

Anti-Establishment Quiz 10

Almost done...

Question 1 - According to economist, Thomas Sowell, senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, which of these statements is true?

The number of white people enslaved by the Barbary pirates in North Africa...

A. Was far outweighed by the number of Africans enslaved in the USA/the American colonies.
B. Was only maginally less than the number of Africans enslaved in the USA/American colonies.
C. Was about the same as the number of Africans enslaved in the USA/American colonies.
D. Exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the USA and American colonies, put together.

Question 2 - Who does Dr. David Martin, CEO and Chairman of intangible asset and data analysis company, M·CAM, blame for the COVID-19 pandemic?

A. The United States and the U.K.
B. The Rockefeller Foundation and the CIA
C. The World Economic Forum and Deep State
D. The Illuminati and the Bilderbergers

Question 3 - In 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established to detect safety problem in US vaccines.

The safety reports in VAERS for all vaccines from 1990 to 2019, was a yearly average of 16,320.  The total safety reports in VAERS for COVID-19 vaccines alone from mid- December to 1 October 2021, was ????

Supply the missing figure.

A. 778,683 safety reports
B. 412,542 safety reports
C.  105,941 safety reports
D. 44, 387 safety reports

Question 4 - On 11 February 2013, AM Best, an American credit rating agency focusing on the insurance industry, told us that:
"Dangers to the estimated ******** workers per year who come in close contact with cell phone antennae, are now more clearly established... Thermal effects of the cellular antennas, which act, at close range, essentially as open microwave ovens, can include eye damage, sterility and cognitive impairment... The continued exponential growth of cellular towers will significantly increase exposure to these workers and others coming into contact with high-energy, cell phone antenna radiation."
How many American workers 'per year' did AM Best estimate would be in danger?

A. 250
B. 2,500
C. 25,000
D. 250,000

Question 5 - Who owns Kielder Water, Britain's largest reservoir, Felixstowe, our largest container port, and Greene King, our largest pub chain? 

A. A Chinese businessman
B. A Russian Oligarch
C. A Rothschild banker
D. A Saudi Prince

Question 6 - As drag queens and LGBTQ activists marched through a Manhattan park on 23 June 2023, some were heard chanting what?

A. "We're here, we're queer! We're coming for your children!"
B. "We're proud, we're gay! Boys and girls come out to play!"
C. "J.K. Rowling, run and hide, girls and boys are full of Pride!"
D. "Wanna date? Gay is great! Exterminate cisgender hate!"

Question 7 - On 29 June 2023, Vigilant Fox posted a tweet of Steve Kirsch, multi-millionaire founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, saying the Amish were...
"... dying at a lower rate from COVID... than the rest of America... because the Amish aren’t vaccinated.'
How much lower?

A. 3 times
B. 10 times
C. 25 times
D. 90 times

Question 8 - Who, in a 29 June 2023 tweet, said this: 
"The establishment is trying to force me out of the UK by closing my bank accounts. I have been given no explanation or recourse as to why this is happening to me. This is serious political persecution at the very highest level of our system. If they can do it to me, they can do it to you too."
A. A Somali gang rapist about to be deported before being rescued by do-gooders
B. A Jamaican who may have infected 400 women with the AIDS virus
C. Nigel Farage
D. Magdi Eligizouli, the murderer of PC Nina Mackay. 

Question 9 - Who, on 2 November 2014, in a CNN interview said this:
"Climate change is not happening, there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn't been any in the past and there's no reason to suspect there will be any in the future."
A. The CEO of the American Petroleum Institute
B. The founder of America's Weather Channel
C. The Chairman of the Western Fuels Association 
D. Donald Trump

Question 10 - The Interracial Homicide Statistics presented at The Madhouse Update newsblog suggest that, over the ten year period, 1998 - 2007, an 'individual black person' and 'an idividual Asian person' were how many times more or less likely to murder 'an individual white person' in England and Wales than the other way around?

A. 3.7/2.8 times less likely
B. 2.5/1.7 times less likely
C. 5.5/3.6 times more likely
D. 95.4/25.9 times more likely

Question 1 - D  In a tweet introduced by Natalie Jean Beisner on 10 May 2023, Thomas Sowell can be seen saying this:

"The number of whites who were enslaved by the Barbary pirates in North Africa exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States, and in the American colonies before that, put together. But nobody is going to North Africa to ask for reparations, because nobody is going to be fool enough to give it to them.”

 Question 2 - A  David can be seen telling it as he believes it to be in this video:

"Coronavirus, COVID-19, the whole thing, was premeditated, it was murder, it was active terrorism by a state against the world... The facts are... for 58 years, the United States and the U.K, in collaboration with researchers around the world, planned to use Coronavirus to instil the most tyrranical reform of society... And they did it... 

The bad news for them is, there's a lot of people that didn't take the knee." 

Question 3 -  A  On 8 April 2022, Dr. Peter McCullough filed this testimony (section 14) 'in the Superior Court of the State of Washington:'
"In 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established as a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in US licenced vaccines...  
The total safety reports in VAERS for all vaccines per year up to 2019 was 16,320.  
The total safety reports in VAERS for COVID-19 vaccines alone through October 1, 2021, is 778,683."

No one has done more than Peter McCullough to enlighten us as to the reality of COVID-19 and the New World Order's genocidal vaccine campaign. 

Question 4 - D  AM Best estimated that, annually, 250,000 workers would be in danger.

Question 5 - A  Chinese businessman, Li Ka-Shing, owns CK Infrastructure Holdings, the corporate owner of Kielder Water, the port of Felixstowe and Greene King.

On 29 June 2023, after The Guardian told us that 'crisis-ridden Thames Water' was £14 billion in debt, it quoted former pop star, Feargal Sharkey, thus:
“Not a single penny of public money should be spent bailing out this company. The government has the powers... to effectively take it into public control and to order the company to do its bidding. They can take control of how and when they pay down their debts, what they pay their shareholders, how they carry out their investment."

The Guardian added:

"Thames Water is, along with Southern Water, the worst performing of the privatised companies according to Ofwat. It has missed legal requirements on how much sewage is treated, pollution and internal sewer flooding across 2021-22. It was issued with £50m in penalties by Ofwat for failing to meet its obligations on leaks, sewage and pollution last year. The company, which leaks more than 630m litres of water a day, is overseeing the highest rate of leaks for five years and will not meet its obligations to plug them this year or next.

Sharkey said there had been a failure of regulation of the industry. He called for Ofwat directors and the Environment Agency to be called in and questioned about Thames Water’s precarious financial position. 'These are publicly appointed positions and these people need to be held to account,' he said. 'We need to grill them on what they knew and when'."

Wikipedia tells us that Thames Water is at least 50.4% foreign owned.

We know that Canadian pensions group, OMERS, owns 23%; Abu Dhabi Investment Authority owns 9.9%; the China Investment Corporation owns 8.7% and the Kuwait Investment Authority owns 8.5%.

Set against this, the British appear to own 32.7% of the stock. (Universities Superannuation Scheme - 19.7% and the BT Pension Scheme - 13%)

Wikipedia doesn't tell us who owns the other 16.9% of the stock.

Here's an interesting bit of info. On 5 September 2017, the BBC told us this:

"The Australian bank Macquarie has left Thames Water with an extra £2bn debt burden, a BBC investigation shows. The £2bn was borrowed by Thames Water in 2007 and 2010 but used for the benefit of the bank and its investors, which owned and controlled the UK's biggest privatised water company. This was in apparent contravention of conditions laid down by the regulator when Macquarie bought Thames in 2006... The bank and its investors sold their last share of Thames Water in March this year."

So, a bank buys our biggest water company, gets it to borrow £2 billion and promptly uses it 'for the benefit of the bank and its investors.'

Sounds fair, don't you think?

The privatisation scam in the blood-sucking raw. Almost as unsavoury as Russia's particularly nasty, Oligarch-laden version of it.

STOP PRESS: In 2022, American investment company, KKR, bought 25% of Li Ka-Shing’s British holdings related to water management.

Messrs Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts, who founded KKR and still run the business, are Jewish.

Question 6 - A  Drag queens and LGBTQ activists were heard chanting:

"We're here, we're queer! We're coming for your children!"

Nothing to see here...

Question 7 - D  Steve can be seen saying what his said in this video

"Gideon King, he’s the only known person in the Amish community who supposedly died from COVID... Not a single person was able to name more than one person. They all named Gideon King...
Let’s say... there were five Amish people who died. That means the Amish died at a rate 90 times lower than the infection fatality rate of the United States of America. The Amish died at 90 times lower rate from COVID than the rest of America...

Now, how is that possible? It’s possible because the Amish aren’t vaccinated. And because the Amish didn’t follow a single guideline of the CDC. They did not lock down. They did not mask. They did not social distance, They did not vaccinate, and there were no mandates in the Amish community to get vaccinated. They basically ignored every single guideline that the CDC gave us. Ignoring those guidelines meant a death rate 90 times lower than the rest of America.
So you talk about taking guidance from the WHO? Why don’t we copy what works? In fact, wouldn’t it be great to say in the next pandemic that Pennsylvania will take guidance from the Amish instead of the WHO? And you will be much, much better off."
Of course, as Steve's calculation is based upon there being 5 Amish folks who have died from COVID, as opposed to the one that has been tentatively suggested as a possible victim, it may well be that the 'death rate' of this particular unvaccinated section of American society is 450 TIMES LOWER 'than the rest of America.'

In this Vigilant Fox clip, Steve tells us this: "We can't find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated!"

Question 8 - C  At one point,  Nigel added:

"Chris Bryant, Chairman of the Privileges Committee, said... I had received large sums of money directly from the Russian government. Truth is I didn't receive a penny from any source with even any link to Russia."

'Horny as buggery,' Chris Bryant advertises for a 'good long fuck' on Gaydar. 

Someone we can all identify with and trust, eh?

A - Somali saved from deportation by Heathrow passengers is a gang rapist!

B - HIV illegal immigrant 'may have infected more than 400 women!'

D - "Pandering to a WPC killer: Knifeman with a hatred of police is 'safe to be freed!' (But only to an area where there aren't too many officers on the beat")

Elgizouli has been at liberty in England since 2012.

Get it yet?

Question 9 - B  On 2 November 2014, John Coleman, the founder of America's Weather Channel, appeared on CNN’s 'Reliable Sources' with host Brian Stelter and said this:
“Science is about facts, and if you get down to the hard, cold facts, there's no question about it, climate change is not happening, there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn't been any in the past and there's no reason to suspect there will be any in the future. 
There’s a whole lot of boloney, and yes, it has become a big political point of the Democratic Party and part of their platform and I regret it’s become political instead of scientific, but the science is on my side.”
“What I do wonder is when you see the government, when you see NASA, when you see other institutions say that 97% of climate scientists agree, do you think they’re making it up? What I don’t understand is how you square that.”
“Scientists only get government research grants if they will support the global warming agenda. In other words, it’s politics, not science. The government puts out about two-and-a-half billion dollars directly for climate research every year, it only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results that support the global warming hypothesis of the Democratic Party... so, they don’t have any choice. 
If you’re gonna get the money, you’ve got to support their position, therefore, 97% of the scientific reports published support global warming. Why? Because those are the ones the government pays for and that’s where the money is. 
It’s real simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s right, that doesn’t make it true, that only makes it bought and paid for... Please stand back from this issue and let the two sides be on the air. There are 31,000 scientists that have signed a petition that says it is not valid, that my position is correct, and we’ll keep battling, and we will prevail in time.”

Question 10 - D.  The Interracial Homicide Statistics presented at The Madhouse Update suggest that an individual black person was 95.4 times more likely and an Asian person 25.9 times more likely to murder an individual white person in England and Wales than the other way around during the period specified (1998-2007).

Check out these unbelievable stats. If their author has miscalculated please let me know. If the statistician in question has it right, however, what does it tell you? It tells you that, once again, the establishment will keep the truth to itself if the truth might threaten the agenda. Or blow the whistle on 75 years of monstrously dishonest propaganda.

Remember Stephen Lawrence? Of course you do, the media and the political class would not let us forget him. Generations of schoolchildren have been taught to believe that we white folks are dangerous via the mythology built up around him.

More than 500 MPs, Lords and Ladies have mentioned him over 2,000 times in our parliament. And yet, almost all of those many British people who have been murdered by foreigners in the UK since Stephen died have never been mentioned at all!

What does this tell me? It tells me that many of us have been voting people into parliament over the course of the last seven decades who really don't give a damn about the health, welfare and happiness of those who vote for them.

Some of those whose deaths our parliamentarians never saw fit to mention in Westminster (since Stephen died in 1992) are cited here:

For more images of British folk betrayed to the ultimate by politician and press, go here.


0/3 - Bring back the birch!
4/5 - Double detention then...
6/7 - A pass, just...
8/9 - OK
10  - Good

Well, that's your lot. 

How did you do? If you managed a score of 70, congratulations, you're well on your way to total enlightenment and, maybe, come the next election, you'll think twice before you vote for any of the political parties who have misled and betrayed us so profoundly.

If you scored above 80 I'd say you were almost certainly aware of the war being waged upon us by the establishment before you played this quiz. And, you too have been doing your damnedest to wake the majority up to the realities for a good few years now.

If you scored less than fifty, however, I'd say the possibilities are that:

1) You haven't been paying attention.
2) You have been paying attention but you are afraid of speaking out.
3) You're having fun, politics is boring and nothing to do with you.
4) You're happy with the status quo, the problems of others are none of your concern.
5) You are an establishment apparatchik and you think I'm the bad guy.
6) You're a fan of Mao and Uncle Joe and wish your paymasters would hurry up and pass out the guns.
7) You are a wholly brainwashed, fully compliant automaton.
8) You are very, very stupid.
9) You clinically insane.
10) You are an elite member of the FEW and relish the suffering of the MANY.

Information and opinion THEY would rather had passed you by - Two weeks in July 2023...

Agenda of the NWO, UN, WHO, WEF, CFR and assorted trillionaires...

HARARI: 'What do we need humans for?.. Keep them happy with drugs and computer games!'
Will the US stop the WHO, the UN and the WEF from taking over the world?
DR. SHIVA: "The establishment... They are all interconnected!"
Rockefeller's LOCKSTEP: 'The Future of Technology and International Development!' 2010
The Great Reset - What THEY are really after - China is the model!
Fight this sinister power grab by the WHO, Part 3!
The Rockefellers, the United Nations, Agenda 21 and Agenda 30!

Climate and the Environment

'The agenda is to control the food and the people! They're trying to kill off American farmers!'
Global Warming? It's all about where you start the measurement from!
Government workers in hazmat suits caught poisoning a river and killing fish?
"The government will control the weather and you will be happy!"
Dutch Government collapses, Rutte Resigns, pro-farmers threaten to upend establishment!
Dutch farmers...
Mines in Africa use child slaves to mine the metals needed to create 'green energy!'
CHEMTRAILS - "It goes way beyond just a little bit of pollution!"
Chemtrails - Do you know what they are spraying us with? BARIUM
Why biofuels like corn-based Ethanol are worse for the environment than gasoline!
The religious cult of climate catastrophism!
Thames Water has worst year for sewage pollution in a decade!
Katie Hopkins takes the mickey, quite resonably, out of 'green' energy!
Leading member of Just Stop Oil sitting on an estimated £1m pension pot from SHELL!
Keir Starmer says he "hates tree-huggers!"
LTNs set 'people against each other' and risk putting voters off net zero!
Strictly star says there won't be any straight, white men on TV if they keep ticking diversity box!
Former Lib Dem MP, Lembit Opik, says there's no climate emergency, it's just about control!
Netherlands begins euthanising disabled people to ‘save the planet!’
Surge in severe myocarditis cases strikes newborns and infants in the UK!
Professor Nudge (David Halpern) holds us all in contempt!
Britain has 'practised the (Lockdown) drill' and is ready for future pandemics, says Nudge Chief!
WHO's chief scientist, Jeremy Farrar, says COVID isn't over yet! Dr. Evil would say that!
Lockdown ruined Britain – and our deluded leaders couldn’t care less!


ITV used trannie climate guy to highlight 'impact of soaring water costs on everyday mothers!'

Bank Account Closure

FARAGE: "It’s not me they hate, it’s the people that voted for me they hate!"
Farage fumes as bank closes his accounts in revenge for Brexit!
Will your bank account be closed because of your opinions?
LAWSON: THEY wouldn't let my daughter have a bank account for absurd, perverse reasons!
Farage fears MI5 helped shut down his bank accounts!
NEIL OLIVER: 'To be deprived of a bank account is to be the victim of social murder!'


The US government is responsible for France’s anti-white race riots!
Military families given just one week to leave homes to make room for migrants!
Migrant centre branded inhumane - because the Wi-Fi is slow and it has no local hair salon!
Thousands of middle class British students ‘will lose out to foreign applicants!’



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