

Unemployed black youth



John Mann

If you wish to register your approval/disapproval of John Mann's voting record, please go here.

John Mann's voting record tells us he was all for the invasion of Iraq.

He even voted to give sole discretion to the Prime Minister of the day (Blair and Brown) in the matter of waging war! In other words, he was all for eliminating the need for Parliament's approval either to go to or continue to wage war.

John Mann's voting record tells us he was very strongly against having an an investigation into the Iraq war.

I say tell us the whole truth! Tell us who lied! Tell us who knew what was really afoot but didn't say!

John Mann's voting record tells us that, just like Blair, Brown and David Cameron, he was not interested in giving the British people the referendum on the Lisbon EU Treaty that the leaders of New Labour and the Tories both PROMISED.

I, like the vast majority of the British people, would have had held a referendum and argued for a strong trading relationship and general friendship with the rest of Europe. BUT I would not have had us being ruled from Brussels! I would have allowed the faceless, unelected bureaucrats of the EU NO POWER AT ALL to make laws and political decisions over the heads and beyond the control of the British people.

This, of course, is precisely the situation that has been brought about by successive treacherous Labour, Tory and New Labour governments. The Lib Dems, who have, historically, been the most pro-EU party, would have given away out sovereignty in exactly the same way if they had been in power.

John Mann voted for even more "racial and religious hatred" law.

Over the decades, these laws, along with the routine insults ("racist", "Fascist", "Nazi", "bigot") heaped upon them by the PC Crowd, have stopped the British people from complaining about the negative effects of the mass migration of huge numbers of alien peoples into their country. Even before John Mann voted for more of this kind of treacherous immigrant-enhancing, Brit-demeaning law, any of us could have been jailed for up to SEVEN YEARS for daring to say "boo" to the immigrant goose.

John Mann's voting record tells us that he was right behind New Labour's disgraceful treatment of the Post Office.

A good few MPs voted for all post offices to be saved and if necessary subsidised. I would have voted similarly.

John Mann's voting record tells us he was very keen on introducing ID cards and, thereby, broadening the scope of the already intrusive Big Brother surveillance state.

I wouldn't mind if immigrants and criminals were issued with ID cards but the law-abiding British majority should be left alone.

John Mann's voting record tells us he was very keen on the introduction of foundation hospitals.

In other words, John Mann was very keen to privatise the NHS by the back door. I say the NHS should never be regarded as a business and must be protected from the politician who wishes to sell it off to those who want to make a profit from it.

John Mann's voting record tells us he was very keen on the introduction of student top-up fees.

I received a grant when I went to college. So did Blair, Brown, Mandelson and Mann, himself, for that matter. Those who voted for top-up fees and, thereby, chose to saddle our brightest young people with EVEN MORE debt are a disgrace in my book.

John Mann's voting record tells us he was all for allowing unmarried and homosexual couples the right to adopt!

He also voted for gay marriage and the repeal of section 28. Local authorities are now allowed to PROMOTE homosexuality if they so wish.

I would not have voted for any of these things.

The Early Day Motion (EDM) is a device which provides publicity for and draws attention to the most heartfelt views and causes to which individual Members of Parliament (those without a Ministerial portfolio) adhere.

As such, the EDM is a great way to determine what Westminster's lesser lights really feel and think. An analysis of the EDMs an MP introduces and signs up to is just about the most effective way to determine if he is really going to do what he promised when we voted for him.

On 2 December 2002, the New Labour MP, Andy Burnham, introduced an EDM complaining that "despite the health benefits... only 10 per cent of the United Kingdom population receives a fluoridated water supply".

John Mann signed the above EDM. I would not have done so. I would, however, have signed this one, introduced by Jimmy Wray, on 5 December 2002:


I would also have signed this one, introduced by John Butterfill on 20 May 2003:

“This House considers that the only chemicals which should be added to public water are those which are essential for its purification for public consumption.”

Which would you prefer for your children, ladies and gents?

Mass medication, a 50 per cent certainty of mottled teeth and a distinct possibility of muscle weakness, interference with your testosterone levels, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney problems, osteoporosis, hip fractures, spinal cord-related diseases, bone cancer and paralysis, all courtesy of Big Brother?

Or fluoride-free water, fluoride-free toothpaste and a good toothbrush used frequently?


Fluoride, a chemical that was, not so long ago, considered to be a toxic waste, can have a soporific effect. It was used in both the Nazi concentration camps and the Soviet gulags to subdue the inmates.


On 5 June 2009, Andy Burnham, who introduced the EDM “underlining the importance of water fluoridation”, was appointed the Health Secretary of the United Kingdom by Gordon Brown.



Fluoride is currently being ingested by the population of Bassetlaw at the maximum permitted level.

I sent the following email to John Mann in mid-December 2009.

It has never been responded to.

"Dear Mr Mann,

I'd like to take issue with this recent statement of yours:

'It’s absurd to give the BNP any space. This is how Hitler came to power and these people have got the same objectives.'

I'm afraid the second sentence comes across as little more than a rather nasty, New Labour smear, typical of the party that introduced the word "spin" to the language.

About six months ago, a friend of mine who happens to be a BNP member, (a former England footballer's brother as it happens) invited me to meet some BNP folk.

Sitting around the table in the pub that night, apart from myself, there was a Foreign Office civil servant of quite high rank; two well-off businessmen, one of whom was a very proud Queen and country ex-serviceman, an out-of-work builder and a taxi driver. They were most definitely NOT Nazis. They were, if anything, old-fashioned, salt-of-the earth, true-British types. I mean, did you see the list of BNP members that was released a while back? I seem to recall that there were 5 clergymen on it!

You know, the British people want straightforward, they don't want bull. If the BNP are doing well, it's because New Labour has been doing badly. After 17 years of Thatcherism the last thing the working-classes expected was another 12 years of it under Tory Blair. Cuddle up to greedy bankers and businessmen for 30 years and it's odds on another Wall Street crash is going to happen.

And it did, didn't it?

If you seriously don't understand why the BNP are doing well right now, apart from the fact that the people the public are meeting on the door are, for the most part, NOT Nazis but the salt-of-the-earth folk previously described, check out this statement from Frank Field, MP:


I have been calling on ministers for years to cut down on the number of people coming here to work. NO GOVERNMENT HAS HAD MORE WARNINGS. OF THE THREE MILLION JOBS CREATED IN THE LAST DECADE, NINE OUT OF 10 HAVE GONE TO PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT BRITISH.” (Daily Express - 1 February 2009)

New Labour, and the other mainstream parties for that matter, have put the foreigner a long way before the indigenous British working-classes for some time now. The statement above, from one of your own, proves it.

I think that if the BNP had been excluded from Question Time, when they had fulfilled all the required criteria, it would have been undemocratic. Just less than a million people, almost all of them native Brits (one presumes) voted for the BNP in the Euro elections. Would you have all of them disenfranchised?

To my way of thinking, you're either a democrat, warts and all, or your not.

As you may have guessed, I will NOT be voting for the Labour Party (New or Old) again.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely.

G. Whitehurst.

PS. I've never belonged to any political party (much less the BNP) and will not joining one any time soon."

What do you think, ladies and gentlemen, was it right to allow the British National Party on Question Time?

Would it have been undemocratic to ban them from the programme?

Was John Mann right to compare them with Hotler?

Was he right to want them kept off the show?

In my opinion, Tony Blair is the greatest traitor that ever held power in the UK.

In may opinion, Gordon Brown is the second greatest.

John Mann has voted the same way as both of them 100 per cent of the time since he entered parliament.

John Mann is the Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism.

The folks that Mann, an MP who represents a working-class community, is happy to fight the good fight on behalf of, represent 0.5 per cent of the British population. This particular percentage contains a good many of the richest, most powerful, most politically influential (See Peter Oborne's courageous documentary, The Israel Lobby) and well protected people in the UK.

I wonder why he would wish to bodyguard such a comparatively well-off section of the British populace? Personally, I think it would have been nice if he had set up an All-Party Parliamentary Group against anti-Britishness. There isn’t one, you see, and there is lots and lots of it about, isn’t there?

There isn’t a group that speaks up for the working-classes either. I wonder why Mann didn’t bother to invent one? I wonder why he would rather spend his precious time sniffing out "antisemitism" when, according to the 12 February edition of The Jewish Chronicle, “he has only ever come across one Jew in his Bassetlaw constituency”!

Thing is, it wasn’t the Jewish community that Thatcher, Major, Blair and Brown spent so much of their precious time kicking the proverbial out of, was it? It was those that the Labour Party was formed to represent who suffered the most at their hands, Mr Mann. It was those who got you into Westminster in the first place! The working-classes!

In the 15 April 2002 edition of The New Statesman, John Kampfner gave us all a bit of a clue as why Mann would rather Chair his Anti-Semitism group than make a similar effort on behalf of the British lowly.

Kampfner wrote:

“At Blair's first party conference as leader, Labour Friends of Israel assembled in a huge turnout for its main meeting of the week. EVERY ASPIRING YOUNG APPARACHIK FELT THE NEED TO ATTEND. THEY DID THEN. THEY STILL DO."

Ladies and gentlemen, do you think John Mann chose to become the Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism because he was interested in defending the meeek, the mild and the defenceless?

Or do you think he did so because he is an “aspiring young apparachik”?

Go here for the John Mann Polls.


Jewish plot to kill Ernie Bevin

On 3 May 2006, Peter Day's article 'Jewish plot to kill Bevin in London' appeared in The Times.

This is it:

"Jewish terrorists plotted to assassinate Ernest Bevin, the foreign secretary, in 1946, as part of their campaign to establish the state of Israel, newly declassified intelligence files have shown. The plan was devised by Irgun, the insurgent group led by Menachem Begin, who went on to become a Nobel peace prize winner and prime minister of Israel.

Begin, whom MI6 believed was backed by the Soviet Union, planned to send five terrorist cells to Britain to carry out bombings and assassinations that would 'beat the dog in his own kennel.'

The Jewish insurgents aimed to force British occupying forces out of Palestine, enabling the founding of the Jewish state. Details of the plot are included in MI5 files released at the National Archives in Kew, London.

Lord Bethell, author of The Palestine Triangle and an expert on Soviet intelligence, said Bevin was detested by Zionist groups. He added, however: 'Zionists would be very angry if you compared these people with terrorists now. You have to remember that Irgun were the grandfathers of today’s ruling politicians. They would say they were at war with the British and behaved well, fighting under Marquess of Queensberry rules. They would say that they didn’t target civilians.'

Before the establishment of Israel in 1948, Britain governed the whole of Palestine under a mandate from the United Nations. Agitation among the Jewish population for a separate state escalated immediately after the second world war as refugees flooded in from Europe.

It reached its most intense point in July 1946, when the British headquarters at the King David hotel in Jerusalem was bombed by Jewish fighters dressed as Arabs with explosives contained in milk churns. Ninety-one people, 28 of them British, were killed.

The MI5 files contain a report suggesting that Irgun carried out the attack after drawing lots with two other militant groups, Stern and Hagana. Stern drew the lot to attack British ships in the Mediterranean while Hagana were chosen to attack army camps.

In August 1946, the month after the King David attack, Major James Robertson, head of MI5’s Middle East section, warned London that both Begin’s group and Stern were sending five terrorist cells to the capital to mirror IRA tactics of bombing and assassination.

Roberston added: 'In recent months it has been reported that they have been training selected members for the purpose of assassinating a prominent British personality. Special reference has been several times made to Mr Bevin.'

Bevin, the Labour foreign secretary, was an opponent of the creation of a Jewish state and had recommended that Jewish refugees in Europe should be forcibly prevented from emigrating to Palestine.

The planned terrorist campaign ended up being restricted largely to letter bombs. In 1947, 20 were sent to leading figures in Britain including Bevin and Anthony Eden, his Tory predecessor.

After the establishment of Israel, Begin, who died in 1992, dissolved Irgun and turned to politics. He became prime minister in the 1970s and was awarded the Nobel prize in 1978 jointly with Anwar Sadat, the president of Egypt, for signing the Camp David peace accords."

Listen to a BBC Radio broadcast dealing with these events at the link below:

A Date with Bevin


Spies and Bombs

In the following document all Jewish names will appear in red.

There aren’t many who don’t know that US-Jewish spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in 1953 for passing the secrets of the atomic bomb to Moscow.

Their convictions were assured when Ethel’s own brother, David Greenglass, a spy himself, testified against them. Also imprisoned at this time for their part in this conspiracy were Morton Sobel and Harry Gold, and, in Germany, Ruth Werner, who was convicted of helping Klaus Fuchs in the 1940s.

Werner, a Communist Party aparachik, born Ruth Kuczynski in 1907 Berlin, served nearly 10 years in a British prison for revealing U.S. and British atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

Allen Weinstein
and Alexander Vasilye, in their 1999 offering, The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America. The Stalin Era, have this to say:

"Bella Gold in the U.S. Commerce Department and Sonya Gold in the U.S. Treasury Department were among those working with Nathan Silvermaster, a U.S. Treasury Department official who was also working as a Soviet espionage 'group handler’.

Martha Dodd's partner was Soviet agent Boris Vinogradov. She never knew that her love affair with Vinogradov was being directed from Moscow. She eventually married wealthy Jewish-American businessman Alfred Stern, who also became involved in Soviet espionage activities. Stern was influential in setting up a music business, with a Jewish-American Hollywood producer, Boris Morros, as a front for Soviet espionage efforts.

Most Americans who spied for Moscow during the 1930s were antifascist admirers of the Soviet Union whose involvement in espionage had ideological roots. There were two noteworthy exceptions, one a U.S. Congressman (Samuel Dickstein) and the other a Hollywood producer. Both offered their services as Soviet agents for a price tag…

The Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in that era was David Lilienthal

Soviet intelligence noted in 1944 that Robert Oppenheimer, head of America's nuclear weapon program was a ‘secret member’ of the American Communist Party".

In 1942, 16 year old Theodore Hall was accepted at Harvard.

The Harvard physics department suggested Hall when Washington requested four candidates to work as junior physicists at Los Alamos. He was interviewed for a position in October, 1943, when he had just turned 18. After the interview, Saville Sax, his roommate said:

"If this turns out to be a weapon that is really awful, what you should do about it is tell the Russians."

In October 1944, Hall decided to do just that. In New York, he looked up Sax, they contacted the Russians and they were directed to their first Soviet control officer, Sergei Kurnakov.

After Sax returned to Harvard, Hall's new courier became Lone Petka Cohen, the daughter of Polish-Jewish immigrants. Cohen and her Jewish husband, Morris, also a Soviet intelligence recruit, ran Theodore Hall’s life as a spy for the next decade.

Hall abandoned the Soviet network in 1953. In 1962 he and his wife moved to the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge.

In 1995, the National Security Agency released the decrypted November 1944 cable naming "Teodor Kholl" and "Savil Saks" as volunteer Soviet informants.

The Rosenbergs may have been executed in 1953, but, in a "whose the greatest traitor contest", the untouchable Theodore Hall would win hands down.

However, Hall knows that he will never be prosecuted for his crimes and he is blasé when it comes to giving interviews.

Here are some of the things he has said:

"I had been thinking and reading about politics since an early age, and had seen that in a capitalistic society, economic depression could lead to fascism, aggression and war, as actually happened in Italy and Germany. So as I worked at Los Alamos and understood the destructive power of the atomic bomb, I asked myself what might happen if World War II was followed by a depression in the United States while it had an atomic monopoly?

In fact, I was very optimistic. I didn't believe that there would necessarily be a depression, or that a depression would necessarily lead to war. But it seemed to me that an American monopoly was dangerous and should be prevented…

I contemplated a brief encounter with a Soviet agent, just to inform them of the existence of the A-bomb project. I anticipated a very limited contact. With any luck it might easily have turned out that way, but it was not to be. Now I am castigated in some quarters as a traitor, although the Soviet Union at the time was not the enemy but the ally of the United States…

It has even been alleged that I 'changed the course of history.' Maybe the 'course of history,' if unchanged, could have led to atomic war in the past 50 years, for example the bomb might have been dropped on China in 1949 or the early 50s. Well, if I helped to prevent that, I accept the charge…

In 1944 I was 19 years old, immature, inexperienced and far too sure of myself. I recognise that I could easily have been wrong in my judgement of what was necessary, and that I was indeed mistaken about some things, in particular my view of the nature of the Soviet state. The world has moved on a lot since then and certainly so have I. But in essence, from the perspective of my 71 years, I still think that brash youth had the right end of the stick. I am no longer that person; but I am by no means ashamed of him."

So that’s alright then.

Jack Straw was Tony Blair's first Home Secretary.

In that post he refused to prosecute the Cold war spy, Melita Norwood.

Norwood just happens to have been an associate of his during his youthful 'protest' years.

You can rest assured that a Home Secretary who, did not see the point in prosecuting a woman whose traitorous actions led to the deaths of God knows how many British agents, would never agree to put a Jewish Communist like Hall on trial.

The unworthy Prof still lives in Cambridge, happily immune from any governmental sanction.

Robert Oppenheimer was the man that President Roosevelt chose to head the Manhattan Project, America’s attempt to build the atom bomb.

Oppenheimer was a Communist in the nineteen thirties and was a fervent supporter, as were so many Jews, of the Republicans in the Spanish civil war. Indeed, about one quarter of all of those who fought in the international brigades were Jewish.

On 16 July 1945, the first US test explosion of the atomic bomb was made at Alamogordo Air Base, south of Albuquerque, New Mexico, equal to some 18,600 tons of TNT.

Upon seeing the explosion Oppenheimer commented:

"We knew the world would never be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita... ‘I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that, one way or another."

Describing the physicists' creation of the A-Bomb, Oppenheimer said:

"In some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity, no humour, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose."

In the 1988 book, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Richard Rhodes also records Oppenheimer as having said:

"I had had a continuing, smouldering fury about the treatment of the Jews in Germany."

Rhodes adds:

"Robert Oppenheimerr, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard were the three principal scientists involved with the creation of the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer and Szilard were Jewish, Fermi was not but his wife was. The army's head of atomic bomb security, Leslie Richard Groves, thought Szilard was: '… the kind of man that any employer would have fired as a troublemaker'…

Groves seems to attributed Szilard's brashness to the fact that he was a Jew."

Groves also suspected Szilard of being a spy and had him put under surveillance.

In 1950, President Truman appointed the Jewess, Anna Rosenberg, as the US Assistant Secretary of Defence.

In the mid 40s it was Rosenberg who had been in charge of the hiring of 10,000 people for the Manhattan Project. Those she recruited included the Rosenbergs, David Greenglass, Morton Sobel, Harry Gold, Theodore Hall and Klaus Fuchs.

Sidney Fields, writing in the 15 November 1950 edition of The New Yorker, described Rosenberg thus:

"Tomorrow, Mrs. Anna Rosenberg assumes her duties as Assistant Secretary of Defence, in charge of the nation’s manpower. She will be in charge of 115 US Government Agencies."

In 1938, Lise Meitner was dismissed from her university post in Germany.

She moved to Sweden and, in 1939, wrote a paper on nuclear fission with her nephew, Otto Frisch,where they argued that by splitting the atom it was possible to use a few pounds of uranium to create the destructive power of many thousands of pounds of dynamite.

On 2 August 1939, Albert Einstein and two other Jewish scientists, Eugene Wigner and the aforementioned Leo Szilard, all of whom had previously fled Germany, wrote a letter to President Roosevelt concerning the developments that had been taking place in nuclear physics.

It said in part:

"It may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new radium-like elements would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that this could be achieved in the immediate future.

This new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs, and it is conceivable - though much less certain - that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat or exploded in a port, might well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."

Roosevelt responded immediately by creating a scientific advisory committee and, in 1942 the Manhattan Engineer Project was set up in the United States. By the following year, the leading Jewish scientists: Edward Teller, David Bohm, Rudolf Peirels, Felix Bloch, Szilard and Wigner had joined Oppenheimer to work on the invention of the greatest weapon of mass destruction the world had ever known.

Two years later their efforts were rewarded when the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasarki were obliterated in an instant.

More than 150,000 people, most of them women and children, were killed as a result.

On page 269 of Day One: Before Hiroshima and After, Peter Wyden informs us that:

"There had been twenty-three US Prisoners of War on Hiroshima when the bomb was dropped."

On 31 July 1945, a message was received by the US War Department from HQ, US Strategic Air Forces, Guam.

The message read:

"Reports prisoner of war sources, not verified by photos, given location of Allied prisoner of war camp one mile north of center of city of Nagasaki. Does this influence the choice of this target for initial Centerboard operation? Request immediate reply."

The US War Department’s reply was:

"Targets previously assigned for Centerboard remain unchanged."

After the inhabitants of Hiroshima were crisped, President Truman, who ordered the bomb to be dropped, said:

"The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as was possible, the killing of civilians."

The 100,000 plus killed in Hiroshima were almost all civilians.

In July, 1946, the US Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that Japan would have surrendered:

"Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to December 31 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated."

Two days after the destruction of Hiroshima and the day before the Nagasaki bomb, former American President, Herbert Hoover said:

"The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul."

Dwight D. Eisenhower, at that time Allied Commander in Europe, and future US President said:

"The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing."

In chapter 10 of the 1949 history, Fear, War and the Bomb, Lord Patrick Maynard Stewart Blackett, a Nobel prize winning nuclear physicist, former Naval Officer and advisor to Winston Churchill during WWII, said the dropping of the atomic bomb was:

"... the first major operation of the cold diplomatic war with Russia… the first shot fired in an American Cold war with Russia… The bombs were really aimed at the Russians, although it was the Japanese who did the dying."

History usually describes Klaus Fuchs as a 'British' spy, but, in fact, he was born and raised in Germany.

A member of the German Communist Party, he fled the country and made for Scotland after the Nazis came to power in 1933.

During WWII, he worked at Birmingham University under the Jew, Rudof Peierls, and, in 1943, he went to the US where he began working on the bomb.

After the war Fuchs returned to England where he became head of the physics department of the British nuclear research centre at Harwell.

In September 1945, a KGB intelligence officer based in Canada, defected to the West claiming he had evidence of an Soviet spy ring based in Britain.

Igor Gouzenko's testimony led to the arrest of 22 homegrown and 15 Soviet spies in Canada. Fuchs confessed and, in 1950, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

In 1961, George Blake was sentenced to 42 years in prison for spying for the Soviet Union.

In 1966, he escaped from Wormwood Scrubs and was spirited out of the country, ending up in Moscow, where he was to spend the rest of his life.

In an interview, Blake said:

"My father was a Spanish Jew who came from the Middle East or the Near East… My father had a sister in Cairo, who was a wife of a very rich banker. They said they would take me and look after my education…

At the age of thirteen I went to Cairo, and lived with my uncle and aunt, in a very large house, and there I met my two cousins, who were ten years older than I was. Both of them had very decided left wing views… the younger of my two cousins… had a great influence on me. He was, by that time, a Communist and he talked a lot with me. Of course, his views had a great influence on me."

Blake’s treachery led to the disappearance and probable execution of 42 Soviet agents who were working for the British.

Victor Rothschild, who had once been a governor of the BBC, was a close friend and adviser of Margaret Thatcher at a time when the Conservative government were being harassed by that organisation.

After he was appointed Chair of the Board of govenors of the BBC in 1986, Marmaduke Hussey was summoned to the HQ ofN. M. Rothschild and Sons in St. Swithin's Lane, for a conference withVictor Rothschild.

Hussey described the conversation thus:

"Victor Rothschild I knew because he was head of the Downing Street Think Tank. If he wanted to enquire about the media, he summoned me. I would then be grilled by him for two hours, with my replies taken down by my young brother-in-law, William Waldegrave.

Pretty intimidating.

Victorinvited me to an excellent lunch at the family bank. The house wine was delicious, but no mention of the BBC. So with the cheese I said:

'Now what about the BBC, Victor'?"

What follows is a transcript of the Rothschild/Hussey conversation, as described by Hussey:

: "How much power have you got?"

HUSSEY: "I'm not sure."

ROTHSCHILD:"Can you fire the Director-General?"

HUSSEY: "I think so."

ROTHSCHILD: "Well, that's all that needs to be said, isn't it?"

"Typical of Victor, the basic problem as always is power. If you have it, use it. How you use it is the problem. Having considered the constitution it was clear to me that the governors, if they chose to exercise it, had tremendous power."

The director-general, Alasdair Milne, was sacked shortly afterwards.

'Friend and adviser' to Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, between 1964 and 1976, Rothschild was also a 'friend and adviser' to both Harold Wilson and Ted Heath.

As the economist and historian, Webster G. Tarpley, says in his illuminating book,August 15 1971: Collapse Of The Bretton Woods Monetary System:

"In 1964, the era of Tory domination was ended by a new Labour Party government under Harold Wilson, a former communist activist of the 1930's who owed his career to Lord Victor Rothschild of the notorious banking family."

In 1986, rumours were rife thatRothschild was the "fifth man" in the Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt spy ring. He wrote a letter to the editor of the Daily Telegraph, in which he demanded that the head of M15 issue a public confirmation of his innocence.

'For now', he stated, 'I shall not address any other public statement to the press'."

What no writs?

No prosecution for libel?

The following day, Margaret Thatcher issued a press release of her own which said:

"We have no evidence that he was ever a Soviet agent."

Not much of a furious denial of Rothschild treachery there, then.

In his 1994 book, The Fifth Man, Australian journalist, Roland Perry, revealed that the 'fifth spy' was not the previously exposed John Cairncross but Rothschild.

"Rothschild was camouflaged as the Fifth Man by virtue of his powerful position in the Establishment.

The vast wealth of his banking dynasty embedded him in the power elite more than the other members of the Ring of Five. It was a perfect cover and served to shield him. He seemed the epitome of the ruling class in twentieth century Britain, and therefore the least likely to be a traitor...

Rothschild was more loyal to his Jewish heritage than anything English…

Rothschild supplied espionage material to the Russians on work in everything from nuclear weaponry and radar to germ warfare developments at the biological center."

On 14 April 2003, The New Statesman published a critique of Kenneth Rose’s biography, Elusive Rothschild: the life of Victor, Third Baron, which informed us that:

"Victor Rothschild … argued in 1944 that British and American military secrets ought to be given to the Russians… he knew Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt rather more closely than he liked to admit in later years. Rupert Allason, the former Conservative MP, otherwise known as the spy writer Nigel West, claimed that he was a Communist Party member at Cambridge in the 1930s…

The truth is that Rothschild was as much a part of the grubby, reactionary, self-glorifying world of the security services as Allason, Wright or Pincher. There are no blacks and whites in that world, only dirty, duplicitous greys. In the twilight of his life, says John le Carre, the good double agent can turn to his masters and say: 'I have served you both well.'

When faced with the potential revelation of half-truths, their instinct is not to reveal the whole truth, but to manoeuvre, as Rothschild did with Wright and Pincher, to try to ensure that it is their half-truth that gets told. The distinction between spies and agents provocateurs is a fine one…

The heir to the huge fortune of the British branch of the Rothschilds, Victor Rothschild was fabulously rich all his life without the inconvenience of having to earn money. He was a scientist of some distinction before the Second World War, and a valued M15 officer during it (and close to it all his life).

From 1958 to 1970 he was a senior executive with Shell. In 1970, the new Prime Minister, Edward Heath, made him the head of the Central Policy Review Staff, a government think-tank eventually abolished by Margaret Thatcher. In 1975, at the age of 64, he finally consented to join the family firm of N MRothschild and Sons, in the role of Chairman."

Before and during WWII, Victor Rothschild had also been a 'close friend and adviser' of Winston Churchill.

Indeed, immediately upon taking office in 1940, Churchill appointed him to put the notorious 'Regulation 18b' into effect. This draconian law allowed for the imprisonment, without trial, of anyone Churchill and Rothschild suspected of opposing the war.

Thus, Oswald Mosely, his wife Diana Mitford and quite a few MPs and high ranking military men who had counselled against war were summarily silenced andthe destruction of the old world order and more than 54 million lives in the next four years could take place without hindrance or critical scrutiny.

In the 11 November 2001, issue of The Observer, we are told:

"Anthony Blunt … was recruited to recruit others and signed up a number of undergraduates with left-wing sympathies as agents….In the late 1930s he lost contact with Moscow and concentrated on… his editorial work for the Warburg Institute… In the war he was recruited to MI5…. It was then that he was again approached by Moscow to hand over secrets, which he did conscientiously…

After the war, he slipped effortlessly into all the highest places in the art establishment, with a flat on the top floor of the Courtauld Institute and a friendship with the Queen, a distant cousin. There is no evidence that he ever felt the faintest twinge of guilt, rather the contrary, but he did fuss endlessly that he might be found out… He was certainly on friendly terms with Sir Dick White, the Head of MI5 and MI6, in the 1960s, and they used to spend Christmas together with Victor Rothschild in Rothschild's house in Cambridge."

Blunt and Philby claimed that the Soviet agent who recruited themselves, Burgess, Maclean and Cairncross was an eastern European named Otto. Most historians believe that Otto was, in fact, a Jewish intellectual who operated out of the Soviet Embassy in London named Samuel Borisovich Cahan.

In 1985, a US Navy intelligence analyst named Jonathan Pollard was arrested, charged with passing nuclear secrets to Israel, found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Pollard is Jewish.

In August 2004, the Israeli government denied reports that a senior US defence department official had spied for Israel.

The spy was said to be 'linked' to Douglas Feith, a key adviser to Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and, along with Deputy Defence SecretaryPaul Wolfowitz, one of the leading architects of the war in Iraq.

Feith is Jewish.

Of the Burgess and MacLean spy ring, Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess were homosexual.

Kim Philby was bi-sexual and married to a Jewess.

They didn't tell you that in school, now did they?



Daily News - December 2007

Labour’s Favourite Think Tank Says: CHRISTMAS MUST BE DOWNGRADED!
Traitors, Nick Pearce, Ben Rogers and Rick Muir think it will help race relations!
Britain Faces 30-Year Battle Against Extremism!
Extremism imported by our own MPs!
War Veteran of 91 Told: Tick the Box if You're a Lesbian!
New Labour are looking for future employees, it seems!
Migrants Putting Billions on Council Tax!
Equality and Human Rights Commission Chairman (Black) Applauds Tory Leader!
Trevor Phillips likes David Cameron for “deracialising" the immigration issue!
Judge Refuses to Deport Headmaster Murderer”
GP PAY: £110,000 After Another Big Pay Rise!
Serious Flaws in UK Health Care!
Key HIV Strain came from Haiti!
Councils Need More Immigrant Cash!
Labour candidate, Muhammed Afzal, has been charged with corruption
Foreign Secretary Cancels Meeting with King Abdullah!
Why? Abdullah’s an Arab. Miliband’s a Jew. NOT because Miliband was adopting a US kid!
Inquiry into Claims of Bias Against Whites!
Chief Spt Nicky Dahl said: "Knife crime is a real concern… More than 2,500 Poles alone have arrived, with many arrested for drinking and violent offences"
Girls Warned After Muslim Sex Attacker Strikes Again
TOP COP REFUSES TO RESIGN Blairite slime never does!
Oops sorry! Guilty of breaching health and safety laws only
BLAIR WARS: Insulting Soldier Payout Attacked
Probe into Housing Unfairness
Unfairness Against us that is – Trevor Philips wants to score some brownie points
Northern Rock Has Borrowed £23bn of Our Money!
That’s £730 for every UK taxpayer!
Royal Mail’s CEO Pockets £999,000 in 12 Months!
Creepy Adam Crozier awarded himself a 26% pay rise!
X-Factor Slag (Black) Beats Up Girl on Video
Emily Nakanda is a name you should forget
A Continuing Anti-Foreigner Outcry Unmatched in Italy's Recent History
Giovanna Reggiani was murdered by a Rumanian
Pensioner Dies After Asian GP Just Shouted Through the Letterbox
At the end of her life, Sarah Bonner was at the mercy of Dr Brij Joshi
Mustafa Jama Extradited from Somalia
For the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky
Old Crime Records Must be Deleted!
So we have even less chance of catching the bad guys!
Don’t Eat Bacon! You Might Get Cancer!
Bad news for pig farmers. Good news for Jews and Muslims, who don’t eat it anyway!
Labour ex-Mayor Guilty of Benefit Fraud!
John Walker and his wife Catie may well be jailed
5 Africans Deny Magic Fraud Plot
Abrahima Konte, Khaussy Thoto, Edward Tsafack, Mwepu Wa-Kakuna and Simon Kouama-Boni deny conspiracy to defraud
Bryan Drysdale Killed 6 Others When he Committed Suicide!
The BBC don’t tell you that Drysdale was a self-obsessed puff!
Payoff to Bug Hospital CEO Unlawful!
BLAIR WARS: Ex MI6 Boss Attacks Iraq Policy!
Bishop of Hereford Named Top Gay Hate Figure!
Rev Anthony Priddis is OK by me
Minister Used Phone Whilst Driving!
Home Office minister Liam Byrne was fined £100
Third of Hospital trusts losing Superbug Battle!
What the BBC Makes Films About
Little white girls finding peace in the Muslim community!
Black Murderer Gets Away with Manslaughter Only!
Anthony Joseph stabbed Richard Whelan to death on a London bus after the cops released him that morning
New Foot-and-Mouth Leak from Same Government Lab!
More Than Half of Trauma Patients Not Getting Good Care
Check Out the the Israel Lobby at this site!
Asian Student Jailed for Terror Offences
3 Blacks Kicked Ian Page to Death for Bumping into Them!
Andre Campbell and Jermaine Yateman were convicted of murder, Lloyd Henry of manslaughter
Young Britain is Cocaine Capital of the World!
Asian Charged with Rape of 12-Year-Old
Shakeel Afzal of Foster Street Oldham was charged with her rape
Million Pound Drug Ring Smashed
Shoukat Ali Yaqoob, Siraz Bobat, Simon Harrison (black) and Christopher Dewey (white?) were all found guilty
Home Office: Employers break law if foreigners are not considered for jobs, even if they don't speak English! You break law if you don't consider foreigners who don't speak English for job
Gordon Brown "Shows Contempt for Armed Forces"!
That's what Admiral Boyce,d General Guthrie and 3 other top military blokes think anyway
National Sex Grooming Conference!

"Aimed at tackling the growing number of men, predominantly Asian, targeting young girls for sex"

By Eli Birnbaum
Knifeman 523,000 British-born workers Vanish!
Since the massive influx of Eastern European immigrants, that is
UK Population Could Soar to 90 Million! America and the Israel Lobby
"Lobbyists have managed to influence dramatically... US foreign policy... steering it against America's interests"
Tony Blair: "People Do Think You're a Nutter!"
They sure do, Tony. And a traitor as well
Sex Infections Continue to Rise
Archbishop of Canterbury Attacks America!
He said the USA had created ""the worst of all worlds"!
And so say all of us
Labour and Their Secret Donor Have Broken the Law?
Wealthy Jewish property developer, David Abrahams, has admitted that £400,000 of secret donations were hisProtest Expected at Oxford Debate
They don't like it up 'em, those Marxist brainwashers. The truth, that is
Telford gets a Mosque!
On the grounds of a former territorial army base
Shahid Malik, MP, Loses Libel case!British Schoolgirl Dies of TB!
Rebecca Medford-Edwards was one of the many who are murdered by the mass immigration freaks every yearGovernment's Chief Scientific Advisor LOves GM Technology
David King was born and raised in South Africa
Black Burglars Break in and Attack With Baseball Bat
They also stole the kids' Christmas Presents
Outrage Over Cancer Chaos
Will Gillian Get 40 Lashes for Naming Teddy bear, Mohammed?
Immigration Centre Significantly Less Safe
One-in-Six Eastern Europeans are Claiming Benefit Here!
Kennie Williams Murdered by Jamie and Hernan Ramirez
Murdered by Institutional Neglect
Beckie Daley killed herself
Ethnics Improving Faster than White Classmates! Let's All Give Immigrants a "Great Big Hug"
Says the Blair/Brown Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith. Who is Jewish
Top Cop Warns: Nuclear Attack is Inevitable!
Terrorists are planning it now says Ian Dickinson - Would such folk be immigrants, I wonder?
Muslim Married his 15-year-old Daughter and Got her Pregnant!
Allah told him to, apparently
1,000 Poles a Month are Born Here!
Young Lads Stabbed by Thug BANGED UP BY COPS!
Robert Burrows, 16, and a 14-year-old friend were interrogated for over 6 hours
Asian Manslaughter Doc Wants to Practice Again!
Amit Misra and nd Rajeev Srivastava were convicted of manslaughter . Sean Phillips died because of his incompetence
Virulent bugs are spreading from hospitals into the community. Necrotizing pneumonia destroys lung tissue. Lorry drivers Suffering Increasing violence from illegal immigrants striving to enter The NHS is a Favours the Middle Classes over Poorer People!More Ethnic Minority Spies Required! BLACKS BARBECUE THEIR DEAD SON!
Nickella Reid said their son Deante was killed by Joseph Miller. Cops found Deante's body as they quizzed the pair over the abuse of their other son
Russian Ballerinas Arrested for Shoplifting!
Black Nurse Lied About his Violent Criminal Past!
Michael Sonny-Ijoma Lied About his Education
Cops Hunt Asian Sex Attacker
Out-of-Work Asians Could Boost Economy!
Yes, Babs, and you could turn into a coconut if I fell in love with a monkey
Amir Khan in Court for Speeding!
He was clocked at 140mph! And they always make him out to be such a responsible lad!
Lewisham Has Highest Number of Registered Sex Offenders in London
Is it Cos I’s Black?
Lesbian Tennis Coach Jailed!
Pervert, Clare Lyte, sexually molested and corrupted a 13-year-old girl in her care
Immigration! What’s Going on Down in Slough?
Despite guilty verdict Met chief refuses to Quit!
It’s Time to Cut Out the Rot – Starting at the Top!
The Dim Iraqi Toerag That Bush and Blair Believed!
Because they wanted to!
Mum’s Fury Over Asian Gang-Rapist’s Sentence”
Shakil Chowdhury got just 6 years for raping a 12-year-old repeatedly along with 3 other Asians
4 Firemen Killed in Arson Inferno
Witnesses on the news said they saw firemen rescuing Asians and the business had called in the receivers
DC Catherine Corbett: Mown Down in the Line of Duty!

By an Asian crim who had been housed in an open prison!
Shahid Malik, MP, Lied! Hunt for Meredith Kircher’s Killer!
21-year-old Meredith was murdered in Italy
Bed Blocking on the Rise Again!Arrested After Tackling Intruder!
Girl Held at Gunpoint as Black Men Rob Two Prison Officers held a Whip Round for Poppy Day!
And so HMP Liverpool warned Steve Baines and Paul Leigh they were in breach of prison rules!
Growing Chaos Over Immigrant Workers!Britain Must Face Up to Immigrant Crimewave!
Plan to Move Immigrants into White Areas en Masse!
And these creeps are not at war with us?
Children and Alcohol: Britain’s Deadly Cocktail!
Raise the Age of Imprisonment Says Archbishop
That’s it. More black villains on the streets. Just what we need!
Migrants Can Enter Britain in 73 Ways!
Home Secretary, a Minister and Labour MPs Face Sleaze Probe!
Jacqui Smith, Caroline Flint et al took undeclared money from abortion group
Muslim Held After Explosives Find!
Enoch Powell was Right! Says Would-be Tory MP!
Kelly Forced to Apologise For Using Taxpayer’s Cash for Party Politics
Terrorist Traffic Warden Hid his Past!
She Fought Off 3 Black Muggers!
THEY Deny Robert’s Manslaughter!
Marcello Cipriani and Shazad Sattar are accused!
16-Year-Old Stabbed by Blacks Terror Past of New Asian JP!
Councillor Ansar Ali Khan was arrested in 1985 for terrorist activities
Crime Suspects Swap Cells for City Flats
Big Brother UK: Cops Now Hold DNA Fingerprints of 4.5 Million Brits!
More than a Million have been added in the last 10 months
Britain’s Anti-Semitic Turn
By the Jew, Melanie Philips
Would-be Cop Killer, Rashpal Singh, in Court
Patients Denied Intensive Care
Bank Worries Haunt Global Markets
Al Quaeda is Grooming Children to Carry Out Terror Attacks in UK!
So say Jonathan Evans, the Director General of MI5
Antisemitism Hits Students!
Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
14-Year-Old Girl Groomed for Sex by Ugandan Muslim
Tunisian Terrorist Arrested
Migrant Workers Change Face of Rural Scotland
Human Rights is Merely a Sweetner for Rapists, Murderers and Violent Criminals!
Too Scared to Live Here Say Streatham Families
Streatham is a very BLACK area
Hairdresser Sued: She Didn't Give the Job to a Headscarfed Muslim!
Sarah Desrosiers is being sued for more than £15,000 by Bushra Noah
Jon Cooper Taylor was stabbed 130 times by Kenyan Rafiq Kashmiri and he rushed to the aid of an 83-year-old woman
Muslim Rapist Jailed for 8 Years!
Mohammed Al-Amin raped an 18-year-old girl
Cockroach-Ridden Snack Bar Manager Fined

Manager Jitwah Singh, who admitted two more charges, was told to pay over £3,000 in combined fines and costs
Romanian Immigrant Does NOT go to Jail for Bank Card Scam!
Boutros Boutros Ghali, former UN Secretary General, gets stuck into Israel
African Asian Denounces Brown's Brit Jobs for Brit Workers Lie
Keith Vaz doesn't like the sound of that!
13-Year-Old in Court Over Bonfire Death
WPCs' Lazy Stupidity Cost Colette Lynch Her Life!
The BBC doesn't mention that Colette's murderer, Percy Wright, is black!
A 70-year-old beat off 3 black muggers with her walking stick
Manfo Kwaku Asiedu Admits Being Fifth Bomber
England Picks up Bill for Asylum-Seeker Students in Scotland!
UK Orders Black Preacher Back to Kenya for Child Stealing
Gilbert Deya's congregation had with 36,000 UK members. He claimed he could give infertile couples miracle babies
Tony Blair Converting to Catholicism!
Why are we not surprised?
Meredith Kircher Murder
Amanda Knox Held her down as Lumumba Diya raped her
BLAIR WARS: Another Soldier Killed in Afghanistan
The MOD Spies and the Crippled Soldiers
Anniversary Appeal to Trace David Lees' Asian Killer
Jail Terms Cut for Servicemen Theft Immigrants
Abiodun and Omowale Adepoju Abdul Malik stole from the British Forces Post Office
Osama Bin Laden's Sister Flown to UK for £100,000 Cancer Treatment!
Samima Malik: First Woman Terrorist to be Found Guilty
Tory Mayor of Chemsford Suspended: Porn Enquiry Underway
Murderously Incompetent WPCs Fined Just 5 Days Pay!
Charlotte Hall and Pc Theresa Cottingham did not arrest Percy Wright for criminal damage after an incident at Colette Lynch's home in 2005. Ms Lynch, 24, was stabbed to death two days later
Pervert Councillor Gets 5 Year Ban!
Kenneth Leadbeater was downloading indecent images of kiddies from the Internet
Eastern European Assaults 20-Year-Old Woman
Successful Pupils in Third World Conditions!
Washington Imam Looking to take Over America by 2050!
Asylum Seekers Racially Abuse each Other!
PC Mayoress Tells Rifle Regiment: Your Guns are Too Violent' for Remembrance Day!
Hilary Beach: "I am very much against guns and think they are awful things"!
Poor Top Muslim Doesn't Like it Here!
Then Dr Mohammed Abdul Bari should b***er off, shouldn't he?Middle Classes British Pensioner Murdered in Spain
Janette May Grocutt, 74, was found dead in her own home
Cops Leave 2.3 Million Crimes Univestigated!
So now we know why Labour says crime is going down!
Warmonger Brown Refuses to Rule British Role in an Attack on Iran
Charles and Camilla Kiss Asian Bum
Volunteers an Endagered Species Britain the Poor Relation in Europe
Britain's health-care system is a bad deal for patients here
Headmistress Attacks Celeb Culture!
Labour Coucillor let Pet Dog to Die in Agony
Paul Shotton left his family's 13-year-old labrador to die whilst he went on holiday with his wife
Wife of Downing Street Policy Advisor Set to Land £2 Million Contract!
Lord Birt - who was criticised as a "croak-voiced Dalek" when he ran the BBC
BARCLAYS BANK: No to BNP Yes to Robert Mugabe!
Fat Cats Criticised for Excess Pay Rises AGAIN!
Illegal Immigrants Working at the Met, in Whitehall and at Ports and Airports!
The Voters Trust Cameron on Immigration?
Bo**ocks!Gay Algerian Must be Allowed to Stay!
He only thought of this ruse after 7 years!
Policeman Stabbed and Slashed by Eastern European!
A Bulgarian living in Eastbourne is now in custody
Black-on-Black Murder
More Blacks Wanted at Oxford
Says professional black busybody, Rev Jesse Jackson
Another White Girl Murdered by Ethnic
Zahir Ahmed is charged with murdering Clara Prokopcova
BLAIR WARS: Iraq "Contractor" Killed by Roadside Bomb!
Asian Slag Murders her Boyfriend's Wife!
Harmohinder Kaur Sanghera Sana Ali repeatedly in her own bedroom
CCTV Images of Black Armed Robber Released
This chimp has committed 7 robberies in just 3 weeks
Cheating Water Bosses Facing £20.3 Million Fine!
Women Losing Out on Heart Care!
Alcohol Disease Hits Young Hard!
17-Year-Old Asian Raped two Prostitutes
Mohammed Ali is charged with raping htem in April and May this year
78-Year-Old Patricia Prowse Died After Nurse Blunders!
PC Traitor Condemns Migration Hysteria
BNP Grandma and the "Brainwashed Society" BLUNDER, PANIC, COVER-UP!
Ministers don't know if 34,000 illegal immigrant security guards are working in the UK
Bird Flu IS Deadliest Strain!
BLAIR WARS: Soldier Took Overdose Rather Than Shoot Children
Jason Chelsea couldn't cope with the thought that he might have to shoot children carrying suicide bombs
Immigrant Figures Increase by 41,000
The Office for National Statistics underestimated people leaving Britain!
Did Muslim Minister Hire Thugs to Intimidate Voters?
Muslim Women Get "Virginity-Fix" on NHS!
TB Scare: Expert says Tighter Screening of Immigrants is Needed
Asian Councillor Found Guilty of Fraud KEEPS HIS POSITION!
Labour's Coun Ali Aqeel Salamat was convicted of falsely claiming council tax benefits
Comatose Diatbetic was Tasered by Cops!
One week before Jean Charles de Menezez was shot
"Talent will Stop Coming Through if Foreigners do Take Over"!
So says Stephen Gerrard, captain of Liverpool!
Biological Warfare Expert Feared Ending Up Like David Kelly!
Jill Dekker suffered intintimidation from MI6 and the CIA after criticising their governments!MP Quentin Davies' Niece Slit Man's Throat During a drugged up up sex game
This black burglar-rapist has never been caught!
Aye. There should be a World Government controlling the Melting Pot with Jews like Miliband at the top of the pile!Illegal Immigrant Demands to be Flown Home!
We Brits are rude and unfriendly, apparently!
Black Binman Sh*ts in Garden!
Dennis Daniels lied about having done so as well
520 Immigrants are Arriving in Britain Every Day!
London Firms Increasingly Hiring Abroad!
Pole-on-Pole Killing over Pink Shirt
48% of Teens Have Tried Alcohol!
BLAIR WARS: US Accused of Slaughtering Iraq Allies
Israel and Sex Trafficking Female Soldier Dies!
Sarah Holmes was injured in Al Udeid, Qatar just days before she was due to leave
Killer Found Hanging in Cell Desmond Wilson killed himslef after stabbing a cabbie 11 times
Council Fraudster Must Pay back £320,000!

Immigrant John Baptiste Stole £620,000 from vunerable residents and bought property in Grenada and Uk with it Father and Son Jailed for Robbbery
Mark and Andrew Roberts are black
BLAIR WARS: Soldier Killed in Afghanistan
Captain John McDermid of The Royal Highland Fusiliers, was killed by a roadside bomb
Prince Charles to Visit Israel?
Yes! It's the Nativity as an asylum seekers' tale!
Why Are so Many Britons Emigrating?
MASS IMMIGRATION is causing the greatest British exodus since before WWI!
African Cop-Biter Finally Jailed
BLAIR WARS: Muslim Foster families Needed!
Muslim kids seek asylum here to get way from Blair's war on them in Iraq and Afghanistan
Asian Implicated in Bellfield Murders!
Sunil Gharu told the Old Bailey he did not attack Irma Dragoshi or kill Amelie Delagrange
Head of Met, Ian Blair, too Close to Labour!
Money-Grubbing New Labour Ministers Cuddle up to Nuclear!
Ian McCartney and Richard Caborn - Bought and paid for?
Now Passengers Need ID to Travel Within Britain!
Marriage: A Word We Do Not Dare Speak Under New Labour
Doctors Revolt at Anti White Bias!

MI5 Chief Did Not Quit Over 7/7
Top General: "Our Forces Cannot Go On Like This"
A Rising Note of Panic Surrounds Number 10
Blair Adds to Brown's Tension with Miliband
Aleef Bosses Jailed for Fraud
Court Orders Asian Couple to Hand Over £500,000
David Xu and his wife employed illegal immigrants at the Great Fortune restaurant in Messingham
PC Publishers Ban Dragon from Breathing Fire!
"It goes against health and safety"
Thousands of Poles Moving to Britain to Avoid National Service!
The draft dodgers face 3 years in jail if they go home!
Plaid Cymru MP Calls for Migration Debate!
Does this make Adam Price, MP, a racist?
Migrants Damage Job Security says Economist!
Professor David Blanchflower states the stone bl**ding obvious
Spotty? Fat? Drugged up? Drunk or Nuts? Live off Benefits!
None of whom cost as much as immigrants on benefit, of course
The Compensation Culture King!
Suresh Deman has collected nearly £200,000 in payouts and cost the taxpayer an estimated £1 million
Warders Wear Slippers to Avoid Waking Psycho Killers
30,000 Brits Will Die from Cold This Winter!
Government of All the Talents Turns on Gordon!
2007: Teenage Death no. 24 on London's Streets
Miliband in Israel
The re-Trial of Rickell Patterson
For the murder of Tim Smith
5-Strong Asian Gang Cosh Woman in Bet Shop Raid
African Drug Dealer is 4th Suspect in Meredith Murder
Black Thugs get 10 Year CRASBOS!
David Miliband accused of mounting a campaign to 'destabilise' Gordon Brown
Miliband is Blair's Jewish protegeee
Calls for UK to Extend Iraqi Asylum in UK!

Brown's "British Jobs for British Workers" Pledge is Bo**ocks!
Convicted Drug Dealer Will NOT be Sent Back to Jamaica!

Another Black Wanted for Meredith Murder
Asian Drug Dealers Jailed
Fazal Hussain and Mohammed Akseem were found with £200,000 worth of heroin in their car
Black Bomber Jailed Heroin Should be Prescribed says Cleric!
BLAIR WARS: UK Personnel Unlawfully Killed in Iraq
Details of 25 million Child Benefit Recipients Have Been Lost!

I wonder if it was one of this useless government's immigrant pets who lost them?
Immigration Blamed for Doubling of Hepatitis B Cases!
MP Says BNP Remembrance Wreath "Dishonours War Dead"!
Siobhain voted for war with Iraq and Afghanistan. The BNP were against these wars
Big Brother EU Set to Quiz Women on Their Sexual History!
Poppy Sellers Accused of funding Terrorism
The Ilford Recorder doesn't tell us the ethnicity of the accuser
Illegal Immigrants Fleece Taxpayer out of More than £1,000,000!
Saheed Ladega and Oluwatosin Gbadebo used 26 fake identities to carry out their benefits swindle
They Will Not Send This War Criminal Home to Face a War Trial!
Helena Brus is a Jewish Communist who signed death warrants in Poland
FLOODS: Yorkshire Water Failed to Act on Warnings!
Black Schoolgirls Found Guilty in Ghana
Yasemin Vatansever and Yatunde Diya tried to smuggle 13lbs of cocaine into Britain
THEY Just Diagnosed a Broken Arm!
And Graeme McGinn died from internal from undiagnosed internal injuries
BLAIR WARS: 2 Soldiers Killed, 2 Seriously Inured in Iraq
The PC Crowd Will Make Up Any Excuse!
Council Turns Back on care for Older People!
73% of councils plan to refuse care to all whose needs are not "substantial" nsidered to be "substantial"
Hilary Clinton having a lesbian affair with Huma Abedin, her beautiful aide?
African Nurse Struck Off: She Would Not Wash her Hands!
Yvonne Zanele Cemane would not wash them even after touch an MRSA victim!
Muslims Training at Al Qaeda Camp in Lake District!

Malaysian Sues Britain Over Ethnic Indians' Woes!
Lawyer Waytha Moorthy wants $4 Trillion out of us!
Corrupt Black Coucillor on Trial for Benefit Fraud
Olive McIntosh-Stedman says she forgot to give details of her income
EU Wants to Scrap Labels saying Made in Britain!
Benefit Claims by Eastern Europeans Doubles in One Year!
Inside the Ministry of Mayhem: Baseball Caps and NO QUALIFICATIONS!
Welcome to HM Revenue and Customs, the Government department charged with handling your most sensitive and private information
Stabbed Woman Suffers Punctured Lung
She was stabbed by yet another of those "tanned complexion" men!
The foul, Blairite organ had compared Migrationwatch to the Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan
To "improve their quality of life" insideSex Charge Against Asian Father of Maths Prodigy!
Farooq Yusof's 15-year-old daughter, Sufiah, was placed with foster parents
Lesbians Admit Murdering 16-year-old Stacy Mitchell
Jessica Stasinowsky and Valerie Parashumti killed Stacy because she "irritated" them
Yasmin Alibhai-Ungrateful-Immigrant is at it Again!
She's p***ed off because the BBC is doing a series on the besieged white working classes
Some Families Wait 27 Years for a Council House!
Black Traffic Warden Takes P*** out of his Victims!
Murdered Epileptic’s Family Will Not Forgive Khorram Azim
BLAIR WARS: Ben Ford and Damian Wright Killed in Afghanistan
5 Breaches at Farm Disease Lab
Traitor Blair’s Specialist Schools are NOT better!
Depression Leads to Worst Health
Ex-Tory Donor to be Traitor Brown’s Advisor
Johan Eliasch is a Swedish banker and businessman with a Jewish name
Black Nut, Telahum Tedola, Charged with Rosalind McManus’ Murder
New Labour’s Equality Law Denies Christians Right to Oppose Homosexuality

Shopping Centre Forces 4-Year-Old to Remove her Hoodie!
Asylum Seeker who Groped an Elderly man Claimed "Cultural Differences"
Yasir Abdullah was the dirty, Asian pervert
Toddler Torture Asians Caged
Sumairia Parveen and Abid Ikram were jailed for just 9 years
1-in-20 Adoptive Children Now Lives with a Gay Couple!
Tories Advertise on Gay Website!
Radical Islamic Sect has Half of Britain’s Mosques in its Grip!
Cops Seek Huge Black Steaming Gang
Amato Wright Murdered his own Mother, Maria, for Money!

Black Litter Louts Charged with Murder
Black Gangster Found with Guns Jailed
Leon Edwards got 4 Years
Ken Livingstone is a C***!

Lord Sainsbury Gives New Labour Another £2m!
Government will not Hold Enquiry into 7/7!
Gordon Brown Wants to Look After the World!
Toddlers Ill From too Much Salt
Carers Stealing from Elderly!
I wonder how many of them are foreign?
BLAIR WARS: Iraq General Says Surge "Has Not Worked out as we Hoped"!
Son of the Devil Jailed for 8.5 Years
Damian Sinmanz, aka Richard Sinclair, raped a 16-year-old and sexually assaulted 3 15-year-olds
88-Year-Old Grandma "Could Face Court"!
For sweeping leaves into the road!
Jew Battles Against Free Speech in Canada AND WINS!
Jessica Beaumont was fined $1500 for posting 2 Bible verses critical of homosexuality. She was also ordered to give $3000 to Jew, Richard Warman, for calling him a Jew
Non-Green Brown Sets Out New World Vision
Career Crim, Yohan Clarke, was let out after just 2 years despite being convicted of murder and arson!
Top Jew School Breaks Anti-Discrimination Laws!Black Attacks Woman on Train
Man From Moss Side Rapes and Kidnaps 2 Teenagers

Moss Side is predominantly black
Military Housing to Remain Substandard for 20 Years

PC Asian Cop Jailed for 3.5 Years
Nasir Choudhury was jailed yesterday for having illegal guns and bullets
Said Dirir is considered to be violent
Tim Smith Got in Rickell Patterson's "line of fire"
Actually, Patterson stabbed Tim to death quite gratuitously
The Scots want Another 25,000 Immigrants a Year!
Says Canadian Prof, Robert Wright. Bit of an old Globalist, then, eh Prof?
12-Year-Olds On Steroids Now!
Disabled Couple Threatened with Fine - For Shopping too Slowly!
Ban the Burka!
War Hero Dies as 999 Men Eat Their Tea!
Hunt on For Black Robbers
Hands up Who Thinks the Grandad Robbers Were Ethnic?
Why do the cops and the papers not say?
Did Nine Etnics Murder Thomas Blackwell?
One Denton Levi Terry Moneypenny has been charged. The cops don't tell you much, do they?
14-Year-Old groomed for Sex by Ugandan Black
Mubarak Ssali `bombarded' the 14-year-old-girl with messages over a two month period before he had unlawful sex with her
Black Sexually Assaults 17-Year-Old
Tory Branch Refuse to Ditch "Enoch Was Right" Candidate!
Despite PC Dave insisting that they must!
Foul Treatment of Kids by Black Mam and Dad!
African "Nurse" Did Not Know What Aspirin Was!

Nobantu Dlayiya, 61, gave wrong doses to patients and ignored bosses at a care home
You May Now Sniff the Bride! 12-Year-Old Admits Brick Attack on Child
In a decent society the sick kid turd would be flogged publicly
Heroin Should be Handed out by Prescription says Dr Kailash Chand!

Cold turkey, Doc, that's how we'd do it. Now sod off home with your silly idea. The bonehead who refused it was an ethnic!
Pole-on-Pole Murder in Barnsley!
Home Office Cover Up! 5,000 Illegal Immigrants Working for the Government!
And Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, hid the fact that they were cleared to work in Whitehall!
Minister Orders Academy Schools Probe!
2.2 million people switched off their heating last year in a bid to save money
Boy George Charged with Kidnapping Rent Boy
He could be jailed for life
Unskilled Immigration to Rise!
Council Tax to Rise Due to Cost of Child Asylum
Forget the Paedophiles! Meet Government Targets!
By solving low-level crime!
Footballer Questioned About Attack in Nightclub!
Sylvan Ebanks-Blake was arrested in Plymouth's candy Store after a doorman was attacked with a bottle
Drugs are Not the Answer for ADHD! After Kids have been zombied with them for 20 years!
Cleared by the Home Office, that is!
United Kingdom National Defence Association
Major Fire at Olympic Games Site
Traffic Wardens Hand out Tickets During Remembrance Day Parades!
Winston Churchill Demands More Money for Armed Forces!
25 years ago we were spending 5% of our GDP on defence. Today it's down to 2.1%
Scandal of Elderly Evicted from Hospitals!
Britain is Still the Dustbin of Europe!
18-Year-Old Sara Clark Committed Suicide After she was Raped
Jagat Mawari raped her, the cops ignored her and the PC Crowd murdered her
Gay Cop Lib Dem's Choice for Mayor of London!
Brian Paddick beat Chamali Fernando and Fiyaz Mughal to the top spot!

Black Gun-Runner Jailed for Life
Leon Seale-Edwards was the Armourer for the Longsight Crew
Black Schoolboy Points Gun into Female Stranger’s Face
Social Services Cut Legless War Veteran’s Home Help
That’s what they do in Derby to 85-year-old, wheelchair-bound Englishman
Poles Rob Workman at Gunpoint
Ahmed Hansia Found Guilty of Murder
Staron Beshenisky’s Muslim Killers Stab Tony Piggot
Piggot, a white murderer, was attacked in Frankland Prison
BLAIR WARS: 2 More Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
Mathew Baggett Murdered by a Man Named DeCosta
Brown Offers Pregnant Women a Bribe
Asians and a Wigger Attack Man with Hammer
Immigrants Sent to Front of Hospital Queues!
Cops Release E-fit of Black Attacker
See What Blair’s Latvian Snot Did to 74-Year-Old Dorothy
Burglars Vjaceslavs Skerskans and Ramunas Budvyatis were jailed for just 32 months
Another Black-on-Black Killing
Israeli "Neo-Nazi" Gang Arrested
Wigger DJ Stabbed to Death by Black
Pensioner Murdered by East European Gang!
Gangs from Albania, Kosovo and Romania are attacking British expats
Cruise Ship's Indian Waiter Jailed
Cajetan Fernandes sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl
Iraqi Immigrant Jailed for Rape
Herish Omer got 5 years
Labour Leader has Thousands of Porn Photos on his Office Computers!
Lawrence Bailey was leader of Swansea City Council for 4 years
Asian Cricketer Raped 14-Year-Old
Ajmal Mohammed used a mobile phone to film the rape
Immigration has Costs as Well as Benefits
Says the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Stockwell Strangler Appeals!
Kenneth Erskine (black) was found guilty of strangling 7 (white) pensioners
DONORGATE: 10 Labour Bosses Knew!
US Says it has the Right to Kidnap British Citizens!

DONORGATE: Abrahams Showed Enthusiasm for West Indian Affiars
Cheques and no Balances: Labour at War
France Stunned by Immigrant Rioters‘ Savagery!
Navy Would Struggle to Fight a War!
School Nativity Plays Under Threat!
The PC Crowd Has Fixed it so that only 1-in-5 schools will perform a traditional nativity play this year
More Black teachers required by Red Ken and Diane Abbott!
How Abramovich Dade a farmer a £5 million offer
Just so the Jewish Oligarch’s kids could go riding!
Pollution Lowers Child IQs!
Classrooms in England are among the world's most violent!
It was putting us at risk a long, long time ago
Immigrant Slime Slaughters Another White Boy!
Jack Large was stabbed to death outside a CLOSED police station!
Abrahams, Levy, Mendelssohn - don’t you lemmings get it yet?
Black-on-Black Murder
It is thought that Darren John stabbed Amanda Bentsi-Addison after she found gay porn on his phone
Dirty B*ggers in Wirral!
Andy Bathie Donated Sperm to a Pair of Lesbian “Marrieds”!
And now he’s being done for child support!
Blair Lord Wants The Words of the National Anthem Changed!
Lord Goldsmith (Jew) wants them to be more inclusive!
British Asians Aborting Unwanted Girls!
Tyrone Bates Charged with the Murder of Stella Gleadall
Cooked Fats Linked to Cancers!

Crisis as New Bug Hits Britain!
Bogus Cabbie (Asian) Assaults Teenager
Black Female Fimed the Gang Rape of a "Love Rival!
Destiny Ekanga, 19, plotted the assault after discovering the victim had slept with the father of her unborn babyViolent Stepdad Shook Baby Kyle to Death!
16-month-old Kyle Keen was white. The man who killed him, Tyrone Matthews, is black
Shop Staff Terrorised by Black Tram Attacker
Foreign Coke Addict Set his Bull Terrier on Victims
Elmi Said did so when they wouldn't part with their valuables
Youssef Hassouniand Leon Salih Distributed Ammo to Criminals and Terrorists
4 Blacks and a Half Caste Jailed for 45 Years
Leroy Green, Lorna Green, Christian Hibbert, Richard John and Clinton Hunte were all banged up From top, Clinton Hunte, Christian Hibbert, Leroy Green, Lorna Green and Richard John
Hit and Run Speeder Gets Just 12 Months!
Mohammed Ahmed hit John and Joanne Macdonald on a zebra crossing
Lyrical Terrorist Spared Jail!
Samina Malik wrote brutal poems and stocked a "library" of material useful to terrorists
Teenager who Tackled a Flasher is Arrested!
The flasher complained about scratches and bruises he suffered as he was pinned to the ground
Poles Arrested After £1.35 Cannabis Find

Israel Minister Shuns Britain: He Fears Arrest!
Avi Dichter faces arrest for war crimes!
Mass Immigrantion: Irish Rethink!
Millenium Dome: Insolvent from Beginning!
Solicitor's Crime Partner Jailed!
Student Accused over Essay Scam
Abrahams protested that his donations hadn't come from Israel in the Jewish ChrAbrahams was protesting in the Jewish Chronicle that his money hadn't come from Israel
UK Feeling Effect of Global Warming
UK Fears Moral and Physical Decline
87-Year-Old Lady Robbed Beaten and Left with Broken Arm by Immigrant
Omar Ali Musa and 2 others were charged
The man who invented the jet engine ignored by his country
Experts Fear Annual Translation Bill as High as £500m!
When black boxer Bernard Hopkins says this no one gives a damn!
Asian Car Gang Guilty
Shazad Hussain, Shakeel Shoukat, Hameed Nawaz, Imran Ganchi and Yusef Kad admitted stealing cars worth £,1,300,000
Entire Village falls Prey to Asian Credit Card Scam
Houghton on the Hill's residents lost cash to fraudsters in Australia, India and the Philippines
Bromley: White Boy Savagely Attacked by Mixed Race Gang
Bulgarian Jailed for Benefit Fraud!
Peter Kostov aka Stevan Avramovski arrived with a wife and 3 kids claiming to be a MacedonianHe registered his claim under the name Stevan Avramovski
British Imam's Daughter Gets Police Protection After Converting to Christianity
Ken's Aide and Lost Millions!
Lee Jasper, the Mayor's director of equalities and policing, is at the centre of a network of companies which have received large sums of public money from Mr Livingstone
Another Black-on-Black Murder
CIA Destroyed Interrogation Tapes
BLAIR WARS: 26 Iraqis Killed in Diyala Province
USA Criticises Israel for Build MORE Homes on Occupied Land
Osteoporosis 'Link to Depression'!

Broken Hearts can be Fatal!
Murdoch Sprog Becomes "Arguably the Most Powerful Individual in British Media
James Murdoch is just 34-years-old
Supermarket Chains Fined Millions for Ripping off Shoppers
Blacks kill 21-Year-Old in Croydon
Black Career Criminal Rapes 15-Year-Old Virgin
Remember the name: David Sylvan
Muslim Lobby Group Hid ID of £300,000 Donor!
No Accent too Thick for a UK Job!
Says Meg Hillier, a Home Office minister
Baby Boom Amongst Muslim Immigrants Driving Population to Record High!
Tony Blair's Chief of Staff to Become top Banker!
Jonathan Powell is to take up a position as Senior Managing Director at Morgan Stanley
New Labour Was Given £183,000 Donation Rules Grant!
NAZIS = White, British folk who are not on message - Anindya Bhattacharyya
No State Has the Right to Exist as a Racist State
Palestinian leader, Omar Barghouti, speaks
By Red Ken and Diane Abbott, MP
Rizwan Darbar Murdered for Mobile Phone
By Black youths of course
Junior Lumbango Charged with Billy Ward's Murder
Average Age of Murdered Teens is 16!
Another of Red Ken's Ethnics Linked to City Hall Scandal!
The Deshbangla Foundation is directly associated with Kumar Murshid, the Mayor's senior adviser on regeneration and was also a member of the LDA board at the time of the grants
Drug Addicts Used as Organ Donors!
London NHS Accused of £640m Debt Cover-UpAsians Guilty of Attempted Murder
Sodrul Islam and Delwar and Mammoon Hussain were found guilty for attacking John Payne
Fraudster Conrad Black Gets off Lightly
6.5 years in jail and he gets to keep his ill-gotten gains
Commander John McDowall Gets Promoted
He launched the operation that led to Jean Charles de Menezes' death
ASBOS Encourage Young into Crime!
Foreign Nurse Raped Overdose Teenager
Oliver Balicao is accused of raping the 16-year-old in a disabled toilet
SINCE LABOUR CAME TO POWER 80% OF NEW JOBS HAVE GONE TO IMMIGRANTS! Whitehall analysts are telling us this now!
First Islamic Beheading in UK?
Noor Azura Mohd-Yusoff and Trach Lon Gian plead not guilty to the murder of Miss Xing Xing Xie
Polish Chidren Dumpred by Parents Heading to Britain
Sex Offenders Go Free From Prison Without Safety Checks!
Scools to Include Social Workers and Police!
So this is where we are now, after 10 years under happy-clappy, immigrant-hugging, everything's wonderful, big business-friendly, warmongering New Labour
City Fears we May Have to Subsidise Even More US Debt!
Second African Charged Over Billy Ward Murder
Asian Confesses to being a Bogus Doc!
Gurmukh Singh admitted 4 counts of deception
Asian Hit-and-Run Killer Breaches Driving Ban 4!
Mohammed Aqueel Hussain slammed into Levi Bleasdale as she crossed the road with her mother Maninder Pal Singh Kohli Denies Murdering Hannah Foster
He pleads not guilty to the kidnap, rape and murder of the 17-year-old
Asian Care Home Owner Jailed for Sexual Assaults
Ramesh Ramchelawon and Chitrakumar Ramluggun were put on the Sexual Offences Register for 10 years
Black Man Gets 8 Years for Rape Commited 14 Years Ago
Lionel Campbell raped the woman after he and an armed accomplice broke into her flat Violent Black Gangsters Jailed for 18 Years Each
Olanaiyi Olawaiye and Yusef Farah threatened 3 cops with loaded guns
Foreign Doc Struck Off for Exposing Himself Once too Often!
Pervy Dr Kimmo Torn kept demonstrating his manhood to others in public toilets
Black Man Threatens Policman with a Gun
Hit-and-Run Driver, Mohammed Ahmed, Gets Just One Year
John Macdonald and his wife Joanne were left with serious injuries
Asian Gang Seriously Assaulted 19-Year-Old in Bolton
Only Usman Azam and Gulstan Azam were banged up. And then for next to no time at all

Just to meet Government crime targets!
Young Murderers Freed After Just a Few Months!
Black Gunman Sought
Brown Signs EU Treaty: Experts Warn We Will Lose All Control of Immigration
Hoodies Attack 76-Year-Old Woman
Asian Cop Lied About GCSE Results
PC Shabir Bhalwani has been a Met policeman for 6 years
Asian Guilty of MiniCab Rape 18 Years Ago!

Jamshed Khan was found guilty at Southwark Crown Court
So that immigrant families can move in?
Scot Died After Handling African Drums!
Christopher Norris caught anthrax from them
Black Mugger Hurls 3-Year-Old into the Road!
11,000 Illegal Immigrants Cleared to Work in Security!
Home Secretary Gags Wang Yam's Murder Trial!

Wang Yam Murdered author Allan Chappelow
Black Beast Attacks Care Home Residents!Asian Car Thieves Jailed
Imran Ganchi made millions of pounds from the thefts
Asian Accused of Chip Shop Murders
BLAIR WARS: At Least 39 Slaughtered in Amara, Iraq
Israeli Air Strike Kills 3 in Gaza
BLAIR WARS: Guardsman Stephen Ferguson Killed in Iraq
Row Over Payments to Failed Asylum Seekers
Foreign Sex Slaves to Get £140,000 Each!
What about our own girls introduced to prostitution by foreign criminals?
The New Britons
Black Man Tries to Abduct Teenager
Look at This White Victim!
Jake Peters was set upon by a gang of up to 15 black youths!
Government Targets Destroying Trust in Police
Foreign Workers Keep Jobless British on Welfare!
The Black Farmer Stands for Safe Tory Seat

If anyone out there still thinks we have not been betrayed, you are a brainwashed lemming!
BLAIR WARS: Britain 'fleeing' Iraq, says Zawahiri
130,000 Children Homeless!
Hit-and-Run Immigrant Fined £50
Grandad, Paul Dix, remains in a coma 2 years after uninsured Amirunnes Hassan ploughed into him
Black Muggers Attack Student in Plymouth
HIPs Are Blamed for £7,500 Slump in House Prices
Bus Driver Causes Death by Dangerous Driving
Saeed Abbas was reading whilst driving. Thus, Albert Rowley is dead and 30 others were injured
£424,000 Lottery Grant to Help Brazilians with Clap, AIDS etc
York MP Hugh Bayley is a trustee of the charity, which is a development agency working with poor communities in West Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.http://www.iamanenglishman.com/page.php?iCategoryId=594&iParentId=593
Revealed: 'Britain's Highest Earning GP' Rakes in £270,000 Salary
Dr Satya Guptais just one of more than 300 GPs across the country making more than £250,000 a year
More than 100,000 Young Britons Rendered Unemployed by Eastern European Immigration!
Bid to Extradite Lethal Jab Doc
Priya Ramnath fled to America within days of killing Patricia Leighton in 1998
Phool Kumari Rawat is an "Untouchable" and Indian kids won't touch food prepared by her
Frog Serial Killer Murdered Joanna Parrish
It is thought now that rapist and paedophile, Michel Fourniret, killed her
Red Activists Blockade Immigration Centres
Health-and-Safety Nazis at it Again!
Brit Kids Targeted with Singalong-a-Suicide Bomber DVD

Asian Guilty of Underage Rape
Ajmal Mohammad also filmed he rape on his mobile phone
Woman Robbed and Assaulted by 2 Blacks
The Army has 6,970 (7%) Foreign Soldiers in its Ranks!
Illegal Immigrant, Harnek Singh, Carried Out "Sustained Sex Assault"!
The Immigrant Home Wrecker and the Slag
Julia Gregg married her foster son Krenar Lleshi
Politically Correct Non-Jobs Cost the Taxpayer £600 Million a Year!
War Hero's daughter Facing Arrest for Tackling War Memorial Vandals
Ex-Crack Addict and PC Hero Attacked Complete Stranger!
Youth Worker Wayne Robb was jailed for 2.5 years for throwing 2 bricks at Andrew Tiley and then kicking him as he lay prone
Record numbers Could go Bankrupt in 2008Cops Only Caution PC Who Critically Injured Grandma!
He was driving on the wrong side of the road at the time
Idi Amin Threatened to Cause Chaos by Bringing over Ugandan Dancers!
Big Deal! Blair, Thatcher, Wilson et al brought all the world's bloody criminals over, Idi!
Who Will Raise Their Voice?
35-Year-Old Woman Raped in Ipswich
Public at Risk from Jail Releases!

Philip Lawrence's Widow Intimidated by Thugs!
Frances Lawrence doesn't bother to tell us the ethnicity of the thugs
Toy Guns Fire up Boys for School!
After 50 years of telling us the exact opposite, they now tell us this
Jail for Only 17% of Knife Criminals!
Change Virgin Mary's Name to Lucy! Don't Offend Non-Christians!
For more than 40 years the PC Crowd hasn't given a damn about offending the British!
Immigrant MP Says Labour WILL Build Homes on Greenfield Sites!
Brown Makes Marxist Jew Top Football GuruUnscrupulous Asian Lawyers Aiding Terrorists for Cash?
Bin Laden Hunting for a House in Calderdale
Catholic Cardinal says Poles Could Split Church

High Risk Jailbirds Sent to Open Prisons!
Taxpayers Give £30 Million to Would-be Pop Stars
Shotgun Gang Jailed for 32 Years
More Free Money for the Richest People on the Planet
Cops Arrest New Labour Councillor in Hull!
Yobs and Migrants Worry Britons the Most
Will New Labour do anything about it? Nope. They created the misery in the first place
Top Award for Blairite Spinmeister who Tainted Doctor Kelly
Somali Thugs Assault 87-Year-Old Lady
Hospitals Admit 500 Binge Drinkers Every Day!
A Generation of Poor Quality Graduates Under New Labour!
Employers prefer migrants to UK graduates!
1-in-7 Obese Patients is Under 15
Multinationational Drug Firms facing Iraq Bribes Probe
Jowell's Hubbie Tried to Hush Up £350,000 Berlosconi Bung "To Protect Her"
4,000 Acres of Green Belt Disappears in Rush for Homes
Homes for Unwanted Immigrants, that is
Hardcore Communist's Panic at BNP Exposé
The Jew, Gerry Gable, is the publisher of the Labour-backed anti-Brit organisation, Searchlight
Says Fanatic Paki Cleric, Qari Hifzur Rehamn
Muslims to be Buried Alongside Christians?
Asian Nursing Home Worker Jailed for Sex Attack
ADHD: The Biggest Health Care Fraud in History!
40% Rise in Prison Suicides
Outrage as Publicity-Mad Top Cop says 'Ecstasy is Safer than Aspirin'
It's Official: England is the Most Crowded Country in Europe
NHS Now 4 Different Systems!
Huge Rise in Tax to Plug Hole in Labour Budget
Another (Black) Olympic Cheat

Asian Throat Slasher Sought

Education Secretary Plans to Pump Millions into 100 Muslim Schools!
British Workers Trapped in Unemployment by Record Immigration!
Bishops Must Face Gay Clergy Debate!

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