by the infected blood scandal will last for generations!
Blood scandal and Covid cover-up – spot the difference!
Horizon, maternity, infected blood – what other scandals await corrupt Britain?
Terrence Howard explains what COVID vaccines have done to us on Joe Rogan!
Teen told she had a 'boring' virus dies! Doctors faild to spot meningitis!
Ireland set to recognise state of Palestine!
"Ireland, Norway and Spain recognise the state of Palestine!"
Antony Blinken threatens the world with starvation if the UN admits Palestine as a member!
You can’t arrest Bibi, complains Dave Cameron, he’s my Jacuzzi buddy!
A neocon coup has captured the government! And ferociously pro-Israel Michael Gove is at its heart!
Ex-IDF soldier Sammy Ben and Prof Jonathan Yudelman intimidate and harass Muslim woman!
Netanyahu threatens the ICC's Chief Prosecutor, Karim Khan, saying he shuold be concerned about travelling!
Bullingdon boys, Boris and Dave, blast Labour over support for Netanyahu war crimes warrant!
SURGE in countries recognising Palestine state!
RAFAH: What Zion did today!
Zionist Jews have been milking America since the 1880s when Rothschild wanted a billion to create Israel?
New Zealand Bee Keeper ordered to destroy $2,000,000 worth of Bee Boxes because the Government says so!
Heritage President goes scorched earth on the Elites! Trump is coming after all of them!
WEF memo reveals Donald Trump is on a Globalist "hit list" as he is "impossible to control?"
Senator Menendez’s home found with over $480k cash, $150K of gold bars!
Louisiana officially bans WEF and WHO agenda – MEDIA SILENCE!
‘100% Digital!’ WEF orders governments to outlaw cash for ‘non-licensed individuals?’
World Bank signs treaty with Western nations to completely abolish farming?
Klaus Schwab transitions to background role as WEF agenda for control takes centre stage!
German Parliament vote to decriminalise possession of child pornography!
Mass migration responsible for at least 30% of rent spike in Britain!
Cops told to make fewer arrests because prisons are getting full!
Prison walls so crumbly inmates can dig through with plastic cutlery!
A cap on migrants is our only chance!
Woman, 31, dies after beating from bodybuilding boyfriend, Igor Porto!
Brazilian teen confesses to murdering parents and sister after they confiscated cell phone!
Son beat mum to death after she texted, 'please don't do drugs tonight!' Gen Z's love of Ketamine...
USA: Young white boy strangled by black bully! Hog filming it laughed!
MUGSHOT: County lines drug gang ‘queenpin,’ Saleha Saed, smirks! Nathan Si (latest boyfriend) took orders!
Gang 'took girls to restaurants and lined them up for sex!' Mubarak Ali gets another 12 years!
'Britain must end anti-White racism,' says US academic! Grooming gangs lay in wait!
Foreign Office HQ is where British interests go to die!
Andrew Feinstein shows Keir Starmer up for what he is!
FARAGE: Rishi Sunak doesn’t stand for a single thing!
Lee Anderson blasts 'super-size' families 'scrounging' benefits system! We 'pick up the tab!'
Families urged to stockpile 3 days of food and water! Power cuts, cyber attacks and floods on way?
Political posturing? Exhibits that 'foster diversity?' How the Chelsea Flower Show lost its way!
The towns being taken over by young Londoners! Pensioners pushed out!
Ben Habib: The whole British psyche is being eroded!
Britain is a bad place to be law-abiding and decent!
British bees ‘too scared to go out’ because of Asian hornet threat!
Did Robert Maxwell start the censorship of science?
Javier Milei, Argentinian President: “I did not come here to herd sheep but to awaken lions!”

Tuesday 21 May

The infected blood disaster was no accident, says inquiry Chairman!
The infected blood scandal exposes the toxic mendacity of our ruling class!
Infected blood scandal: Worst treatment disaster of NHS was covered up by government!
Police should look at charging people over infected blood scandal, says Tory Cabinet Minister!
NHS/Govt covered up truth, documents deliberately destroyed! Over 30,000 UK residents infected with HIV/Hepatitis C!
Ken Clarke must lose peerage over infected blood, say victims!
Ken Clarke's response to contaminated blood inquiry was arrogant, says Jacob Rees-Mogg!
My mum and dad died just days apart. I was just 9, says heartbroken daughter of blood scandal victim!
'The NHS seriously let her down!' Olympic legend Sharron Davies' mum was infected with contaminated blood!
'Families were patronised, belittled and even blamed for their illnesses during infected blood scandal!'
None of NHS scandals I've written about matches scale of tragedy/callous deceit of tainted blood affair!
FARAGE: 'Something is very rotten at the heart of the British state!'
MCCULLOUGH: “Autism was one in 10,000 when I was a kid. It’s now one in 36 (it)... appears to be associated with the expanding childhood vaccine schedule!”
Jimmy Dore: "I took the Moderna vaccine, I got vaccine injured, people told me to shut up... We were being lied to about everything!"
Mike Yeadon, ex-top scientist at Pfizer: 'Anything with mRNA written on it is designed to be harmful, and no exceptions!'
My three years of hell, by first vaccine victim to win compensation!
Rep. Elise Stefanik speaks in the Knesset and demands the US supports Israel "without conditions!"
Amal Clooney advised ICC prosecutor who seeks arrest of Israel and Hamas leaders!
Labour backs ICC efforts to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes! (Wow - Labour doing something right?)
Government lawyers blocked plans to make climate protesters pay for damage!
Macron’s headlong plunge into mayhem!
Integrate but don’t assimilate – how Muslims follow orders!
Biden condemns ‘outrageous’ attempt to seek arrest warrant for Netanyahu!
Zionist, Michael Gove, says we are 'descending into darkness' following rise in antisemitism!
GOVE: "Anti-Semitism is ‘canary in the coal mine’ as UK risks ‘descending into darkness!’
Another win against the trans lobby shows why Starmer’s gender plans are all wrong!
Labour Party's proposal to simplify changing gender would make transitioning as easy as getting a prescription!
We now have proof that mass migration is making Brits poorer!
HARLOW: Tieran Carmody murdered Max Richardson after Max confronted him for scaring his kids!
E-bike i-jackers! How gangs of muggers are terrorising the streets of London!
Stabbed London cop rages: 'How many more kids have to die before something is done?'
Finn Henry battered his mum to death while high on drugs! Gets just 7.5 years!
Kate Roughley strapped baby Genevieve to a bean bag and left her to die!
Anthony Stocks threw 10-year-old boy off a cliff after kid tried to stop him raping underage sister!
Cheating in GCSE and A-Level exams rises nearly a fifth!
‘Ofcom just wanted a more left-wing programme!’ Rees-Mogg in row with Michael Crick over GB News ruling!
The SNP poisoned the well of political discourse in Scotland!
Biden is denying reality – he’s losing this election!
If anyone should be paying slavery reparations, it’s West Africa!

Monday 20 May

Ken Clarke misled the public over infected blood risks, report finds!
Ken Clarke criticised as "combative" and "misleading" in blood inquiry report!
Infected blood scandal inquiry: Key findings!
Infected blood scandal covered up after victims exposed to risks - inquiry
Hospital removes bust of Prof Arthur Bloom because of links to blood scandal!
The infected blood scandal destroyed my family!
Doctor broke own rules to give contaminated blood product to baby!
Justice long overdue for blood scandal victims!
Experiments on children using infected blood likened to actions of Nazi doctors!
Factor VIII was advertised as a wonder drug!
The UK Government has quietly confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing children at an unprecedented rate!
US military originated mRNA vaccines? DARPA invested in gene-encoded vaccines since 2012!
Dr. Martin: "Biological warfare... That is what it feels like and that's exactly what it is!"
Miles Guo: COVID-19 vaccines - 16 October 2022!
Carry on regardless – AZ keeps pushing dodgy vaccines!
Del Bigtree interviews Senator Ron Johnson: The (vaccine) dam is breaking!
'After 2 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine they found... 'one serious adverse event in every 34.76 people!'
'Heartbroken' father sues NHS to stop autistic son's sex change!
Time for a radical overhaul of the health service’s management class!
The Tories should go to war on net zero excess!
Dutch farmers force heat pumps about-turn!
South West Water company wrongly told households they could stop boiling water after parasite outbreak!
Businesses and universities are getting rich by loading costs onto the rest of us!
KarimKhan, QC, of the ICC, says Netanyahu and Gallant are war criminals who must be arrested!
Top Gun at Criminal Court seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israel's Defence Minister!
GAZA: On 21.12.23, Sgt Dvash Shuli wrote 'may your village burn' and took pictures before homes she set on fire!
US explores easing sanctions on Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler!
GAZA: Born into a life of hell with no escape!
Israel must define its endgame before it’s too late!
Christians 'repeatedly assaulted' in Jerusalem! "We have Biblical commands to stand with Israel, support them!"
Rabbi Stephen Weiss caught sexting with what he thought was a 15 year old boy!
"Jews DO run the media!"
‘Martyred!’ Iranian media declare Raisi Dead! ‘No sign’ of life at helicopter crash site!
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and foreign minister killed in helicopter crash!
"There's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon!" This aired once after 911 and then never again!
Lee Anderson: "Schools are more interested in dragging Drag Queens into school... than real teachers!"
The problem with civil servants wearing rainbow lanyards - Mandarins have to be neutral!
Labour Party plans to simplify legal process to change gender!
Nicola Sturgeon: I was part of the problem on trans issues!
Dr Michael Banner (efended sermon saying Jesus was a trannie) says UK owes West Indies £205bn in reparations!
I'm single, childless and alone - feminism has failed me and my generation!
Archbishop Justin Welby is another privileged celebrity out of touch and out of order!
Judgment day for Julian Assange!
Up to 23,000 criminals could dodge jail under Government proposal to axe short prison sentences!
Nightmare ingredients of the Impossible Burger!
Immigration, Islam and the deliberate crashing of the welfare system!
Will the real Joe Biden please stand up?

Sunday 19 May

What Hamas has offered Israel since 7 October 2024 - Western MSM is lying to you!
BERLIN - March for Palestine!
Netanyahu admin in chaos after Cabinet member threatens to quit! Pressure mounts over bombardment of Gaza!
Jewish Rabbi compares 'white supremacists' (white people) with the Jews' eternal enemy, Amalek!
4 US Jews arrested for paedophila!
FLORIDA: Rabbi sexually assaults 11 year old girl! NO JAIL!
Senior Palestinian Judge: "Russia is a very close friend of the Palestinian people!"
Russia accuses US of ‘playing with fire’ in Ukraine, warns of proxy war!
EU bans more Russian media outlets over ‘disinformation!’ (Truth it doesn't want told?)
Del Bigtree interviews Senator Ron Johnson: The dam is breaking!
The damage lockdown did to our democracy is finally becoming clear!
June 2022: "When the government told us that the vaccinated couldn't get (COVID)... they were either guessing, lying or hoping!"
Dr. Deborah Birx: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection... We overplayed the vaccines!"
BRIDGEN: 'The narrative isn't just crumbling, it's coming apart in huge slabs... A 'conspiracy theory'?
Former Director of the CDC admits Covid shots cause ‘significant side effects in young people!
McCullough: "With all the injections, many people are loaded with the Wuhan spike protein... Heart damage, brain damage, blood clots!"
VACCINE? Bank of America trader, 25, dies suddenly ‘of a cardiac arrest!’
Tony Blair, 2021: "If you are vaccinated, the evidence is absolutely clear, it reduces the risk of transmission... hospitalisation or death!"
Bees burned alive for not good reason! If THEY are at war with our farmers, THEY are at war with us!
Whistleblower ‘forced out’ of Whitehall over gender beliefs! (Eleanor Frances dared to stand up for women)
National Trust uses ‘anti-white’ rhetoric, claims Kemi Badenoch!
TV sports presenter 'is arrested on suspicion of raping a child!
Trannie booed crossing 400m finish line, winning a place in Oregon state championships!
Lee Anderson: "Schools are more interested in dragging Drag Queens into school... than real teachers!"
'Virtue signalling!' National Trust branded 'patronising' after changing ‘ethnic minority’ to ‘global majority!’
'Rape dungeon on wheels' (Cage, condoms and kids' toys) where 'serial rapist illegal migrant abused victims!'
‘I fought the blob after a cyclist killed my wife!’
JENRICK: Britain must unashamedly put British interests first!
CLEVERLY: Labour would need a deal with the Taliban to make their migration ‘plan’ work!
Remainers are incapable of admitting the truth about the EU, and Europe’s shift Right!
The police are compromised worldwide!
Sadiq Khan says Trump is homophobic, racist and sexist!
Michael Hayes: "I masterminded the plot to blow up Lord Mountbatten!"
Officials storm Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday party, indict him in front of startled guests!
Will the real Joe Biden please stand up?
Scottie Scheffler told fellow inmates it was 'BULLS***' that he was in jail!
Oleksandr Usyk rushed to hospital! Tyson Fury claims he broke the Ukrainian's jaw!

Saturday 18 May

NEIL OLIVER: 'Parliament is rotten! Judiciary, civil service, media, all rotten. The whole damn system, the whole damn state, is rotten!'
An Army of US veterans is gathering, prepared to do whatever is necessary to uphold the Constitution!
Gordon Brown says 'Boris was right! The WHO treaty makes the world safer!' (The Global Few stick togther, don't they?)
Australian beekeeper says govt is exterminating BEES! 'They come here with petrol, they’re pouring it into our hives!'
New Zealand Government is forcing people to burn their bee boxes!
One brave gentleman points out who is in charge of America's CDC!
We now know the likely truth about COVID, and how scientists lied!
Remember when Leo Varadkar said: "I'd have no hesitation in recommending the AstraZeneca vaccine?"
Dr. McCullough on Bird Flu: 'They are doing mass PCR testing... creating this artificial crisis... then mass culling!'
BRIDGEN: 'The narrative isn't just crumbling, it's coming apart in huge slabs.... A 'conspiracy theory'?
Pull down Covid-era signs, scientists tell Government!
NHS must end culture of secrecy, says Health Secretary!
‘I’ve never had a stomach bug like it’: The Devon town crippled by contaminated water!
The NHS is killing us – and gradually bankrupting the nation while it does so!
28,665 older Britons died in just one year (22-23) waiting for social care!
Sewage pipes could burst again because water companies say it is 'not cost beneficial' to upgrade!
GAZA: Killer of 25 children says, 'show me your titties and I won't kill any more!'
Member of Knesset, Nissim Vatur, says he personally stopped aid trucks headed to Gaza with his car!
In America, Israel gets a free pass!
GAZA: Execution of unarmed civilians minding their own business!
Blocking aid convoys? These people don't view Palestinians as human beings!
Jewish tourist tore down a pro-Palestinian mural in India - Gets into argument!
GAZA: 'None of this would be happening without the Torah, the Talmud and the Zohar!'
Rabbi, 65, denies two counts of sexual assault against the same woman!
Jeffrey Epstein's 'little black book' containing names of 349 of paedo's associates put up for auction!
Out of the slaughterhouse, into the ‘meatgrinder’ for Ukraine’s recruits!
"We have moved fast into a world crisis that leads to war?"
Putin says we're led by Satanic paedos! Our kids are taught, 'women are men and men are women!'
Scottish Greens kick out members who say 'sex is a biological reality' in gender ideology purge!
Lauren Chen blasts US teachers ‘inserting pornography’ into lessons!
FRANCE: Moment armed gunmen ambush prison van and free convicted drug trafficker, Mohamed Amra!
HARLOW: Dope-smoking savage, Tieran Carmody, stabbed Max Richardson with a foot-long machete!
Knife-wielding female savage arrested by cops armed with Tasers on London street!
Brazilian pickup truck driver plows into gun-toting biker attempting to mug nurse!
Sainsbury's staff beat up suspected shoplifter as he screams 'Allahu Akbar!' (OK by me!)
Car-jacked driver fends off thieves with wooden pole from his neighbour's house!
Majority of British public believes migration leads to more crime!
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs brutally beat then girlfriend Cassie Ventura in 2016!
Europe’s Right-wing revolt has begun – only Britain will miss out!
Populists barred from participating in EU Parliament election debate!
Look who the cops are recruiting in Ireland - Hey, Migrant! Come police those who protest against you!
Whatever the great traitor, Tony Blair, says we must do, do the opposite!
Trump tweet: 'Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton say they will leave the USA if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024! What's your reaction?'
Madame Macron is so frustrated with her incompetent husband that she's trying to take the reins?
BBC sparks fresh impartiality row after boss blasts 'echo chamber' Britons! 'Can't be trusted anymore!'

Friday 17 May

Israeli soldier admits he beheaded a Palestinian baby! (And killed 12 others)
Professor Jeffrey Sachs on campus protests, Israel and Netanyahu!
Israel's National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, hosts a rally calling for Israeli settlements in Gaza!
America and Israel in the process of stealing Palestine's oil and gas fields!
Israeli activists block Gaza aid convoy and pour out sugar!
What did ICJ ruling mean in South Africa's genocide case against Israel?
Israeli troops continue posting abuse footage despite pledge to act!
Israeli tank fire kills five soldiers in north Gaza!
UN says Israeli tank attack killed staff member in Gaza!
Palestinian envoy to UN: Israel plans to destroy and displace!
French police kill man trying to 'burn synagogue!'
Ukraine’s army largely destroyed as the ‘forever war’ goes on!
Ukraine's defence lines stretched as Russian troops advance!
Zelensky says 'it is the world's fault' that Putin has advanced on Kharkiv!
AstraZeneca Covid vaccine death linked to GP surgery error!
Widow sues AstraZeneca after husband's Covid-19 vaccine death!
Geert Vanden Bossche and a 'tsunami' of illness and death! "No immune response left in the vaccinated!"
Vaughan Gething sacks minister accused of leak suggesting he misled COVID inquiry!
The NIH just ADMITTED to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan through EcoHealth Alliance!
NEVER FORGIVE, NEVER FORGET! Go get jabbed, plebs!
"Do not take any NHS injection!"
Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty!
NHS demanded fingerprints from staff as it hunted whistleblower!
Susan Davy, boss of South West Water, says she's 'truly sorry' for outbreak of illness in Devon!
The climate scaremongers: EVs and heat pumps will crash the electricity system!
Yesterday, German politician Martin Neumaier, a liberal, (FDP) filmed himself licking railway station's toilets!
Today this photo emerged of Mr. Neumaier!
Stonewall’s guidance on trannies has faced intense scrutiny after last month’s damning Cass Review!
Gillian Keegan changes trannie stance and agrees men can sometimes become women! (Tories, eh?)
Trannie caught with 3 vulnerable kids locked in his house when cops broke down his door spared jail!
Thug accused of stabbing Charlie Cosser, 17, to death at end-of-term party told pal to 'get the shank!'
Jealous wife gets 5 years for slicing off husband's penis and flushing it down the toilet!
Jeffrey Epstein's 'little black book' containing names of 349 of paedo's associates put up for auction!
Brazilian pickup truck driver plows into gun-toting biker attempting to mug nurse!
Knife-wielding female savage arrested by cops armed with Tasers on London street!
Daniel Perry: Texas pardons US soldier who shot Black Lives Matter protester!
The mass numbers of illegal migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers?
Populist Europe rises! Netherlands to create ‘strictest migration system ever!’
People smugglers kill again! 4 migrants dead!
Oh, what a desperate state we’re in!
How we let the state gain absolute control!
Is Joe Biden even aware of the catastrophic damage he has done?
Trump defence traps Michael Cohen on witness stand!
Michael Cohen admits hating Donald Trump and lying under oath!
Keir Starmer’s plan for government is vanishing before the voters’ eyes!
When every word uttered can be deemed offensive, small talk is doomed

Thursday 16 May

PALESTINE! What would you do? (Since 1948)
Israeli soldier admits he beheaded a Palestinian baby! (And killed 12 others)
Chef Rubio says no one in Italy is allowed to condemn the Gaza genocide - Gets beaten up outside his home by Zionists!
GAZA! What the self-chosen actually do - All the time!
Slovakian Prime Minister 'will survive!' Robert Fico's surgery has gone 'well!'
Writer, poet and anti-violence movement founder (LEFTIE), Juraj Cintula, shot Slovakian PM, Robert Fico!
Slovakia's PM says he'll he'd investigate his government's COVID response? Then he gets shot?
Fico says the WHO Pandemic Treaty is "nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies?" Then he gets shot?
Mark Zuckerberg wasn't sold on the mRNA vaccine but continued to censor the truth!
NEVERFORGIVE, NEVER FORGET! Go get jabbed, plebs!
Celebrity doctors being paid to promote vaccines is against the law?
Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, do not get sick!"
VACCINES: Dr. Tina Peers spoke out! "They didn't ever do any fertility studies in animals!"
Stuck in the Covid Dark Ages!
NHS bosses destroy careers of whistleblowers who stand up to protect patients’ lives!
Infected blood scandal ‘could lead to people losing honours!’
Britons issued urgent warning to boil tap water as hundreds become ill - 'Do not drink it!'
School meal deals ‘push unhealthy food on pupils’
MAX IGAN: The truth that nobody wants to hear!
This solar panel con will destroy our farms!
One lifetime, three different climates! (Allegedly)
Teachers banned from telling schoolchildren they would be happier as trannies!
Brexit betrayal: David Cameron set to sell Gibraltar out in EU 'capitulation!'
Democracy in Decay: Say No to the lot of them!
Sascha Bailey blasts ‘gender ideology cult’ after almost undergoing transition!
Yesterday, German politician Martin Neumaier, a liberal, (FDP) filmed himself licking railway station's toilets!
Today this photo emerged of Mr. Neumaier!
White Replacement is no longer a theory!
Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence?
FARAGE: Many of our universities, have become absolutely drunk on foreign money!
ALGERIA: Vanished man discovered ALIVE in a hole after being held captive by his neighbour for 27 YEARS!
Criminals must face consequences for fly-tipping!
Trump and the trial without a crime!

Wednesday 15 May

Yuval Noah Harari: 'We are, basically, learning how to produce bodies and minds... If you're not part of the revolution fast enough, then you probably become extinct... What to do with them when they are, basically, meaningless, worthless?'
Men of fighting age crossing channel in boats? Deliberate government policy? Here to fight for WHO/WEF/NWO if we rebel?
'Islam is not compatible with British values and Sadiq Khan's diversity crusade will fail!'
The Civil Service is trying to cover up the true scale of migrant crime!
Disturbing silence that surrounds knife murder of a loving grandmother in Sadiq Khan's lawless London!
Bev Turner pinpoints police ‘failure’ in Valdo Calocane case!
FRANCE: Masked gunmen ambush free 'narco boss' and shoot dead two prison guards!
Woman caught in the crossfire of 'drive-by shooting between two cars' in north London!
Cops and social services missed 'critical opportunities' to save life of little Arthur before he was killed!
NORFOLK: Female Romanian gang stole £30,000 of beauty products from high street in one month!
COMMONS: Ceding British sovereignty to the WHO debate - No Labour backbencher turned up! (via Bridgen)
OLIVER STONE: "John Kennedy was very much opposed to Israel getting the bomb... Kennedy was killed. Lyndon Johnson signed off and let the Israelis do what they want... Johson was secretly abetting Israel... They haven't helped us one iota in the Middle East!"
PALESTINE - Child dying?
Humanitarian aid for starving and injured people in Gaza has been destroyed by Israelis!
How Zion trains and encourages its children!
Israeli activists block Gaza aid convoy and destroy sugar supply!
"Jews are unsafe because of Israel... Free Palestine!"
"Rivka was 3 years old. Yitzhak waited 3 years before he consummated the marriage." Things were different then, Rabbi?
Woman injured by AstraZeneca COVID vaccine during clinical trial sues for breach of contract!
COVID vaccines may cause thyroid-related autoimmune diseases!
Ex-CDC Director warns gain-of-function research on bird flu could spark ‘great pandemic!’
FDA says it’s preparing for a bird flu pandemic — Could kill 1 In 4 Americans?
What are they doing to our skies? Part One
Millions of litres of raw sewage illegally pumped into Lake Windermere!
Plan to ban sex education for children under nine! (HOORAY)
Unrepentant Bank of England refuses to learn from its failures!
Smartphones are 'causing irreparable damage to childhood,' says MP, Miriam Cates!
Magistrate Robert Gonouya can continue dispensing fines/penalty points to bad drivers after fine for speeding!
RFK Jr. and Super PAC sue Facebook over censorship, election interference!
Lazy councils are plumbing new depths of entitlement!
Britain is paying the price for surrender to the EU!
Antony Blinken sings/plays guitar in a Kiev bar to celebrate giving $61billion+ in aid to Ukraine!
NHS pays obese men £400 to lose weight in ‘Game of Stones!’
The pornographic awfulness of Eurovision!
Doctor Who branded 'woke' and 'unwatchable' as TV ratings plummet following return to screens!

Tuesday 14 May

"Bill Gates is backing the first high-altitude experiment of a radical climate change solution, creating a massive chemical cloud that could cool the Earth... It comes with significant risks!"
Men of fighting age crossing channel in boats? Deliberate government policy? Here to fight for WHO/WEF/NWO if we rebel?
Efforts to dim Sun and cool Earth must be blocked, say scientists!
Farage joins campaign to reform the WHO and stop 'terrifying' pandemic treaty!
Vaccine trial patient files first US lawsuit against AstraZeneca!
Bill Gates predicts $2 vaccines for every disease!
Thumb-sucking paedo who identifiesas little girl jailed after police found secret phones!
Gender ideology to be taught as 'contested belief' in schools rather than a fact!
Doctor Who branded 'woke' and 'unwatchable' as TV ratings plummet following return to screens!
Jewish Settlers attack an aid truck, destroying bags of wheat flour meant for the starving population of Gaza!
Israeli settlers set fire to trucks carrying humanitarian AID to Gaza!
Israeli activists block Gaza aid convoy and pour out sugar!
"Jews are unsafe because of Israel... Free Palestine!"
Farage tells Julia Hartley-Brewer the UK must be prepared to leave the WHO over pandemic treaty!
Is this why TalkTV is so aggressively pro-Israel?
Zionist groupie, Senator Lindsey Graham - Epitome of all evil!
Billy Graham with Richard Nixon: "Synagogue of Satan... stranglehold has to be broken or this country is going to go down the drain!"
Who killed John F. Kennedy, and why?
WEINSTEIN: "He was a legendary pig for decades!"
1983 - Paul Newman on truth having no importance for the USA inc. (Israel v Russia)
Florida Imam calls for annihilation of all Jews!
Border town’s criminal prosecutions explode by 5,000% on Biden’s watch!
More than half of immigrants in USA are unemployed!
Immigration is driving housing costs through the roof!
3,000 Muslims took to the streets of Hamburg today calling for German law to be replaced by Sharia Law!
Ireland’s pro-migration elites are destroying their country!
NEW YORK: Shaquan Cummings arrested after 'slashing a girl, 11, in the head with a box cutter!'
LONDON: Man stabbed with a huge machete in shocking broad daylight brawl!
MANCHESTER: Saadaoui brothers and Amar Hussein charged with terrorist offences!
Why was Charlie Cosser stabbed to death at party by another teen? Protecting a girl he asked a creep to leave!
Civil service 'diversity' jobs are superficial, patronising and a waste of taxpayers’ money!
China furious at arrest of ‘UK spies!’
Biden's fear of alienating the radical left kept him from demonstrating any sense of leadership!

Monday 13 May

Lord Walney (Ex-MP, John Woodcock) report recommends banning 'extreme protest groups!' (i.e. Palestine Action) Walney was once Chair of 'Labour Friends of Israel!'
Dutch MEP, Rob Roos: "The people think that is a government organization, but it's not. It's... funded 80% with private money... With this WHO Pandemic Treaty... THEY circumvent our democracies because the W.H.O. has then the right to declare the pandemic!"
FARAGE: We must stop the pandemic treaty and take back control from the WHO!
Six Australian doctors suspended for defending their patients and profession during COVID-19!
Injured and ignored: Long list of vaccine victims that shames the government!
Bahrain central bank Governor, Khalid Humaidan: "The transition to fully digital is not going to be a stretch!"
The great carbon capture con-trick!
We are actually at war with Russia right now? THEY just haven't told us!
Putin sacks Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu!
1983 - Paul Newman on truth having no importance for the USA inc. (Israel v Russia)
The children of Gaza!
GAZA: "What would you like me to give you?" She replies: "My father."
Israel is a terrorist state!
Child cries under the rubble in Gaza... A child is saved!
David Cameron says UK won’t stop arming Israel!
Rabbi says, "Anybody who thinks heaven is a better place than earth, is a potential terrorist!"
3 defendants in Lev Tahor cult abduction case convicted in NY of 2018 kidnapping!
US Attorney, Damian Williams, on convictions of 3 Lev Tahor leaders of child exploitation, kidnapping!
1983 - Paul Newman on truth having no importance for the USA inc. (Israel v Russia)
3,000 Muslims took to the streets of Hamburg today calling for German law to be replaced by Sharia Law!
‘THUNDERHEAD’: $8-million national monument to queer crowd commemorated by Trudeau Liberals!
HOUSTON: Black trannie accused of running over victim before kissing, stabbing body!
Woke Fail: Irish Eurovision voters award Israel second-most points!
‘The Queers Are Coming,’ declares Ireland’s they/them ‘witch’ Eurovision singer, Bambie Thug!
Lib Dems ‘broke equality laws’ over deselection of Christian candidate!
League tables of migrant nationalities with highest crime rates opposed by civil servants!
Blame Democratic dysfunction on big cities!
NEW YORK: Shaquan Cummings arrested after 'slashing a girl, 11, in the head with a box cutter!'
NEW YORK: Savage attacks actor Rick Moranis!
NEW YORK: Savage attacks actor Steve Buscemi!
EUSTON: Man and woman punched to the ground and stamped on in suspected mugging!
British Asian communities targeted in spate of gold robberies!
Teenager who stabbed Emma Lovell to death during violent burglary in Australia gets just 14 years!
Goodbye Swiss Army Knife, hello machetes and Samurai swords!
‘Millions of pounds wasted sending police officers to court who rarely give evidence!’
Mass migration erodes trust! UK’s generosity can't be exploited by those who take far more... than they’re willing to put in!
The harrowing reality of giving birth in NHS hospitals!
Bad Penny’s taboo topics for MPs – you’ll never guess what they are!
Bill Maher trashes Stormy Daniels testimony!
Angela Rayner set to be interviewed under caution amid council tax investigation!
We can be just as predatory as men! 'Women aren’t all coy little maidens falling prey to masculine lust!'

Sunday 12 May

Ex-MP John Woodcock's report wants 'extreme protest groups' (Palestine Action) banned! He used to be Chair of 'Labour Friends of Israel!'
GAZA: Hostages Nadav Popplewell and Judy Feinstein killed by 'Zionist fighter jets... over a month ago!'
Trump supports genocide! ‘I support Israel’s right to win its war in terror!’ Damn you, Donald!
Eurovision: Ten thousand protest in Malmö against Israeli participation!
Eurovision: Golan, Israel's contestant, secured 375 votes from 'the public', trailing only Croatia! (337)
Eurovision met with disgruntled reactions from BBC viewers and others across continent following finale!
Eurovision has become politicised nonsense, says Nana Akua!
Switzerland’s ‘non-binary’ rapper Nemo wins Eurovision Song Contest!
JK Rowling accused of cruelty for comparing trannie football manager to a 'straight, white, middle-aged bloke!'
The West’s multi-racial societies cannot survive woke doctrines being promoted on campuses!
France has learnt nothing from UK’s trans errors, feminists warn!
‘THUNDERHEAD’: $8-million national monument to queer crowd commemorated by Trudeau Liberals!
The devolution disaster! Grotesque levels of corruption, pygmy politicians, obsession with woke dogma!
Labour’s woeful record in Wales should serve as a warning!
Netflix under fire as fully erect penis breaks last TV taboo!
EASTER SERMON! Catholic priest says Christ had an erection when he died on the cross!
Why the C of E cries out for Direct Democracy!
We Are Destroying Humanity! Mercury fillings, autism, oral polio, forceps delivery, infertility, measles...
Germ theory of disease is a tool of pseudoscience, Pasteur was a fraud!
Six Australian doctors suspended for defendingtgheir patients and profession during COVID-19!
Babies are dying: Stop the Shots!
Our shallow political elites have given up on democracy altogether!
Voters give their verdict on Starmer's immigration plan and it's DAMNING for Sunak!
HAARP: The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program destroying our weather!
GEORGIA: Rodriguez children, Arianny, Carlos and Chadal, murdered by mum's ex, Jose Plasenci!
BURNT OAK: Grandma, Anita Mukhey, 66, stabbed to death by a mugger when she refued to give up her handbag!
Fired for 'sending 30,000 creepy texts to a young girl,' teacher (still working) says 'you can't f****** touch me!'
Woman badly injured by cyclist at same spot in London where pensioner was killed!
Bank of England admits mass migration is driving up cost of housing in Britain!
Donald Trump leads Joe Biden among independents!

Saturday 11 May

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab etc. use climate change, pandemic and war to enforce total control via the UN and WEF!
NEIL OLIVER: 'The next global emergency is hurtling towards us!'
Open border agenda is a deliberate attempt by the UN, CCP and elite politicians, to undermine western identity!
The Left’s support for open borders is a betrayal of Britain – and its own voters!
Israel just bombed the HQ of an internet company in Rafah - This is how they silence the media!
Hillary Clinton: 'Young anti-Israel protesters ‘don’t know very much!’
Left-wing trannie advocates spent a decade ‘trying to shut women up,’ says UK Health Minister!
US says Israel´s use of US arms is likely to be a violation of international law? MADHOUSE!
Ukraine seriously risk losing war to Russia, says former UK Commander! (Hey, warmongers! Imagine our shock)
In the silent war down in the black abyss, Russia is now stronger than the US Navy!
Adam Gadahn and Joseph Cohen, 'American Al Qaeda!' Both of these 'Muslim' terrorists were/are Jewish...
DAN ANDREWS - Back then: 'Very proudly, across our state, we have championed AstraZeneca vaccine... It is safe. It is effective!'
Dominic Cummings isn’t Britain’s saviour. He’s the reason we’re in this mess!
Big Pharma Executive: 'Virology and vaccinology are... fake sciences... Faked for... reasons of systematic poisoning!'
Ex-CDC Director Redfield says main threat of Bird Flu stems from gain of function research conducted in US labs!
Masks on for the cameras! Masks off when the slack-jawed yokels aren't watching!
UK Geoengineering Update! 'Many people who have been smeared and called a conspiracy theorist WILL be vindicated!'
Green extremists try to destroy one of 4 remaining Magna Carta documents!
Avoiding sunlight can double one’s risk of dying prematurely and INCREASES the risk cancer!
CCTV footage shows course of events before 'shocking attack' on 87-year-old by mixed-race career criminal!
LONDON: Thief tries to steal old lady's handbag. She resists. He stabs her 3 times. She dies! (Thanks politicians)
High Wycombe: Armed police officer shot with a crossbow while attending stabbing!
Work your whole life, pay taxes and get worse healthcare than criminals, illegals and welfare layabouts!
Grandmother, 92, bled to death after nurses failed to pass on worried relatives' concerns to doctors!
Nearly half of all cancer cases are linked to obesity?
BBC journalists fear being branded racist for covering negatives of immigration!
‘Anglo-Saxon’ isn’t racist. It’s a source of English pride!
2020 election recount, Fulton County: 3,000 ballots scanned twice, 380,761 ballot images 'not available!'
Hillary Clinton, the lies, the cover ups and the classified emails!
One chart shows why so many people hate the Biden economy!
POLL: Have young Britons been indoctrinated to believe patriotism is a bad thing?

Friday 10 May

Professor Roy Casagrande: 'The majority of Palestinians are of Jewish descent and are ethnically more Jewish than the European and American Jews who went and created Israel. So every time a Palestinian is murdered by an Israeli, a persona who is more Jewish is killed by a person who's less Jewish... It's embittering how ironic it is!'
Israel's Eurovision star booed but struggles through to final despite abuse!
Netanyahu says Biden is making a huge mistake delaying a shipment of bombs to his country!
Eurovision Israel star Eden Golan 'urged stay in hotel' amid huge protest outside!
BOOM! ‘Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History,’ Warns Top Doctor!
Prof. Stefan Homburg explains why there was no pandemic starting in 2020!
Jessica Sutta - From Pussycat Doll to vocal advocate for the vaccine injured!
Prosecuting Pfizer for failing to abide by Australia's genetically modified organism regulations!
Rees-Mogg 'firmly believe(s) the rollout of the vaccine was the right decision!' (Because you're a c***, Jake)
UK Govt's deal with AstraZeneca means YOU will pay compensation to those injured by its vaccine!
#ITVGate has uncovered a massive pyramid of payments from Astrazeneca and Pfizer to doctors in the UK!
The WHO’s naive global vaccine plan won’t withstand contact with reality!
In the 1960s, US govt bioweapon labs began injecting ticks with disease. Now, Lyme disease is endemic! (Thanks Uncle Sam)
MAX IGAN: Depopulation by unconventional warfare!
Woke-a-bye baby – how to rear an eco-warrior!
The climate scaremongers: Net Zero and the shocking naivety of our Energy Secretary!
Reducing immigration now more important to Europeans than climate change!
The Navy is turning away people who are ready and willing to fight for Britain!
It’s no surprise that a generation of mummy’s boys won’t leave home!
Gen Z has lost the ability to manage basic adulthood!
The ‘nice guy’ LGBT campaigner who became leader of Eunuch Maker cult!
BURNT OAK: Woman stabbed to death in busy London street!
Burnt Oak: Woman in her 60s stabbed to death by thief who 'tried to steal her bag' as she waited for a bus!
Wolverhampton: 12-year-old boy accused of stabbing a man to death with a machete was seen with blood on his hand!
Global War? Head of Britain's armed forces warns 'the world is becoming much more dangerous!'
Australian Government threatens Gab with $500,000 fine for refusing to censor video!
GODFREY BLOOM: "All banks are insolvent... It's a matter of fact... They're going down once a month in America!"
Furious Tory voters now want to destroy the party that betrayed Britain!
Politicians – The Enemy of the People!
Dominic Cummings wants to replace Tories with an 'anti-establishment' party? (Bill Gates no. 1 fan is a rebel?)
If it's fiction, you side with the resistance. If it's actually happening to YOU, you dare not resist!
Britain is forgetting what it means to be a free country!
Almost one in five teenagers accessing suicide and self-harm content regularly use smartphones!

Thursday 9 May

COVID - Thrice jabbed media darling, Isabel Oakeshot, now regretful and condemns 'bullies' who forced it on us!
VACCINES/CLOTS - Funeral Director, John O’Looney, 'I've been shouting about it for years. I won't say I told you so!'
COVID COLLATERAL! This balanced, powerful account of covid censorship must go mainstream!
AstraZeneca vaccine is binned - How the early warnings were ridiculed!
CLIMATE CHANGE? The BBC's unholy role in ' stamping out free scientific discourse!'
'For Israel, the endgame has always been ethnic cleansing, a comprehensive erasure of the native population!'
BIDEN: "We're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells... Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs!"
NEW YORK: Wearing 'I'm an IDF soldier' sign, Miss Israel branded a 'war criminal' and threatened with a knife!
RAFAH: Boy and decapitated dad! If he hates Jews/Israel/USA/UK for the rest of his life, who would be surprised?
Protecting Israel is Washington’s Number 1 job! White House and Congress rally round Star of David flag!
The ADL continues to press for censorship of views critical of Israel or Jewish power!
Ritual sacrifice?
Ukraine arrests two colonels over alleged assassination plot against Zelensky!
Democracy in Decay: Twilight of the Tories!
Eating ultra-processed meat linked to greater risk of early death!
Uniparty Britain! Tory MP Natalie Elphicke defects to Labour!
Lee Anderson: "Natalie masqueraded as a centre-right Conservative whilst tring to climb the greasy pole!"
Illegal immigration is costing UK taxpayer £14 billion a year, says Andrea Jenkyns, MP!
A nightmare of sectarian division! Mass immigration elites have abused our openness!
POLL OF THE DAY: Is immigration good for Britain?
Families of Nottingham attack victims losing ‘trust and faith’ in justice system!
Dine-and-dash McDonaghs admit stealing more than £1,000 across five restaurants!
Prison governors estimate 1,000 criminals released early!
Why are police not doing their jobs and tackling burglaries?
Lady McAlpine: Why should we pay for the socialist bias rubbish spouted by the BBC?
DERSHOWITZ: Trump’s trial is a stupendous legal catastrophe!
11 Republican heroes stood up against the swamp!
Addiction to debt has left the global economy one shock away from disaster!
China is an enemy of the UK. Why not admit it?
After WW2, the government dropped an atom bomb close to 20,000 British soldiers just to see what would happen!

Wednesday 8 May

ANDREA JENKYNS: "My debate on the 'true cost of illegal migration!' Shocking to see only 4 MPs turn up for this vital issue. The silent seats scream MPs' fear of being labelled racist. Time to... put Britons first!"
Illegal migrants cost the taxpayer £14 billion every year!
JENRICK: Betrayed voters deserve action now on the mass migration scandal!
Asylum seekers are paying thousands of euros to enter Ireland via cruise ships from the UK!
It's 'NOT racist to air concerns' about migration, BBC journalists are told!
German politician prosecuted for criticising gang rapes by migrants!
Political Islam is here in Britain and it looks like it's here to stay!
Am I an Islamophobe? Yes, for these reasons!
Mohammed most popular baby boy name in Berlin and Hamburg!
'Britain needs people to represent working class heroes - Our governing classes treat us like peasants!'
‘Eurosceptic parties are on the rise – Even European voters want less Europe!’
Trudeau's Canada to imprison anyone who has EVER posted ‘Hate Speech’ online!
Big Pharma knowingly sold blood products infected with HIV and Hepatitis C!
Japan to ban mRNA as turbo cancers among vaxxed skyrocket!
BRIDGEN: 'Between 10 and 20 million people... have been killed by these experimental vaccines!'
Official study confirms COVID vaccines cause psychosis!
Scientists create Coronavirus vaccine for viruses that don’t exist yet!
AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine worldwide!
Netanyahu denies putting power first, but his actions say otherwise!
"The international community has given the greenest of green lights to the Israeli army to do what it wants!"
Anti-Israel protesters gather outside Washington home of GWU President, Ellen Granberg!
US halts bomb shipment to Israel over Rafah concerns? (Over student protest concerns, more like)
US pressures Israel to accept ceasefire deal!
Labour's newly elected West Midlands mayor calls for arms embargo on Israel!
Palestine protesters disrupt memorial ceremony at Auschwitz!
Netanyahu, 1980s: "We own the Senate, Congress and we have a strong Jewish lobby... America won't force us into anything!"
Manipulating the weather since 1915?
Breastfeeding charity bans trustees for refusing to acknowledge ‘male lactation!’
Boy Scouts undergo 'woke' rebrand as gender SCRAPPED from name to be more inclusive!
‘Women's healthcare needs should not compromised in the name of inclusivity!’
John Cleese: ‘Being woke destroys the soul!’
It’s time to reverse the Left’s long march through the institutions!
Postal votes should be banned, says former Tory deputy Chairman!
War footing as Sunak ramps up defence spending!
UK Ministry of Defence hacked by China!
Iain Duncan Smith demands China sanctions after MoD hack!
'We must not give into those who hate Britain and all we have achieved', says Jacob Rees Mogg!
Tories have only themselves to blame for the coming Labour government!
Just 3 per cent of shoplifting offences are solved in UK hotspots!
Why are police not doing their jobs and tackling burglaries?
NY Governor, Kathy Hochul: 'Black kids, growing up in the Bronx... don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is!”
Uyghurs, Tibetans condemn France for hosting ‘genocidal ogre,’ Xi Jinping!
One in three UK women are sad, worse than Saudi Arabia and Kosovo!
MUSK: "Low birth rate was a problem in Rome... The same is true of Ancient Greece!" LBR = civilisational decline!
Trump says Adam Schiff should be arrested for treason!
18 July 2018 - Rand Paul: Only person who colluded with Russia was Hillary Clinton!

Tuesday 7 May

'China' hacks bank details of 250,000 Ministry of Defence workers!
Macron brushes off human rights rights concerns to welcome China’s Dictator Xi Jinping!
Virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche says a 'massive tsunami' of illness and death in the fully vaccinated is coming!
Covid vaccine may have killed hundreds of thousands in the US alone!
Fear-mongering vaccine advocates are now speaking out against the politicians who pushed the vaccines!
Dr. Angus Dalgliesh: COVID vaccine responsible for the spike in cancer cases?
LUC MONTAGNIER, Luxembourg Parliament - 2021: "These vaccines are poisons, these are not real vaccines!"
'There was no pandemic in 2020!' Stefan Homburg destroys the pandemic and lockdown narratives!
'Vaccine companies aren't paying the compensation... WE are!'
Israel’s war cabinet votes to attack Rafah! UN chief says invasion is ‘intolerable!’
On 7 October 2023, The IDF didn't just bomb Israeli partygoers and Kibbutzim, they even bombed their own positions!
ISLAM - Beating your wife honours her! Who knew?
Drunk Israeli woman: "We blame the Palestinians (for what we do)... We are the biggest criminals in the world... We are the terrorists!"
The murder of an old man by Israeli soldiers! In the WEST BANK! (Not Gaza)
Notts cops were warned 8 times before pensioner had life savings stolen and was murdered by his carer!
Illegal migrant who stabbed ex-partner to death had attacked other women!
Cops let rapist John Warboys roam London in a black cab for 6 years and treated his victims like 'liars!'
Rachael Dixon died while on a 'magic mushroom trip' at a health clinic run by a new age wellness guru!
Gynaecologist, Dr Olusegun Olujide, sterilised a patient without her consent! Suspended - For one year only!
UK bans gender-neutral bathrooms for new buildings and rebuilds!
'I'm not playing a man in a women's event!' Female darts star forfeits tournament, refusing to face a trannie!
Mothin Ali, a Green candidate in local elections, campaigned for unity and social justice? He's just the opposite!
Illegal migrants cost the taxpayer £14 billion every year!
'Britain needs people to represent working class heroes - Our governing classes treat us like peasants!'
Political Islam is here in Britain and it looks like it's here to stay!
‘Eurosceptic parties are on the rise – Even European voters want less Europe!’
Hope Not Hate – the ‘charity’ built on deceit: Part Three!
Speaker Johnson on brink of permanent power sharing agreement with Democrats!
Emblems of a flagging country!

Monday 6 May

Nick Fuentes: "With the 165 billion we gave to Ukraine, we... could have given every homeless vet 2 million dollars... We could have ended homelessness 8 times over in America!"
Israel did this... With American weapons... OK by you?
Pro-Palestinian protests funded by Soros, Gates, Rockefeller? (Trying to start civil war in America?)
Dozens of pro-Gaza activists are elected to councils across Britain!
Why I will join Queers for Palestine in turning Eurovision off this year!
The Jewish Wire in New York! Things THEY never tell you... (Chosen AND oh-so special)
Trump ‘belongs in a f***ing cage’, says former fixer Michael Cohen!
Joe Biden’s border policy kills hundreds of illegal workers!
College trannie wins multiple women’s races - Would have finished last in men’s division!
Trump’s authority as C-in-C was ignored by top military leadership on 6 January 2021, says chief legal advisor for DC National Guard!
MELBOURNE: Judge SCOLDS dishonest cops as COVID-19 freedom fighter wins case!
Health Secretary orders vaccine compensation scheme review as claims soar!
'Vaccine companies aren't paying the compensation... WE are!'
Bill Gates: "I don't remember talking about masks at all!" The trillionaire psycho is a liar!
"The biggest fear that the WEF has is that there are going to be people that will not comply!"
X-rated film appearance in S&M gear, bound, gagged, spanked? Deputy head of special needs school suspended!
Jeremy Clarkson launches savage attack on woke Britain!
Fry, Simpson, Sting - These virtue-signalling celebs are an embarrassment to the Garrick!
Sadiq Khan and four more years of pushing the Great Reset!
George Galloway has 'Red Queen' Angela Rayner in his sights!
The Tories’ standing in eyes of the public has hit new depths!
Suella Braverman: Tories will be lucky to have any MPs at the next election!
Voters aren’t just sick of the Tories. The Western model is broken!
The Conservatives can’t hide from their disastrous track record in government!
Reader, we blew it. The route back for my party is steep and narrow!
Election reports that tell it how it isn’t!
Mess in Scotland and Wales sums up EVERYTHING that is wrong with our country!
Immigrant who killed his ex in front of her children should have been kicked out of the UK 20 years ago!
Hunted down by witchdoctors and sold by their own families! The albinos of Tanzania...
Ireland’s blind hatred of Brexit has destroyed its borders - Starmer may do the same to ours!
Ireland’s border antics make nonsense of the EU’s posturing on Brexit!
N. Ireland - Man's hands nailed to fence in car park! Cops suspect paramilitary involvement!
Marble Arch murderer knifed Angela, 27, to death then fled the UK! He 'met her through Airbnb!'
Black cab driver, Farid Cheheb, fled fatal hit-and-run and continued picking up passengers! Jailed for 4 months only!
Notts cops were warned 8 times before pensioner had life savings stolen and was murdered by his carer!
Dr. Juliette Engel (MK Ultra survivor) tells her story!
Everything they told us about cholesterol is a lie?
Looting Britain’s museums is no way to right past wrongs!

Sunday 5 May

MAX IGAN: White replacement is no longer a theory!
Alex Karp's company, Palantir, spies on our phone calls to Palestinians and relays info to the IDF, who then target them!
MIKO PELED: It's ALL occupied Palestine... Israelis are settlers, they live on stolen land, stolen property, stolen country!"
Trinity College Dublin demands university ‘divest’ from Israel!
Pro-Palestinian protests spread across British universities!
Jewish rabbi: “The founder of Christianity has been condemned to be in boiling faeces!" Our politicians/media kowtow to this!
The Rothschilds, Schofield and the Schofield Bible!
ORBAN: 'We joined' EU because it meant 'peace and prosperity!' 'There was no talk of leaders dragging' us to 'war!'
UN declares war on information!
Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘Everyone should be terrified of (Speaker) Mike Johnson’ and the Uniparty!
Britain is now America's vassal state! The US has raked in billions that should have stayed here!
97 Congessmen/women still won't say whether or not they're COVID vaxxed! In 2021, Chris Cuomo berates one who did!
Covid Vaccines - The devastating health crisis in the Channel Islands!
Chris Cuomo admits suffering from Covid vaccine injury!
A 17-year charge nurse at UCSF saw no youngster die of a heart attack until the Covid vax! Now she seen over 100!
"Protocol 7!" Interview with Andrew Wakefield! (Big-time victim of Big Pharma and the courts back in the day)
Fascism, globalism, and “Medical-Industrial Complex!”
Sport England cuts ties with Stonewall! Quangos warned to distance themselves from LGBTQ lobbyists!
More than 31,000 East Sussex households left without water for third day in a row!
REPLACEMENT! Births fall in Germany as migrant arrivals continues to soar!
Anjem Chaudary calls for the implementation of Sharia law in the UK!
Starmer's mad amnesty on Channel migrants will mean even more flooding to UK!
Ghastly Khan re-elected as London Mayor! Thanks, Muslims! Thanks, Labour!
SAS faces perfect storm of overstretched troops and shrinking talent pool!
Key NHS staff brag about working from bed and how 'cool' it is to see 'blood and gore!'
Vitalie Tanga kicked his carer, Alfred Mattox, to death in Wolverhampton home!
Jordan Brooker tried to strangle her on first date! (9 previous convictions and only 31 months in jail?)
Speeding cyclist crashed into pensioner, 81, and killed her! NO JAIL! (Speed limits don't apply to bikes)
Everything they told us about cholesterol is a lie?
CHEATS! University dean fears ‘99.9 per cent’ of his students are using AI to write essays!
HITCHENS: Is there a rule which says that any successful BBC drama must become a propaganda vehicle?

Saturday 4 May

Bernie Sanders: 'Unfettered miltary aid' for war in Gaza, as MSM concentrates on student protests against war in USA! (
Israel relocates to Washington! Congress has become an extension of the Israeli government!
American Jewry is facing an unprecedented domestic crisis over its support for Israel’s war in Gaza!
Congress rushes through insane "working definition of antisemitism" bill that says "anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism!"
Diplomat who quit over Biden’s handling of the Gaza genocide says the US is on the “wrong side of history!”
Young black woman speaks out on Jewish support for BLM, Palestine and the reality!
The “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever conceived!
USA: The enemy is among us? Anti-genocide groups targeted by media and government!
Palestine and migrant rights are much trendier causes than climate justice – just ask Greta Thunberg!
How much did George W. Bush’s fake `war on terror’ cost the USA? $8 trillion!
Daft climate zealots with ever more money to burn!
Ministers must redraw green plans after High Court rules UK's current net zero strategy unlawful!
WEF's COVID zealot, Jeremy Farrar, wants cattle culled! Bird Flu to blame! ('Only the elite will eat meat!'
Government data indicates catastrophic reproductive destruction post-Covid-shot!
Biden regime threatened media and thus prevented publication of accurate info concerning laboratory creation of Covid-19!
Bird flu virus found in cows for first time? (Elites trying to scare us?)
This shameful snub to the victims of medical harm!
LGBTQ+ festival shooter being sent back to Norway from Pakistan!
JK Rowling criticises John Swinney after he refused to say whether trans women are women!
Where Diversity, Equity and Inclusion comes to die! 11 US states are fighting the madness!
MAX IGAN: White replacement is no longer a theory!
Open Borders Forever? Labour vows to keep boat migrant route open!
Protesters charged after blocking coach bound for Bibby Stockholm!
Murdered by 12-year-olds! They stabbed Shawn Seesahai with a machete that 'almost went through his whole body!'
Zimbabwean asylum seeker (60+ convictions for drugs, robbery and assault) can remain in UK!
16 minutes after he was let off by cops, Taxi driver, Shakoor Ahmed, killed a pedestrian!
Four bodies found in search for missing Australian and American surfers - 3 Mexicans charged!
UK’s fake Conservatives punished in national elections!
Rishi election nightmare continues!
For the Tories, this is carnage on a scale not seen this century!
The SNP hasn’t realised that ‘socially conservative’ is actually normal!
Ireland's intransigence over Brexit is coming back to haunt it!
'Irish electorate are sick to the back teeth of it!' (Politicians beckoniung in asylum-seekers)
Great Britain is full of Great Brits… It’s just a shame not enough of them are in politics!

Friday 3 May

WHO's Chief Scientist, Jeremy Farrar: "We have to make sure that if H5N1 (Bird Flu) did come across to humans... that we were in a position to IMMEDIATELY RESPOND WITH access equitably to VACCINES!"
How much longer can they deny vaccine link to heart deaths?
AstraZeneca admits its Covid vaccine killed Gareth's wife. So why won't he and his son be compensated?
I’m no conspiracy theorist, I was right! Pundits who monstered those who questioned lockdown are silent now!
Families of people who died after Covid vaccination abandon attempt to sue AstraZeneca!
In a 2006 document, the FDA acknowledged that gene therapy was expected to induce cancer and autoimmune issues!
49 US Senators demand Biden withdraw support for the WHO's pandemic treaty negotiations!
Zionists beat up pro-Palestine protesters at the University of California! Cops did nothing...
Criticising Israel or claiming Jews own the media is VERBOTEN? Ian Carroll mocks Congress's 'antisemitic speech' bill!
"Be a Jew! That way you won't have to die like the rest of the Goyim!"
DANNY COHEN: The daily drumbeat of anti-Semitic hate leaves Jewish Britons living in fear!
USA: Republicans seek to prevent Joe Biden from importing Palestinians!
BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, tells the WEF that depopulation is a good thing!
Larry Fink’s Blackrock owns the entire World?
The climate scaremongers: China leads the world over green power? Pull the other one!
Billy Bragg’s attack on JK Rowling highlights the idiocy of woke tribalism!
Judge issues warning after private gender clinic gave autistic boy 'dangerously high' doses of hormones!
Paedo who contacted young boys online wants social media access declared a human right!
Gang rampaged through Liverpool attacking strangers because they were white “non-Muslims!”
Elderly man attacked in Keighley. Attacker gets sorted!
Second Boeing Whistleblower dies suddenly after claiming safety fFlaws ignored!
London Lefties slash tyres of bus to prevent removal of illegal immigrants from Britain!
WW III Watch! Macron recommits to possibility of sending troops to Ukraine!
Spanish-Brazilian immigrant Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo murdered innocent boy with Samurai sword!
Burglar shot dead by farmer! Farmer arrested! Criminals must be allowed to behave criminally!
Teenager charged after three injured at Sheffield secondary school!
Bus driver Baruania Baros killed 2 women at bus stop when he hit accelerator instead of brakes! NO JAIL!
‘Sword killer’ Mrcus Monzo attacked man in home while four-year-old girl slept!
Britain can have borders, or it can put illegal migrants' welfare ahead of the interests of law-abiding citizens!
Terrorist threat of these anonymous migrants!
Knife crime? The braying baboons of the Commons would rather go after teenage vapers!
Rishi on the ropes! Starmer gloats after 'seismic' win!
‘Tory spin is out of control – they are skating on paper-thin ice!’
Keir Starmer has just admitted Labour are the party of open borders!
Labour’s local government record is pitiful!
Wanted: First Minister of Scotland - Christians need not apply!
Local election results 2024 ‘near-catastrophic’ for Tories!
Why are Britons choosing Reform? Core reasons!
Slavery? It added less to our economy than sheep farming!
The Bank of England’s errors!
Wife of presenter Jay Blades leaves marriage after it ‘got worse and worse!’
John Cleese says 'literal-minded' people have ruined comedy!

Thursday 2 May

Central Bank of Bahrain governor, Khalid Humaidan, at WEF forum: "The transition to fully digital is not going to be a stretch, people are used to it, people are engaged in it, and circumstances that help is adoption rates increased because of Covid!”
Yet more evidence to disprove claims that vaccines are safe and effective!
Arizona Republicans say: "Credible evidence shows Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons!"
Free Speech v Genocide Merchants! Congress passes bill to squash anti-Israel protests! (Criticism of Zion is verboten)
"Israel... would not be able to fight a war in Gaza... (without America's) sustained, blank-cheque, security guarantee!"
Free Speech v Genocide Merchants! Congress passes bill to squash anti-Israel protests! (Criticism of Zion is verboten)
Jews control the gods, meaning they decide what is holy and unholy, what is sacred and what is taboo!
‘F*ck Joe Biden’ chant unites pro-Palestinian and counter-protesters at University of Alabama!
UKRAINE: 30 people have died trying to flee conscription!
Putin’s crushing new offensive could be the end of Ukraine!
Senator John Kennedy torches climate Professor! ‘You gonna call me a sick f***?’
Private school in Edinburgh reports parents to social workers for refusing to affirm daughter's trannie ID!
Harry Potter stars made famous by JK Rowling criticised her gender rights views - Older actors backed her!
Democracy in Decay: The great trans rights betrayal!
Keir Starmer put trans extremists ahead of women. Now he wants to pretend it never happened!
The Death of Ireland and Replacement of the Irish People!
HAINAULT: Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo murdered Daniel Anjorin with Samurai sword!
November 2023: Alfie Lewis, 15, was stabbed to death 'in full view' of pupils leaving a primary school in Leeds!
Gang rampaged through Liverpool attacking strangers because they were white “non-Muslims!”
Sadiq Khan has failed to stop this epidemic of knife crime!
NY Judge Matthew Sciarrino releases Franz Jeudy after he broke woman's jaw for no reason!
Labour 'will allow thousands of small boats migrants (illegal) to apply for asylum in the UK!'
SPAIN: Socialist PM refuses to step down amid corruption probe!
You can’t force politicians to be honest!
Sycamore Gap tree chopped down by Dan Graham (caravan-dweller, keeps horses) and Adam Curruthers!
Beaconsfield Revisited - A question of which civilisation you prefer!
CANADA: Conservative Leader kicked out of Parliament for calling Justin Trudeau a ‘wacko!’
Billions blown on a regiment of regulators!

Wednesday 1 May

Eva Vlaardingerbroek! The Shieldmaiden takes the field against the destroyers of the West!
Is the public ready for the truth about COVID vaccines?
Moderna halts mRNA HIV vaccine trials after high rate of side effects reported!
FDA finds mRNA COVID vaccines may cause seizures in toddlers!
His wife died from the AstraZeneca vaccine. After 3 years of being ignored, he wants her story to be heard!
VOTE! Do you believe the Covid vaccine had negative side effects?
Britain is about to surrender its sovereignty to the WHO!
Rushed changes in world health rules are wide open to corruption!
FLORIDA: Police use tear gas on anti-Israel protesters!
IDF fired incendiary shells at tents housing displaced civilians in Rafah!
It’s important to understand the root cause - ISRAEL is the root cause!
We can delay the net zero fantasy and make cheap energy Britain's reality!
MANCHESTER: Obert Moyo broke into his ex's home killed her with a skewer in front of her kids!
Paedo priest sexually abused five boys in string of horrific attacks dating back to the 1970s!/a>
Iranian teenager ‘sexually assaulted and beaten to death’ for anti-hijab protest!
People smugglers use children as human shields!
SWEDEN: Sleeping with the Enemy: Swedish WPCs leaked deadly info to gang members!
Senior Met officer convicted over child abuse video? Case dropped!
Sadiq Khan’s increasingly lawless London!
Sadiq Khan has made London an international laughing stock!
Dublin OVERRUN by migrants!
Why is the Biden admin beckoning in the immigrant hordes? They will vote for him in the coming election!
Police chief to head inquiry into bankrupt Labour-run Birmingham council!
The Left is ‘trying to criminalise being a Conservative!’
D-Day beach cafe ‘hates the English and refused to serve British soldiers!’
Ireland has made its bed with the EU. It must lie in it!
Brexit border CHAOS as goods inspectors clock off at 7pm putting fresh food supplies at risk!
Leaked messages show how BBC staff feel about GB News and Nigel Farage!
Slavery may have made Britain 'poorer not richer!'

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