

Daily News - February 2024

Thursday 29 February

Joseph Spencer, former CIA 'Man-in-Black' - 'Every year, at least 8 million children go missing.... A third of them are abducted by government operatives and transported to any one of the 1,477 underground military installations on the planet!'
Count Folke Bernadotte saved 31,000 Jews from the Nazis. He was shot dead by the Stern Gang in Jerusalem in 1948 after writing a UN report sympathising with the fate of the Palestinians. The go-ahead for the murder came from future Israeli PM, Yitzhak Shamir!
Candace Owens: New York Post says "US soldiers are participating in the (GAZA) killings!"
FREE PALESTINE! US Veterans burn their uniforms at Aaron Bushnell’s vigil!
"One month into the genocide, BP was given a contract for gas exploration off the coast of Gaza!"
Starmer and co. want us to think legitimate pro-Palestinian protest presages mob rule!
Scandal at NYT! Journalist behind October 7 Hamas rape story is an ex-member of an IDF intelligence unit!
Haaretz: False stories disseminated by Israeli search and rescue groups, army officers and even Sara Netanyahu!
11,500 children have been killed in Gaza. Horror on this scale has no explanation!
Israeli soldiers' looting in Gaza is part of the revenge!
City of London, CIA, 9/11 - The Connection! Eustace Mullins
PUTIN: "The West is run by Satanic paedophiles!"
Emmanuel Macron is posturing on Ukraine once again!
Breakaway Republic Transnistria asks Russia for ‘protection’ from Moldova!
New papers ‘completely undermine’ the so-called settled science on manmade global warming!
Climate change doubts that got me cancelled by fellow scientists!
Biden’s green energy plans will funnel taxpayer billions to Chinese firms!
All cause mortality skyrocketing in highly vaccinated EU countries, opposite in least vaccinated!
Covid pandemic may have been started by scientists, says UN professor!
Medical Watchdog did not sound alarm over mRNA vaccines!
Huge push to get kids vaccinated as uptake rates plunge to decade low in wake of COVID!
New Zealand Deputy PM Winston Peters accepts a letter from demanding an immediate halt to the covid mRNA injections!
More than HALF of pet dogs carry superbugs in their diarrhea that spreads easily to humans, say Chinese scientists!
Ultraprocessed foods are 'harmful to EVERY part of the body!' Biggest study yet links them to 32 illnesses!
Met Police investigating MP Lee Anderson after he said Sadiq Khan was controlled by 'Islamists!'
Lee Anderson’s comments have blown up is because it takes the heat off Keir Starmer!
FARAGE: Furore over Lee Anderson's comments is a distraction!
After clashes at a protest, Gardai arrested 20 right-wingers and 0 Antifa, despite Antifa starting it! Judge dismissed charges!
Rochdale by-election: A town ignored and now inflamed!
Arrogant Synod scorns the value of marriage!
Will France’s immigration law pass the imam test?
Kamala Harris: Government will pay college students to register voters!
Chinese government propagandists are using TikTok to indoctrinate America’s youth!
The possible return of Donald Trump sends Deep State into a tailspin!
As Tories teat themselves to pieces, Farage’s party continues to rise in polls!
Post Office boss, Nick Read, demanded double salary, even though he was facing HR investigation!
The elite’s ‘luxury beliefs’ about privilege spare no thought for ordinary people like you and me!
Argentine's President, Javier Milei, bans ‘Marxist’ gender-neutral language in government documents!
Three quarters of trannie prisoners are sex offenders or violent criminals!
Trannie cat killer officially recorded as a female murderer!
JK Rowling’s heroism has exposed the cowardice of Britain’s ruling class!
Detectives let Emma Caldwell’s killer go free and investigated journalists who revealed his identity!
JK Rowling is right – the media must stop lying about the trans cat killer!
Broadcasters are so cowed by trannie activists they daren't tell the truth! The Oxford killer is NOT a woman!
Rapper son of gangster Mark Duggan (killed by cops sparked - London riots), admits possessing gun/22 rounds of ammo!
Albanian people smugglers arrested!
The world has become a dangerous place, and I fear Britain is now in the last-chance saloon!
Rishi Sunak tells police chiefs it's time to end 'mob rule!'
It’s no wonder Britain’s young want a dictatorship - The UK is on the brink of revolution!
Teachers unions have turned our schools into woke brainwashing camps!
This is a dark period for British democracy!
HITCHENS: What Channel 4 got wrong about juries! The judiciary's left-wing bias would run riot if they were scrapped!
Non-verbal autistic schoolboy, 11, died from sepsis after hospital staff branded him 'uncooperative and difficult!'
'Complete CHAOS!' Labour slams Sunak's '£4.3bn asylum seeker overspend!'
Why does Radio 3 hate your mum? The station is now in the hands of middlebrow marketeers!
A new sport is upon us – competing over whose bit of Britain is most broken!
British parents have forgotten their most basic responsibilities!
Esther Rantzen calls for vote to make assisted dying legal in UK!
Black playwright defends black-only nights for Kit Harington West End show saying it allows black theatregoers 'to feel safe!'
The BBC's new school drama is a lesson in lazy stereotypes!

Wednesday 28 February

New papers ‘completely undermine’ the so-called settled science on manmade global warming!
mRNA gene therapy is the most dangerous medical product ever forced upon the public!
The "conspiracy theorists" were right all along! There are HUGE health risks from the jab!
Dr Michael Nehls says spike protein ‘shuts down' our ability 'to think... to be curious!’
Alan Shebaro, US veteran: What is going on in Palestine right now is NOT A WAR... It's GENOCIDE. It's ethnic cleansing!"
Palestinian father claims 103 of his relatives were killed in single Israeli strike in Gaza!
Israelis working tirelessly to starve 1.3 million children and babies to death?
Nick Fuentes: 'Isrаеl is not our аlly. They have a matrix of cоntrоl... They are the biggest thrеаt to Amеricа and the Wеst!'
America is falling apart as US tax money goes to Israeli war crime and Ukranian money laundering!
WWIII Watch! Macron floats troops in Ukraine for first time, Moscow warns of ‘inevitable’ war with NATO!
Deep State took your money, used it to create their own military in Ukraine, started WW3, then lied to you about it!
Lara Logan: “The lights of freedom are going out all over the world!”
Home truths for Shapps over Army housing blunder!
SOROS inc., destroyer of worlds!
The Rothschild banks!
An open letter to MPs - You reap what you sow!
BIDEN is a senile, non-functioning and demented puppet! So who wants such a such a guy to be US President?
Biden doesn’t awant to confront China on Fentanyl due to his family’s money!
NY Attorney General Letitia James gloats over fining Trump $354.8m!
Tucker Carlson: How America turned on its own people, part five!
US Attorney Joshua S. Levy confirming a commercial sex ring for the ultra wealthy!
Taxman's 'VIP lane' sees top earners (Ministers etc.) get calls to HMRC answered 9 times faster than ordinary Brits!
It's high time our virtue-signalling ruling class stopped pandering to people who despise Britain!
Humza Yousaf loves Scotland? Really?
Birmingham residents react as MP brands Spark Hill 'no-go' area!
All this talk of Islamophobia = Keir Starmer's shameful leaning on the Speaker has gone quiet!
Lee Anderson’s comments have blown up is because it takes the heat off Keir Starmer!
FARAGE: Furore over Lee Anderson's comments is a distraction!
JENRICK: "I’ve been smeared for trying to speak out about Islamist extremists!"
Illegal migration minister fails 6 times to say why Lee Anderson’s comments were wrong!
‘Islamophobia’ is today’s blasphemy – Wrongspeak may be criminalised!
Humza Yousaf is taking Scotland for a ride!
Whatever happened to the Tories being the party of defence?
‘Battle of Britain’ Memorial Charity has been debanked by Barclays Bank?
JK Rowling: ‘I’m sick of this shit!’ After trannie cat killer called a woman!
TUCKER CARLSON: Mao-tse-Tung's Cultural Revolution - "Mao hated the Chinese!"
Venezuela has its lowest homicide rate in 22 years because its gangs are going to Biden's USA!
Borders inspector was fired after he voiced concerns about 'high-risk' aircraft landing in Britain without security checks!
The godson and a childhood friend of Jam Master Jay found guilty of his 2002 murder!
'Very strange' that Prince of Wales pulled out of King Constantine's memorial service!
CARER? Disgusting slob, Rachel Dawes, who stole £30,000 from vulnerable 60-year-old, jailed for 2 years!

Tuesday 27 February

Fury as John Lewis trans-friendly staff magazine gives advice on breast binders for children!
MAX IGAN: There is a war for your soul!
First do no harm! 'The sheer pleasure of causing fear, pain and death is behind it all!'
MIRI AF: Who do you think you are?
Tucker Carlson! How America turned on its own people, part four!
A message from the edge of the cliff!
Tony Blair is a mass murderer and a destroyer of worlds - AND HE'S STILL AT IT!
‘We Need to Ask These Questions!’ Experts accuse Government, Pharma of covering up vaccine risks!
Queensland Supreme Court declares police and ambulance vaccine mandates unlawful!
ROBERT MALONE: "Psychological and cognitive warfare on citizens!"
DNA in the gene therapy injections is inconsequential? (Now exposed as a lie)
Dr Brian Hooker: "For every child saved from death from COVID-19, there are 30 associated with the COVID vaccine!"
Big pharma pays for almost half the FDA’s budget!
Woman living near cell tower diagnosed with 51 strokes!
UK's cancer survival rates are lagging 15 YEARS behind other major nations!
Fentanyl is killing American kids! Most don’t even know they’re taking it!
Charlotte Church brands Gaza a 'living hell!'
Lucas Gage on Aaron Bushnell's pro-Palestine suicide!
Jewish comedienne/journalist, Laura Loomer, sneers at pro-Palestinian suicide victim, Aaron Bushnell!
Commons Speaker sparks fresh SNP fury by denying their bid for an emergency debate on Gaza!
Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, is dead!
"Every single thing Western media told you about the war in Ukraine, was based on a lie!"
Nato and EU states ‘considering sending troops to Ukraine!’
Denmark says Nord Stream blast was sabotage without naming perpetrator! (If Russia did it report would have said so)
WHO IS THE THREAT? Who is slowly encroaching on the other’s country?
'100 children a day' are falling victim to sex scammers!
Judge orders MoD to hand over blood tests of nuclear veteran! Flying through 5 mushroom clouds led to his death?
CNN panel's epic meltdown after Trump gets double number of votes ever received in South Carolina!
Backlash! Lee Anderson suspension for Khan criticism no vote winner!
Lee Anderson: ‘We’ve got to get Sadiq Khan out!’
Multiculturalism is dead. It took Lee Anderson to prove it!
Tories are riddled with Islamophobia, says Humza Yousaf!
LITTLEJOHN: Democracy is under threat as long as the police and politicians cower before the mob!
Tory MP claims Birmingham and London have ‘no-go’ areas!
Parliament has taken the knee to the Islamists who rule by fear!
Labelling criticism as racism is a cynical way to score political points!
Parliament must never again yield to the demands of an angry mob!
Westminster is the only no-go area in our inner cities!
Microsoft brags about paying minorities more than whites for the same work!
Leaked US law enforcement documents show how China is secretly arming American criminals with machine guns!
OXFORD: Chinese trannie, 'Scarlet' Blake, gets life for murder of Jorge Carreno!
US millionaire mommy vlogger 'tortured' her children while making a fortune from parenting videos!
The witnesses who turned against ‘Europe’s biggest drug lord’, Ridouan Taghi, and paid with their lives!

Monday 26 February

US airman sets himself on fire before Israeli embassy in Washington! "I will no longer be complicit in genocide!” Aaron Bushnell is now dead
Charlotte Church sang 'from the river to the sea' at pro-Palestine concert! Jewish groups furious!
Kid Rock says Israel should kill civilians in Gaza by '30-40,000' if hostages aren't released in 24 hours!
The war ambitions of Binyamin Netanyahu... and Israel's ownership of America!
LINDSAY HOYLE: Keir Starmer barged in, Sue Gray lurked nearby, Chris Bryant stalled!
Hillary Clinton's emails, 'Greater Israel' and the Yinon plan!
KEN O'KEEFE: "Who owns the US Congress, which is nothing but a den of traitors?"
Google and Meta (Facebook) function as extensions of the US Intelligence Community!
CIA maintains 12 secret bases in Ukraine, CIA head was in Kyiv last week!
Zelensky says just 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died during two years of war with Russia!
PUTIN, 8 Feb 2022: "If Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back... Europe will be pulled into a war!"
PUTIN warned the elites - THEY didn't listen!
It's childish to call me a Putin apologist. I'm simply showing journalistic scepticism!
The anti-vaxxers won! Courtesy of pro-vaxxer, Scott Adams!
Did Rishi Sunak benefit from Covid vaccine maker Moderna's stock rise?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Who Let Fauci Run The Show?
Dr Dean Patterson, cardiologist: "COVID-19 vaccine has caused me intolerable concern... I have never witnessed such harm!"
BREATHTAKING! "A shameless piece of propaganda and only marginally based on what was actually happening!"
Blood Money: Why the powerful turn a blind eye while China kills Americans! (The weaponisation of fentanyl)
Tucker Carlson: How America turned on its own people, part 3!
Britain is changing without public consent and certainly without any public enthusiasm!
Neil Oliver: Self described elite are deliberately DISMANTLING Western democracy!
Brazil is protesting their WEF-selected President. President Bolsonaro was the rightful winner!
'Who elected George Soros to dictate laws?' El Salvador President Bukele blasts global elites!
Scandal of the social care migrants who break the rules!
What those in power do to disguise the demise of British towns!
Church of England tells parishes to set up ‘race action plan’ put forward by pro-BLM bishop!
Sadiq Khan sent £117k 'night tsar' - also a BBC DJ - around the world on luxury trips to 'build partnerships!'
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby embroiled in 'cash for access' storm over £950-a-head Holy Week Retreat!
Inside BA killer's wedding! Pilot bludgeoned wife to death 11 years later!
USA: Venezuelan illegal Jose Antonio Ibarra arrested in connection with Laaken Riley's murder!
Thug who was banned from talking to any woman for stalking his ex-girlfriend faces jail!
Irish traitors and their love of criminal immigrants!
Jamaica could seek slavery reparations from Britain?
Slashing migration will make Britons 'nearly £1,200 per year better off!'
Farage - Is Rishi Sunak’s solution to clear the immigration backlog to let everyone in?
Stop saying ‘we’ when you mean ‘they!’
3 of the wealthiest men on earth, who were against the creation of the Fed Res, were on board the Titanic!
BLM co-founder slams Taylor Swift fans as 'racists!'
How to deal with bicycle theft!

Sunday 25 February

NEIL OLIVER: "Our democracy has been gelded and the Uniparty is in control... The Palace of Westminster is stacked to the rafters with muck!"
Israeli actress, Tzufit Grant's opinion of Gazans and herself: ""Disgusting stinky losers, repulsive people... There is nothing human about... gutter vermin... A human that is filth, son of filth... I'm a human being!"
Israeli forces attack children flying kites near the Egyptian border!
Israeli airstrike kills 8 including 4 women and a child! Attacks have left 92 Palestinians dead in last 24 hours!
Pro-Palestine protesters accuse Israel of genocide and demand ceasefire!
'Dad, please don't go out!' The Gazans killed as Israel freed hostages
Gaza’s tireless paramedics confront death and trauma at every turn!
Death and Israel’s search for ‘total victory!’
Tel Aviv protesters call on Netanyahu to resign!
Israeli settlers constantly steal more Palestinian land, and the IDF do nothing about it!
NETANYAHU: Every accusation is a precise description of Israel's behaviour, since October 2-23! (And before)
US comedian Adam Friedland describes his negative experience during trip to Israel!
Sadiq Khan and his Labour lackeys put politics before saving lives?
Tories suspend Lee Anderson for Sadiq Khan controlled by Islamists/'given our capital city away to his mates' comments!
Sadiq Khan calls Tories morally rotten and says PM’s silence on Lee Anderson makes Muslims fair game!
Are the Tories scared of Sadiq and the Muslims?
Bodyguards for MPs as extremism threat rises!
Warmonger Boris Johnson back in Kiev: “I have no doubt Ukraine are going to win!”
Factually accurate explanation of the Ukraine situation you will never hear from mainstream British media!
‘We will stand by Ukraine as long as it takes,’ says UK's Jewish Defence Secretary!
Farmers to Macron: "You gave Ukraine colossal sums but gave us crumbs!"
Apprentice star Dr Asif Munaf suspended from the medical register for calling Zionism a 'Satanic Cult!'
Ministry of Justice hosted speaker who said 'Jews need to get in the queue behind Muslims!'
"The Israel-Hamas conflict will create a generational radicalising moment?"
Britain is plagued by hysteria and politicians don’t know how to deal with it!
Steve Kirsch: "Nobody wants to know. They don’t want to know the truth... Vaccines cause autism!”
In 2023, 70% of all health care workers (Doctors/nurses etc.) did not have a COVID-19 booster jab!
COVID VAX - ‘the most dangerous vaccine of all time!’
Reform UK commits to excess deaths and vaccine harms inquiry!
Science versus Big Pharma!
Liars who accuse the truthtellers of ‘misinformation!’
'Hypocrite' Rayner's £48k profit on council house sale! Now she threatens to cut subsidy for others!
South Carolina primary: Donald Trump easily defeats Nikki Haley in her home state!
Legal cases ‘are trying to drain Trump’s resources’ because ‘they want to take away his power!’
Prince Harry ‘on his own’ if I win again, says Donald Trump!
America's missing NUKES! US has lost 3 bombs since 1958! (Just the ones they've told us about)
TIM DAVIE: BBC should be proud to be progressive, director general told staff!
The ‘greedy good’ are destroying Britain’s economy! Liz Truss is right, wokeonomics is destroying the West!
The Tories have broken Britain - Only Reform can put the country back on track!
The Tories are giving free rein to the collectivist Left!
Nana Akua says, 'cancel culture from the left has come full circle!'
Pensioners could face new bank account inspections as the Government cracks down on benefit fraud!
Angry French farmers storm Paris agriculture fair ahead of Macron visit!
Colindale family doused with acid in ‘mistaken identity’ attack! Jadiel Williams-Douglas and Denico Raymond jailed!
Masked men clash in ‘machete fight’ on crowded London street outside Tube station!
American couple feared dead after 3 escaped prisoners hijack yacht in Caribbean!
Jude Bellingham called Mason Greenwood a ‘rapist’ during Real Madrid’s win at Getafe!

Saturday 24 February

Chad Bianco, Calfornia Sheriff: "Our public safety policy is one of the worst, if not the worst in the nation... The driving force in our crisis is a radical progressive agenda fraudulently called criminal justice reform. This is nothing short of a sick and twisted social experiment where law enforcement is the bad guy and criminals are somehow victims of society and not responsible for their actions, their crimes, or accountable to their countless victims!”
Johns Hopkins University report, 2018: "self-spreading vaccines... are genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection!" (So all but the powerful will be vaxxed whether they want to be or not?)
The CDC didn’t want you to see this. They tried to keep it hidden, but they lost a legal battle, so here it is!
CARLSON: How many people died from the COVID shot? Steve Kirsch looked at the data!
Covid vaccine side-effects - "Rare risk" of inflammation and swelling in brain and spinal cord!
The Chief Financial Officers of AstraZeneca and Moderna are on the Board of Governors of the Red Cross? Who knew?
Largest ever vaccine study confirms what the 'conspiracy theorists' were saying all along!
MARIUPOL: Bio-weapons testing on children in Ukrainian labs since 2014?
'OUTRAGEOUS!' Birmingham residents on £12 BILLION sent to Ukraine!
Jeffrey Sachs: "Complete disaster for the Ukraine and nothing good for the United States!"
Just 10% of Europeans believe Ukraine can win war against Russia!
US/UK want Mark Rutte, (spectacularly rejected by own electorate) to be next Secretary General of NATO!
IDF: “We are looking for babies but there is no babies left... Maybe I kill a girl she was 12, but I looking for a baby!”
American terror tourist thinks blowing up Palestinian homes in Gaza is "Wow!"
'I feel safer in Israel than I do in Britain,' says Jewish Tory, Andrew Percy!
Islamist extremism is being swept under the rug!
‘House of horrors’ rabbi takes cushy deal after pleading guilty to enslaving 30 women!
French protesters are now building walls around corrupt politicians' homes to keep them in!
John Dee (Elizabeth 1's astrologer/advisor) rediscovered how to practice Black Magic! THEY are using it against us TODAY!
The pious Greenies are making matters worse!
Tractor Protests: Farmers from 10 countries join forces to push back against EU green tyranny!
Man who threatened to kill MP gets let off after he tells cops it was a joke!
ISIS Bride, Shamima Begum, loses appeal to get UK citizenship back! (HOORAY!)
Islamists ‘control’ Sadiq Khan and London, says Lee Anderson!
Parliament has taken the knee to Islamists who rule by fear!
'We've allowed an extremist fringe to bully us!' Farage fumes at CPAC!
Is freedom of speech under threat in the UK?
Liz Truss - 'What I found was once I got to the top of the tree is that the Governor of the Bank of England couldn’t be sacked but the PM could!'
Sadiq Khan and his Labour lackeys put politics before saving lives!
BRISTOL: 3 young children, Fares, Joury and Mohammed Bash, stabbed to death! Woman (mother?) arrested
CARDIFF: Mujeeb Rahman Hassani accused of murdering Ibrahim Yassin!
Cat-killing trannie, Scarlet Blake, murdered stranger for sexual gratification!
Asylum seeker who piloted homemade dinghy that led to four migrant deaths jailed for 9 years!
Fem ClownCop to apologise to teen after viral TikTok arrest where she called her 'lesbian nana!'
73-year-old defended his property with legal firearm from an illegal immigrant trespassing on his land! Now in jail!
Joe Biden’s latest blunder shows why Donald Trump will crush him!
CPAC: Texas AG Ken Paxton says Biden is “clearly in partnership” with human trafficking cartels!
The lives of military families are being torn up by new conditions in the name of fairness!
Tucker Carlson: How America turned on its own people, part two!
American democracy won’t survive the anti-Trump witch hunt!
Britain's baby bust laid bare: Fertility rate plunges to all-time low!
British infrastructure is a global embarrassment – Stonehenge is its latest victim!

Friday 23 February

Oborne exposes Israel’s Dodgy Dossier on UNRWA!
Israel’s judge in The Hague is its government’s bogeyman!
GENOCIDE! Israeli bombs flatten mosque in ‘one of the worst nights yet!’
GILAD ATZMON - Critical race theory and the Jewish project!
Christian Zionist finds out how Israel feels about her and Jesus Christ!
The Philosophy that drives the Chaos!
Speaker says terror threats against MPs who didn’t vote for ceasefire prompted decision on Israel-Gaza vote!
If the Speaker goes, Starmer must too! Lindsay Hoyle’s grievous ruling has shaken the foundations of our democracy!
Sunak accuses Lindsay Hoyle of allowing pro-Palestinian 'extremists' to 'intimidate' him into changing procedure!
Our democracy is endangered when politicians give in to threats!
Starmer has brought shame upon Labour! Put the facade of party unity ahead of non-intimidatable Parliament!
What is the point of 649 MPs if the Speaker gets to decide, says Jacob Rees-Mogg!
‘Anger is high again’ says Sir Stephen Timms, who was stabbed by a Muslim woman!
Miriam Cates 'threats from violent extremists are putting too much pressure on MP's!'
LITTLEJOHN: Self-obsessed. Grandstanding. Our political class tried to make Israel/Gaza all about THEM!
Suella Braverman: Islamists are in charge of Britain now!
Protesters write ‘From River to the Sea’ on side of Parliament in 25-foot tall letters!
‘From the river to the sea’ projected onto Parliament as police stood by!
A third year of war – and still Putin holds all the cards!
Desperate for cannon fodder, Zelensky and co. consider unpopular plan to expand the draft!
Biggest Covid vaccine study ever finds concerning links!
ONS accused of overestimating Covid deaths during pandemic!
New Zealand politician who pushed for mass COVID vaccination dies suddenly after collapsing at charity run!
Study of 100 million confirms risk of vaccine damage, yet still the MSM play it down!
Tens of millions of COVID-19 vaccine-injured people are screaming from the rooftops!
GILAD ATZMON - Putin's War!
COVID BOOSTER: A catastrophe unveils itself!
COVID jab? With some lucky folks they just pretended! (No needle seen)
Bev Turner tells GBN Members exactly why she's fed up of 'Covid propaganda!'
The climate scaremongers: I’m asking the Met Office to retract a lie!
A sinister agenda down on the farm!
The Brexit revolt is spreading across Europe – and the Brussels elites are terrified!
In Colorado paedos buy 1-5 year-old children for sex! AND DO NOT GET PUT IN JAIL!
You’d be very unwise to believe a word Keir Starmer ever says!
After backlash, National MS Society issues tepid apology to 90-year-old volunteer fired for for asking what pronouns meant!
'It's fashionable' Mike Parry blasts trans cyclist taking ruling to European court!
Newcastle United fan heartbroken as club BANS her over 'wrongthink' social media posts!
SF University cops suspend investigation into Riley Gaines’ hostage-for-ransom incident! Lack of evidence? VIDEO!
Liz Truss says 'people don't want WOKE policies' as she appears at CPAC!
Now he tells us! Post Office boss was not fit to work for Church, suggests Justin Welby!
HALF of European human rights judges dictating to Britain have NO former experience!
Dentist, Amit Kerai, who threatened to see MP, Barry Gardiner, "stabbed, shot, beheaded", now in nuthouse!
GERMANY: Ukrainian basketball players stabbed to death by immigrants!
POLL: Supporters of all major parties want UK Government to cut immigration!
NY City Council calls for investigation into Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to hand illegals $10k pre-paid debit cards!
Under Joe Biden, the number of illegals who hacw entered the US is greater than the population of 36 states!
Biden creeping!
20 ways the Left has corrupted the political landscape of America forever!
FARAGE: World needs ‘Peacemaker President’ Donald Trump back more than ever!
Attacks on US churches increase 800% in 6 years!
Google to ‘improve’ system after woke AI image generator refuses to create white people!
Whatever Dame Jenni Murray says, do the opposite!
Why the power of the civil service must be curbed!

Thursday 22 February

‘The Israelis used her as bait... They allowed the medics within 50 feet and then they killed them. And then they killed her. If you see that and don’t understand how evil the Israelis are...’
Terrorism is made in Israel!
"The more barren and destroyed the land is, the more they will leave voluntarily!"
So, I'm anti-Semite if I don't care for these? And you're a good guy if you kiss their behinds?
"I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza and every baby, 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what Jews did!"
Hanoch Milbitsky: "You will die, your children will die, your grandchildren will die, there won't be a Palestinian state!"
Israeli government officials country of origin!
US AID since 1946 - Interactive map! Israel got the most, Egypt second most! 3 countries US devastated came next!
Binyamin Netanyahu, the enemy of all but the bought, the bestial and the bad!
Israel's indiscriminate attacks on the Gaza Strip have caused massive civilian casualties and extensive destruction!
IDF hogs mock female journalist!
On February 5, a UN aid convoy was hit by Israeli forces and ordered to turn back!
Israel's Hungarian Settlement Minister: ‘There won't be a Palestinian state... There is no such thing as a Palestinian people!’
It's didn't start on 7th October! It's not a self defence, it's genocide!
I'm a friend of Israel, but William is right. The mass, often indiscriminate, killing of women and children has to stop!
ASSANGE: America's revenge for exposing its dirty secrets? A 175-year living death sentence!
ASSANGE: “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”
Labour’s dark arts blow up in Sir Lindsay’s face!
Speaker’s handling of events was shambolic!
Neo-Nazi shows up to Walnut Creek, CA city council meeting! Interesting?
Steve Pieczenik says US Presidents have been compromised by the Mossad for a long time!
Polish farmers blockade Ukrainian border, undermining globalist PM Tusk and angering Zelensky!
TUCKER CARLSON: "Boris Johnson is a lot sleazier than Vadimir Putin!"
Britain is increasingly defenceless – and Putin knows it!
Tucker Carlson says Boris demanded a million dollars for interview!
British Veterans haunted by unimaginable horror of war!
White House lacked plan to compensate people injured by COVID shots!
Clinician apologises for what happended during the covid years!
Andrew Bridgen tells James Roguski ‘We must just say NO!’
‘The heat, the noise, the smell, the panic... It was like a war zone!’ Life on the Covid wards!
ONS and 'Excess Deaths' - Nothing to see here!
Mayor Adams plan is to give illegal immigrants $10,000 each with no ID check, no fraud control and no restrictions!
David Martin says WHO's Tedros is a puppet with a 'giant stick up his ass!' Gates, Wellcome, Rockefellers are the bad guys!
Confidential document details plot to pressure Republicans into protecting Biden’s radical green energy agenda!
Dr. Phil McGraw: “In the first 11 months of 2023, they had about 33,000 (Chinese) come across the (US/Mexico) border!”
INDIANA: The CPS took their child away because they wouldn't refer to him as a girl and use she/her pronouns!
Joe Biden can't sell out the rights of women and girls!
Farming in England is facing a crisis as thousands of farmers have accepted government payments to leave their land!
4 years ago, I believed I was a free man in a free country! (Then) I was fired from the charity I founded for critiquing BLM!
Racism, racism everywhere – Except against white people!
Organized migrant ‘theft groups’ plague Pennsylvania town!
Former EU border chief joins French anti-mass migration national rally for European Parliament elections!
KANSAS CITY: DJ killed and 20 injured - Mother of killer, Lyndell Mays, launches GoFundMe appeal for him!
LONDON: Black cop convicted of 13 rapes 6 years after investigation into previous attacks on young girl was discontinued!
MICHIGAN - 2-year-old girl shoots herself in the head with her dad's gun!
Afshin Alikhani, who imported 100 gallons of lethal date rape drug GBL, jailed for 11 years!
UK government fires whistleblower/‘independent’ borders watchdog!
Sunak refuses to back Badenoch in Post Office ‘lying’ row!
Civil servant Sarah Munby denies telling ex-Post Office chairman to stall compensation payments!
Ben Habib slams Tory party for 'damaging Britain' as he warns of electoral 'obliteration!'
Farage says 'the world needs Trump!' after being tipped for Foreign Ambassador role!
Prepare for the battle between the President and the US Army!
IRS investigator says the IRS has 'no problem destroying peoples' lives!'
Forcing badly behaved pupils to back of food queue is ‘Dickensian’, say parents!
Social media is destroying a generation, and China knows it!
I have glimpsed the terrifying future of lazy, defenceless, near-bankrupt Britain!
Trident ‘nuclear’ missile crashed into sea during failed test firing off Cape Canaveral!
How America turned on its own people – Another astonishing Tucker Carlson interview!
Sajid Javid knighted? Who's next Sadiq Khan? Gongs for tw*ts...

Wednesday 21 February

MIDAZOLAM et al! "The hospital death protocols that were put out by these globalist puppets... to boost mortality rates!"
Katie Hopkins on those who sneered at 'anti-vaxxers!'
Back before the mRNA shots were forced on us, Mark Zuckerberg was warning his staff about them!
You know what nurses were doing during the 'worst pandemic in human history,' don't you?
Office of National Statistics revises 'excess death' figures for 2023 downwards, from 31,442 to 10,994!
Iraq War veteran in his late 30s claims COVID vaccine caused full body paralysis! Doctors tried to blame it on flu!
VACCINE? 'Totally healthy' mother, 26, dies just hours after giving birth to baby boy!
Depopulation – The elephant in the eco-room!
GAZA before 7 October 2023 - and after!
'400 women shot in the genitals, their breasts cut off as terrorists played with their bloody breasts! (Rabbinical lies!)
Prince William’s plea to end Gaza fighting risks diplomatic rift with Israel? (HOORAY!)
Referring to Palestinian children, Congressman Andy Ogles says: "I think we should kill them all!"
America's blind support for Israel's crimes is destroying our reputation.! "Hey, could you stop killing kids?"
Prince William’s plea to end Gaza fighting risks diplomatic rift with Israel? (HOORAY!)
Spokeswoman for the NRC Norway explains how Israel is making it impossible to deliver aid into Gaza!
Katharine Hamnett: 'I'm disgusted to be British for our role in Gaza genocide.. My CBE belongs in the dustbin, with Sunak and Starmer!'
'London is not London any more, I literally feel unsafe!' Jewish father reveals 'horrendous' pain!
Netanyahu - 2002: “This is not a hypothesis, it is fact. Iraq, Iran and Libya are racing to develop nuclear weapons!”
British Military/Police killed in Palestine: 1945-1948! (Most murdered by Jewish terrorists, Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang)
In 2015 locals in Avdeevka protested the fortification of their town by the Ukrainian military - "They are killing us!"
Johnny Mercer says 'multiple sources' told him unarmed Afghans were shot by the SAS and that he suspects a cover-up!
"The treatment of Julian Assange exposes the Western countries like nothing before!"
Inside the CIA's plot to assassinate Julian Assange!
Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, questioning the events of 9/11!
"Those who wrap themselves in the rhetoric of 'brave defenders of democracy,' are actually the ones killing it!"
Trannies can live in female-only barracks 'as soon as the transition process begins', says official guidance!
USA: High school basketball game abandoned after trannie 'injures 3 female opponents,' hurling one to the floor!
Trannie Emily Bridges vows to take British Cycling to court after it barred trannies from competing in female category!
Barack Obama and Joe Biden raped her as a child?
Trump is right. Defenceless Europe can no longer freeload off America!
2016 WEF: Professor Nita Farahany says 'we now have the ability to implant false memories in the brain!'
This young man was working at a hotel housing migrants in Ireland - His face was slashed by one of them!
BIRMINGHAM: Filmon Andmichaen killed girlfriend and unborn child to solve 'complication' of having pregnant mistress!
Lloyds bank customers 'gasped' when bad-tempered Courtney Richman pushed over Alzheimer's sufferer, 82!
Home Secretary, James Cleverly, sacks immigration watchdog, David Neal, after leak of critical reports! (Tells truth about immigration)
Labour wants class war on rural Britain! More appalling virtue-signalling by Keir Starmer’s party!
Fury over plans to house asylum seekers in tiny Cumbrian town in grips of homes shortage!
JAPAN: Kurdish migrants demand immigration policies be changed to allow even more of them in!
Teacher laments the craziness of the kids she has to teach! (Politicians made it happen)
Migrant rent deals reveal the hollowness of Gove’s housing pledges!
UK Government fires ‘independent’ borders watchdog after he alleges officials failed to check ‘high risk’ arrivals!
Geert Wilders dubs Netherlands 'Europe's fool' for taking too many refugees!
It is time for Archbishop Justin Welby to stand down or to undergo an urgent investigation!
British farmer slams Rishi Sunak's fresh pledge to support workers: 'We're on our knees!'
'Virtue signalling' Sadiq Khan slammed for promoting 'anti-British propaganda' as row erupts over 4th plinth!
ALL THE SAME? Former Tory Minister is now helping Labour prepare for power!
Middle England is being taxed into submission. No wonder it’s furious!
Sadiq Khan is degrading London’s public realm and calling it diversity!
Useless politicians have doomed Britain to managed decline!
Greedy universities don’t seem to care about white middle-class British kids!
British farming must be protected!

Tuesday 20 February

Strange, white fibrous clot removed from the right jugular vein! MEDIA SILENCE!
Anti-vaxxers? We just want justice for our loved ones who died after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine!
COVID vaccines linked to SMALL increases in heart, blood, and neurological disorders, says large global study?
DAVID KNIGHT SHOW: "The hospital death protocols that were put out by these globalist puppets... in order to boost mortality rates!"
COVID: Bill Gates admitting he and his 'made a big mistake!' (Not a mistake - DELIBERATE)
Only 8 countries in the world have the toxic substance fluoride in 50% if their drinking water!
Mary Holland: For 2.5 years, the Nuremberg Code has been attacked by government, medical institution, university, media!
Ione Belarra, former Spanish Minister for Social Rights, says Spain/USA are complicit in genocide via arms trade agreements with Israel!
Jews demonstrate for Palestine!
Rabbi Avraham Zerbiv, Patriarch of Tel Aviv Religious Courts, celebrates ethnic cleansing of Palestinians!
Andrew Roberts, UK House of Lords, praises the IDF for its Palestinian body count!
The Jewish immigration plan is deliberately destroying all western countries?
Bev Turner forced to defend even-handed treatment of Putin! 'I'm simply showing good old journalistic skepticism!'
‘The Bidens were clearly given billions from entities all over the world!’
ANDREW BRIDGEN: ‘Now we have a parliament that INFLICTS laws upon the people!'
Klaus Schwab says the WEF owns everybody, all the movers and shakers are his!
'Guilty as charged!' Minister defends 'woke' Army recruitment strategy!
The latest woke assault on our armed forces comes from the Royal United Services Institute!
Drug-induced trannie ‘chestfeeding’ as safe as milk from mothers, says NHS Trust!
The NHS and Royal Mail are in a race to put the public last!
Sadiq Khan promotes “anti-British propaganda” with multicultural shortlist of sculptures for Trafalgar Square’s 4th plinth?
NADINE DORRIES: Something has gone horrifically wrong with Britain's police!
David Lammy wants new EU pact as he seeks to cosy up to Brussels!
BBC shows contempt for public - We're now paying to listen to millionaies!
Boston kicks black children out of community center to house Biden’s migrants!
Sudanese woman accused of murdering three children including nine-month-old baby!
Haiti's former first lady Martine Moise is indicted in her husband's 2021 assassination!
Dr Tijion Esho, (appeared on ITV's This Morning), had sex with a 'vulnerable' patient and promised her botox in return!
Why white British children as young as eight are pledging their lives to Allah!
LITTLEJOHN: Why are we hiring cleaners from Ecuador when millions of people are on benefits here?
Ireland’s anti-immigration backlash is spiralling into country-wide unrest!
We’re on the new road to serfdom: our property is no longer our own!
It’s taken just five years for Ursula von der Leyen to destroy Europe’s economy!
Ex-Post Office chairman was being investigated for bullying, Kemi Badenoch reveals!

Monday 19 February

‘The right to self determination requires that UN member states bring Israel’s occupation to an immediate end. No aid, no assistance, no complicity, no contribution to forcible actions, no money, no arms, no trade, no nothing’. ALL UN members are obliged by law to end Israel's presence on the territory of Palestine!
Democrat mega-donor Alex Soros declares ‘we must not abandon Ukraine!’
TUCKER CARLSON: “Netanyahu is the greatest threat to world peace... and we should take their nuclear weapons away... Invade Israel!"
FLIP-FLOP! End Gaza fighting now, says Keir Starmer!
VANCE: $60 billion in US aid to Ukraine wouldn’t ‘fundamentally change the reality’ on the ground!
Olaf Scholz 'categorically against' Von der Leyen becoming NATO chief! Stance on Putin would be a 'disadvantage!'
In May 2009, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Ted Turmer met in Manhattan to discuss depopulation!
The 'second (COVID) wave' was a 'PCR-driven scam!' It was all to get people to take the vaccine!
Navy Seal blows whistle of US government's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the military!
"74% of women are having miscarriages who are vaccinated... There are more babies dying than ever!"
We told them not to jab our parents. They ignored us and our father died!
'Conspiracy theorists' and embalmers have been warning about these post-vaccine 'elastic band' clots for 3 years now!
VACCINE! Strange, white fibrous clot removed from the right jugular vein! MEDIA SILENCE!
COVID VAX - 60,000 clinical trial deaths in USA, EU and UK? Why aren't THEY telling us?
"People killed by vaccine are dissolved into liquid and flushed down the drain" or "spread on food crops!"
Heart attack survivors at greater risk of further health problems!
Chinese swabs are saturated with ethylene oxide, which is cancer-causing!
'Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of govt of the 20 most industrialised nations in the world, to carry out... the Great Reset!'
FBI director warns China's computer attacks are now at a 'scale greater than we'd seen before!'
Misinformation ‘fact checkers’ overwhelmingly hold left-wing political views? Imagine my shock!
Bill Clinton and Pope Francis call for ‘urgent depopulation’ to save the planet?
How Israel corrupted America!
Media conditioning and Gentile submission to Jewish power!
Quran recited at Belgian Parliament by Imam with call for killing, kidnapping of Jews!
Muslims in the 21st century!
Training for the Army with an Islamist in our ranks!
'Migrants' torch cars and attack police as chaos erupts in Dutch city turning it into a WARZONE!
Victims of crime face five-year waits for cases to go to court!
Black activist lawyer’s big idea to stop crime? LEGALISE CRIME!
MSNBC host Joy Reid wants reparations as black Americans “literally, physically” built the country!
More Net Zero evasion from the mayor who signed up to UK100!
Clarkson slaps down Wales' Labour government's 'completely daft' move on farmers!
High energy costs are a choice – and an act of national self-harm!
Fury as hospital claims milk from trannies born male is JUST AS GOOD for babies as woman's breast milk!
The great John Mearsheimer opines - Julian Assange should be freed. Here’s why!
One victim of the war on small retailers!
"Sunak and Starmer... an endless carnival of mendacity and intrigue!"
Dozens of Post Office investigators involved in the IT witch-hunt of sub-postmasters 'are still employed' at the firm!
Phil Schneider's last public talk before he was murdered by the US government in 1995!
We are too stupid to see the Dark Ages are back! We are abandoning parenthood, religion and relationships!
Couple rescue trapped driving instructor from flood as emergency crews STAND BY - ('Only allowed to go in waist-high!')

Sunday 18 February:

"Google began as a DARPA grant. They got their funding as part of a joint CIA NSA program!"
TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEW: "What I’m describing is military rule... It’s the inversion of democracy!"
Biden's America: After refusing to give illegals money, migrant pisses in a cup and throws it into wives' faces!
The transatlantic alliance is with an America that no longer exists!
The collapse of US media is accelerating our political crisis!
How do you take nice Jewish children and turn them into monsters, killers of children by the time they’re 18?
This is Israel - The protestors HATE Netanyahu and his murderous cabal!
Former Mossad big shot, Rami Igra, says: "There are no uninvolved in Gaza... Anyone over the age of 4 is a Hamas supporter!"
Israel's starvation strategy!
Israel is working to expel the Palestinians, but to where?
Rabbi forced into hiding by avalanche of hate calls and social media trolling! 'Muslims are coming for you!'
BlackRock Managing Director, Abigail Gold Geller - Ultimate PERVERT!
CHOMSKY: "The United States and Israel, the two major rogue states in the world!"
KERRY: If the coup was going to prosper and survive Obama/Biden USA "had to get rid of that (honest) prosecutor! And they did!"
BIDEN: "I'm gonna be leaving in 6 hours, if the prosecutor's not fired in six hours, you're not getting the money! ($1 billion)
Navalny supporter says Putin supporters AND ANTI-VAXXERS are dangerous! Navalny was jabbed 5 times and died of a stroke!
Navalny was murdered by the mRNA “Covid vaccine?”
COVID vaccine mRNA penetrates foetal-placental barrier!
CDC’s own scientists found masks ineffective for COVID — But CDC recommended them anyway!
Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for release of billions of biopesticide lab-altered mosquitoes!
Number of suicidal children sent to mental health units surges 50% post-Covid!
CDC’s own scientists found masks ineffective for COVID — But CDC recommended them anyway!
Dr Ellie Cannon: Is Covid to blame for burning hot feet at night and rash from my toes to knees? NO - It's the mRNA shots!
WHO injected Africans with over 50 million smallpox vaccines - "Smallpox vaccine caused... the AIDS virus?"
NHS threatens lady with NO CARE because she didn't want chemo AFTER her cancer had had been succesfully removed!
The War on Children!
It’s not climate change - They ARE modifying the weather!
MEP Christine Anderson: EU technocrats are 'frightened... People no longer believe in climate change... It's a gigantic lie!'
The posh background of Just Stop Oil's pink-haired poster girl, Phoebe Plummer!
Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for release of billions of biopesticide lab-altered mosquitoes!
A 90-year-old woman sacked for not using gender pronouns? So much for ‘inclusivity!’
Thousand rally in Scotland to demand trannies are not locked up in female prisons!
Nasty cop, David Carrick, who raped at least 12 women is stripped of his £22,000 pension!
Eritreans bringing their isses to Europe!
Christian genocide in Nigeria ignored by the world!
Post Office boss was told to stall compensation to Post Office workers (by senior civil servant ) to help Tories limp to election!
Pensioners are being dragged into tax net by 'stealth' after Sunak and Hunt 'changed the goalposts!'
Half of Macron’s Government Ministers are millionaires!
In Sierra Leone people are crushing up the bones of dead humans and smoking it as a drug!

Saturday 17 February

"We have such a dumbed down population that people can’t even recognize what’s going on. There is a mass DIE-OFF, there is genocide, but most people are in denial because they can’t handle the truth!"
CORBYN: “A million people in a physical prison being bombed by weapons supplied by Britain and the United States that are killing wholly innocent people... There is nothing more disgusting!”
South African Foreign Minister: “Israel was not deterred by the decisions of the Court of Justice... The decision to stop the fighting in Gaza is in the hands of the countries that supply Israel with money and weapons... Israel is allowed to ignore the ruling of the Court of Justice!”
FINKELSTEIN: "It's a Satanic state! 60% of Israelis, 60%, say Israel is not using enough force in Gaza!"
Palestine - Before and after!
South African Foreign Minister says Israel's attack on Rafah ‘proves’ genocide allegation presented to ICJ!
LAUREN BOOTH, Tony Blair's sister-in-law: "GAZA is a concentration camp!
Rabbi forced into hiding by avalanche of hate calls and social media trolling! 'Muslims are coming for you!'
Ukraine Signs Defence Deals With France and Germany!
General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin - Who owns the war profiteers? "BlackRock.. It’s all just a money laundering scheme!”
COVID/VAX: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green: "I'm not a doctor but I have a Ph.D. in recognising bullshit when I hear it!"
Intermittent fasting can help clear the body of spike protein?
Media toerags, Andrew Pierce, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Jeremy Vine, sneering at the unvaxxed, wanting harsh treatment?
Skin cancer diagnosis delays caused by lockdowns led to 12,000 years of life lost!
COVID and the vaccines - All hail the sceptics!
RFK: "The vaccines were developed, not by Moderna/Pfizer, they were developed by NIH and manufactured by military contractors!"
Should a senile old man be the leader of the free world?
US and Chinese scientists are breeding monkey-human hybrids!
Why our roads are always flooded – and it’s not too much rain!
Reform is obliterating the Tories. It’s too late to avoid electoral catastrophe!
Sadiq Khan’s lunacy knows no bounds: London’s train lines are now a monument to the hard-Left!
Joe Biden’s catastrophic presidency represents the final surrender of the West!
Judge Arthur Engoron fines Trump $354million, bars him from running businesses in NY for 3 years!
GRAVESEND: Jan Gholami killed two-year-old adopted daughter by smashing her head against a wall in a rage!
Greece breached human rights of British teenager whose holiday rape claim was dismissed!
Woman jailed for taking three-year-old girl to Kenya for FGM!
Thousand rally in Scotland to demand trannies are not locked up in female prisons!

Friday 16 February

NEIL OLIVER: 'We know now the elderly were put on end of life care in hospitals and in care homes. They were dosed up with midazolam and morphine and hustled to the exit of life... What if there was no deadly disease at all?'
RFK: "Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese!"
Exposing the COVID and VACCINE scams and the elite savages behind them!
3 natural substances can help clear spike protein from the body!
Intermittent fasting can help clear the body of spike protein?
Were the masked masses hypnotised?
The banned end-of-life pathway that has never gone away!
British Gas profits leap from £72m to £751m in a year!
US and Chinese scientists are breeding monkey-human hybrids!
General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin - Who owns the war profiteers? "BlackRock.. It’s all just a money laundering scheme!”
WAR CRIME! IDF blindfold Palestinian, then tell him to go - He thinks he's free, then he is shot dead!
Clare Daly, MEP, on GAZA and the EU prostitutes: “I don’t know if God will forgive them, but I and millions of others certainly won’t!”
Who are the Israeli rappers calling for Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid to be killed? Fame via pro-Israel war song!
Israel slams Vatican for ‘deplorable’ Gaza remarks!
Julian Assange will die if extradited to US, wife warns!
It’s time to stop paying attention to the pseudo-scientific Doomsday Clock!
Met Office’s stormy January was just average!
Freud, Bernays, Randolph and Netflix, the manipulation of mankind!
Labour candidate Damien Egan shares a kiss with his husband Yossi Felberbaum after being declared MP for Kingswood!
FARAGE: It is outrageous that staff at Natwest that debanked me so scandalously will enjoy £350m in bonuses!
Farage blames recession on Bank of England!
The EU is in an even worse state than Britain, but Rejoiners couldn’t care less!
Sadiq Khan's new names for London Overground lines are ludicrous, crass and shamelessly political!
Killer BA pilot Robert Brown who battered his wife to death could kill again if he is released from jail!
Sandip Patel, then 21, murdered Marina Koppel in her apartment in August 1994!
Award-winning young farmer, Charles Kinston, shot dead in field!
‘Sanctuary Church!’ Illegal alien charged with migrant mob attack on NYPD officers freed!
Don’t let criminals run free!
Diversity and the death of polite society!
Desperation! UK Govt to pay TikTokers to try to convince illegal migrants to stay away!

Thursday 15 February

RFK Jr.: “Neither Democrats nor Republicans represent the democratic will of the people. Each in turn has overseen the erosion of the middle class, chaos at our borders, incessant wars, an explosion of chronic illness, decaying infrastructure, environmental pollution, and the capture of government by Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, military contractors, and other interest groups.”
David Cameron to Republicans: Obstructing military aid for Ukraine is like appeasement of Hitler! "Kiss my a***!" says MTG!
Putin: Biden better for Russia than Trump, ‘more predictable!’
MARIUPOL, UKRAINE: Bio-weapons labs testing on orphaned children since 2014? Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, etc. were there?
President Lukashenko of Belarus exposes the Covid agenda! "Who benefits the most from this?"
Pfizer to Senator Pauline Hanson: "Nobody was forced to have a vaccine!”
THEY vaccinate babies for profit - That's the only reason?
Professor Angus Dalgleish a leading oncologist about the jabs and cancer!
John O'Looney, funeral director, warns the doctors! Come clean about the vaccines! Sunak and co. are about to blame YOU!
FRANCE: Law passed condemning anyone who criticises mRNA-LNP injections to up to 3 years' in prison and a 45,000 euro fine!
Pharmacist knew the COVID vaccines were toxic!
Professor Phillip Buckhaults: "The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA, it's not just mRNA, it’s got bits of DNA in it!"
"HSB 646... gives complete immunity to pesticide, insecticide and rodenticide companies from any health consequences!"
The illegal kidnapping and persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich!
You can't trust BIG FOOD!
Ilan Pappé: Most Zionists don't believe that God exists but they do believe that he promised them Palestine!
ISRAEL: IDF kidnaps random Palestinian children every day!
"What would it take for you to give a shit about these innocent children that are getting massacred on a daily basis?"
Israeli Jews block aid from getting to Palestinans!
Who killed the little girl, her family and the paramedics who tried to save her? Hamas or the IDF?
US by-election result interrupted by pro-Palestine supporters chanting 'you support genocide!'
Wes Streeting targeted by ‘vote for genocide’ poster!
Helen Mirren, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Boy George, Sharon Osbourne, etc. don't want Israel banned from Eurovision!
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars!
Outrage as young Spanish girls dressed like ‘prostitutes’ at LGBT-themed carnival!
Top Cardinal: Vatican must stop bowing to ‘LGBT and woke ideology!’
Another futile attempt by the C of E to appear relevant!
They’re coming for your cats and dogs!
North Northamptonshire Council tried to force elderly couple to sell £200,000 home to make room for asylum seekers!
TREACHERY! Immigrants first, indigenous last! Compulsory purchase of your home!
ENLGLAND NOW! Courtesy of generations of traitorous politicians!
BARNSLEY: Daniel Balazs stabbed his ex-girlfriend's new partner, Daniel Micska, to death in the street!
Paedo murderer of schoolgirl Sarah Payne in line for thousands of pounds compensation after stabbing inside HMP Wakefield!
US mom Kimberlee Singler 'who fled to UK shot both her kids in the head after drugging them with sleep medication!'
Investigators visit graves of dead voters Still on Michigan rolls!
Sturgeon’s legacy is becoming more toxic by the day!
Sturgeon’s legacy is becoming more toxic by the day!
For the first time in my life, I’m now beginning to think Britain is finished!
Calls for probe into judge Tanweer Ikram who let women who wore parachute images at pro-Palestine march walk free!
British Jews suffer an 'explosion in hatred?'
Off-duty police officers stopped Joseph Jimenez knife attack!
Home Office rents 16,000 properties for use by asylum seekers despite housing shortage for Brits!
Sunak, the smooth-talking second-hand car salesman!
Vanessa Feltz ex-fiance says, 'I felt used' in brutal swipe at TV star as he fumes 'I got my life back!'

Wednesday 14 February

MARIUPOL, UKRAINE: Bio-weapons labs testing on orphaned children since 2014? Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, etc. were there?
Farage destroys Covid vaccine narrative! "I want to know why we were LIED to!”
Governments knew the vax was dangerous! "The long term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known!"
The vaccine and heart trouble – a must-see interview!
World Leaders who rejected Covid-19 mRNA vaccines into their country all died?
New Zealand MP read the material people sent him, about how it's not really a vaccine... He was having none of it!
THE LIE that cows are killing the climate broken down in 3 minutes!
“HAARP is being used for weather modification. The military’s own records PROVE it!”
Snowden reveals HAARP's Global assassination agenda!
Belgian farmers blockade port of Antwerp as battle with EU green agenda continues!
The world’s green juggernaut is unstoppable?
Wannabe President, Nikki Haley, thinks the Palestinians should leave Gaza and hand the land over to Israel!
Labour Party suspends second Parliamentary candidate in two days over antisemitic comments!
Pro-Palestine protesters target home of MP, Tobias Ellwood!
ISRAEL: IDF kidnaps random Palestinian children every day!
Ilan Pappé: Most Zionists don't believe that God exists but they do believe that he promised them Palestine!
ZIONISM - Full frontal!
Biden’s ruinous foreign policy 1: Ukraine!
Colonel Macgregor: 'The people who control the financial markets, financial institutions and MSM are now in control of your governments!'
TREACHERY! Immigrants first, indigenous last! Compulsory purchase of your home!
Home Office pays for 16,000 homes for asylum seekers despite housing shortage!
9-year-old white girl rides the diversity bus to school!
House impeaches Mayorkas, first Cabinet member impeached in nearly 150 years!
Google has usurped Democracy! Across the globe, fair elections no longer exist...
Maajid Nawaz on the Great Reset: "You cannot build back better unless you first destroy!"
Welcome to Sadiq Khan's London!
Met Police threaten to arrest ANOTHER Christian in London!
Rise of 'copycat' acid attacks in Britain! 4 chemical assaults in just 2 weeks - including Clapham/Croydon!
Refugee jailed twice for drug offences sues Home Office for £150,000 over bid to deport him back to Iraq!
Perverts who kill during 'rough sex' will face longer behind bars under measures unveiled today!
FARAGE: Being in the army is not about being the best anymore, it’s about meeting diversity targets!
The Army must take a bayonet to this diversity mania!
Exposed by Lord Frost, the Tories’ betrayal of their foundations!
Britain used to be a polite and decent country. No more!
My wife is giving away our children's £100,000 inheritance to romance scammers... and there's nothing I can do to stop her!
Phil Schneider on alien beings here with us!

Tuesday 13 February

When Israelis show you who they are, believe them! "You will continue to starve, you will continue to die, your homes will continue to burn, your children will continue to live in the mud. The Gazans, as far as I'm concerned, can starve to death!"
South African politician, Andrew Feinstein, who is Jewish, speaks out against the Zionist butchers!
Gideon Levy: On Israelis playing the victim card!
Israel could face war crimes charges if it goes ahead with Rafah invasion!
Israel has now begun bombing a million civilians trapped in Rafah, the last place of refuge in Gaza!
Rafah offensive will bring ‘severe consequences’, warns Iran!
Home of warmonger, Tobias Elwood, targeted by pro-Palestinian supporters!
Israel has passed no evidence to UK/US regarding 13 UN workers taking part in October 7 raid?
Labour withdraws support for Rochdale by-election candidate for voicing legitimate opinion!
Jewish chaplain at Leeds University forced into hiding after receiving death threats!
Jews ‘hounded out’ of comedy show after refusing to stand for Palestinian flag!
The early Zionists!
Congressman Trafficant, 2009: "We're conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody's afraid to say it!"
No BBC show seems to be safe from the scourge of anti-Semitism, says ex-BBC boss, DANNY COHEN!
Brother Nathanael speaks to Stew Peters on Jewish machination and Russia v the Globalists!
Tucker's first discussion since the Vladimir Putin interview!
Ukrainian government cancelled elections and killed a US journalist. Congress is sending them another $60 billion!
Nigel Farage suggests West should be open to negotiations with Putin!
Dave Smith versus RFK - Is RFK bought?
Dave Smith on the Joe Rogan show - The truth about NATO expansionism!
NATO expansion and Ukraine!
Dave Smith on the Joe Rogan show - The truth about NATO expansionism - 2!
German Government expects 10 million migrants to flee Ukraine if Russia wins war!
Senators Vance, Lee, and Johnson join Elon and Vivek to slam ‘endless funding’ for Ukraine!
Speaker Mike Johnson torches foreign aid bill - Border must come first!
Rudy Giuliani: Who is Arseniy Petrovych Yatsenyuk?
Maajid Nawaz on the Great Reset: "You cannot build back better unless you first destroy!"
The ‘safe and effective’ narrative is breaking down, it’s always been unsustainable!
"Portugal has highest COVID-19 vaccination rate in world!" "Portugal registers highest level of excess deaths in world!"
The vaccine and heart trouble – a must-see interview!
Liz Gunn, Barry Young and Dan Picknell: Update on the New Zealand Covid "Inquiry!"
“... mRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust!”
Furious Brit demands Sunak 'look him in the eye' and give him straight answer on Covid vaccine harm!
They were against the COVID vaccination, now all but one are dead!
COVID VACCINE: "Do the right thing, Rishi Sunak!"
NHS staff who are non-UK nationals at record high!
Snowden reveals HAARP's Global assassination agenda!
Enormous foil sunblock plan costing trillions concocted by Israeli scientists!
FARMERS! All across the world millions of people are waking up!
"If we banned fossil fuels agricultural production would collapse. People will begin to starve and half the population will die!"
Biden’s climate change reparations will bankrupt America!
Biden’s climate change reparations will bankrupt America!
Activists block ‘every single’ climate spy camera in London borough of Sutton!
Why did the Japanese gove up control of their financial system to US/European Oligarchs? They were threatened with earthquakes?
Mark Steyn and the anatomy of a stitch-up!
Suella Braverman - Stop making people feel guilty for being white!
'DISGRACE!' Kelvin MacKenzie FUMES at Church helping migrants 'LIE' to stay in Britain!
British public has every right to be angry about migrant crisis!
Calling the countryside racist is ridiculous Left-wing militancy!
Trannie paedo caught with 3 vulnerable children locked in his house after he sexually assaulted girl, 14!
Putting the meth in Methodist! Reverend, 63, is charged with 'dealing drug so he could watch gay sex!'
Justin Welby and Labour peer's mission to derail Rwanda Bill is dropped!
More than a third of teenagers say they do not want children as birth rate plummets!
Britain is almost bankrupt. PM Starmer will be the final nail in the nation’s coffin!
The CIA built an ice gun that could make a murder look like a natural heart attack!

Monday 12 February

For Israel’s sake, Netanyahu must go now!
CNN’s Israel bias laid bare. But CNN is the norm, not the exception!
RFK: Who is profiting from the war in Ukraine? The fat cat shareholders of the US military-industrial complex! i.e. BlackRock
Putin and Western values!
Why did the US Deep State declare war on Russia?
NATO Chief warns conflict with Russia could last ‘decades’, demands West increase arms production!
Hillary Clinton harassed as a “war criminal” at speaking event!
MAX IGAN: The criminalisation of everything!
Huge salaries for fund managers! $1200 for Maui homeless! "Don't come in here defending Oprah's ass!"
The act of speaking the truth has been criminalised right before our eyes, says Neil Oliver!
Mark Steyn and the death of justice!
The criminalisation of everything!
The elites’ absurd Davos crusade: Destroy freedom to save humanity!
Enormous foil sunblock plan costing trillions concocted by Israeli scientists!
ULEZ: "We are protesting today because we all want clean air, but Sadiq Khan cannot do anything but lie!"
Sadiq Khan's 8-year war on motorists is terrifying communities!
How roadside rubbish kills up to ten animals a day!
Success of EU farmers’ protests shows how it can be done!
Liz Gunn, Barry Young and Dan Picknell: Update on the New Zealand Covid "Inquiry!"
Neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, wonders why would anyone take a killer "vaccine" for a virus that doesn't even exist?
The Midazolam Murders!
“... mRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust!”
State power grab over child health, Part 2: Cutting parents out of the picture!
Son given just minutes to say goodbye to his father after hospital blunder!
I went in for routine surgery and lost everything! NHS surgeon removed his ENTIRE knee joint!
British families told to pay slavery reparations in Grenada! Ex-BBC journalist Laura Trevelyan pledges £100,000!
Washington cop runs up to car with gun drawn to arrest a woman suffering a life-threatening stroke!
ROCHDALE: Savages aged between 12 and 14 arrested on suspicion of rape!
Britain is in the grips of a crime spree, and no one seems to care!
Sex criminals on probation who go on to attack again at record high!
Female inmates’ views on sharing prison with trans convicts ‘kept secret’ by Scottish Prison Service!
LGBT+ education charity closes! Encouraged toddlers to question gender, wanted to replace 'Sir'/'Miss' with gender-neutral terms in schools!
Scottish parents at risk of jail if they refuse to allow children to dress provocatively!
Labour council threatens to impose £2,500 fine on pensioner, 68, who stuck gender critical posters on her OWN front door!
Defence Secretary: A woke and extremist culture has infiltrated the Army!
'Woke culture has infiltrated' British Army with resources 'squandered to promote a political agenda!'
Royal Marines sue Ministry of Defence claiming they were 'knowingly' exposed to deadly asbestos on training exercises in Latvia!
What’s next for our racist countryside?
Powers to police protest are not being used!
Asylum seekers and the C of E’s conversion conveyor belt!
Barclays announces 22 more bank branches to close after announcing 40 closures last month!
Labour is plotting a devastating economic blow – and its pensions raid is just the start!
FARAGE: 'The Tories are desperate and calling me every day!'
Rishi Sunak became PM on 25 October 2022 - Shortly afterwards he made this speech!

Sunday 11 February

Julian Assange: "3.5 years in solitary confinement... this is an attempt, not to break him, but to kill him! It's slow murder!"
VACCINES = CLOTS - Dr. John Campbell interviews funeral director, John O'Looney!
VACCINES = CLOTS - Dr. John Campbell interviews Major John Haviland!
NEW ZEALAND: Massive amounts of money earned by vaccinators!
Number of suicidal children sent to mental health units surges 50% post-Covid!
DOCTORS: "We were lied to. We were told the mRNA would degrade immediately!"
Brianna’s mum is so right about lockdown’s toxic legacy!
Karol Sikora: Allowing NHS staff to work from abroad is a huge mistake that undermines patient safety!
Warmonger Boris says Tucker Carlson’s Putin iInterview was ‘straight out of Hitler’s playbook!
"Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all and let's just go to war!"
Robert Kennedy jr. says exactly the same as Putin! i.e. Putin tells the truth, Western warmongers lie!
Putin says Russia won’t invade Poland to start WW3, says NATO using him to ‘extort’ taxpayers!
Insanity that Biden admin wants another $95 billion for foreign countries but offers nothing to Maui, Hawaii!
HITCHENS: Sacking of Kiev’s top General reveals more than any interview with Putin ever will!
GAZA: There have been at least 290 attacks on premises, killing over 389 people who were seeking protection under the UN flag!
Palestinian nurse runs into gunfire in Gaza to rescue a child!
A food shipment for 1.1 million people stuck at Israeli port due to Israeli restrictions!
Israel blocking month’s supply of food for 1.1m Palestinians in Gaza at Ashdod port. Israel told contractor not to move it!
Labour's Rochdale candidate says Israel deliberately let October 7 event happen so Gaza invasion could be justified!
GAZA: Mother executed by IDF sniper, child seriously injured...
Dutch MEP Rob Roos explains in 6 points how European centralists are "addicted to power!"
Farmers in Italy, Spain and Poland protest EU’s green agenda and trade policies!
Ed Davey boasted about 'integrity' of Post Office's Horizon computer system even after Alan Bates alerted him to its failings!
Horizon scandal 'ongoing' as sub-postmasters pursued for thousands of pounds!
Neil Oliver: 'Truth is the kryptonite of the parasite class!'
Ted Gunderson, Ex-FBI Chief, tried to warn everyone!
Armed Forces hire over 40 diversity and inclusion chiefs tasked with improving equality across the Military!
Army to relax security checks on recruits in diversity drive!
Soldiers told to avoid Christian 'elements' in Acts of Remembrance!
Woke ideology must not take over defence!
At least 77 trannie doctors have registered a change of gender with GMC!
Iranian paedo ('danger to community', 14 years in UK) says he can't be deported, he converted to Christianity!
I was a pastor for 30 years and baptised 500 asylum seekers in the sea - but half of them never came back to church!
Asylum seekers dupe church leaders to avoid deportation, say judges!
Manhunt for thug who attacked man in his 60s at shop on London's Isle of Dogs in 'racially motivated' assault!
Masked shoplifters brazenly helped themselves to bottles of booze at a London Tesco as security guards and staff watch on!
If Biden is unfit to stand trial, he’s unfit to lead America!
Bank of England accused of 'Project Fear narrative’ with Brexit obsession!
There’s no bigger hypocrite than a Left-wing ‘anti-racist’!
UK Home Office staff invited to celebrate ‘World Hijab Day’, claims whistleblower!
Hungarian President resigns over pardon of child sex abuse accomplice!
This reporter was fired after airing this segment exposing PizzaGate!
A disgrace to Christianity – the C of E and its asylum ‘converts!’

Saturday 10 February

Former senior advisor to WHO/Trump admin says COVID was entirely fabricated and served global depopulation agenda!
Fewer than third of Scots believe Sturgeon’s claim she did not politicise Covid crisis!
Stop the boosters now – an open letter to the Health Secretary!
The final stage of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, mass starvation, has begun. The globalists do not intend to stop it!
‘Death to Zionists’ chanted in Birmingham campus anti-Semitism row!
Israeli reaction to ICJ genocide ruling!
Israel keeps killing civilians and rRejects any sovereignty for Palestinians!
Netanyahu orders evacuation (ethnic cleansing) of Rafah!
Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make insane!
The Ukraine war has demonstrated is the weakness of NATO!
America Last! 12 Republican Senators vote to send Ukraine another $60billion after vowing to put US border first!
PUTIN: ‘Ukraine obviously a satellite state of the USA!’
America blew up Nord Stream pipeline, says President Putin! (Truth will be told)
Putin asked Bill Clinton if Russia Ccould join NATO!
Tucker's impressions: Putin is hurt by the West's rejection; Russia isn't an expansionist power; Putin wants peace in Ukraine!
The Putin interview: Tucker Carlson is vindicated!
Sam Melia found guilty of inciting racial hatred for telling the truth!
The white hell of Britain’s racist, colonial countryside!
It’s over – prepare for a future without faith!
Biden’s mental incompetency was only revealed to give the FBI an excuse not to prosecute him!
Putin says Boris Johnson torpedoed Ukraine peace deal!
Marine Le Pen leads field in race to replace President Macron!
'This is the worst day of Joe Biden's presidency', Democrats admit!
'Joe Biden despises Britain and is not capable of leading the West!'
Woke Professor's attack on Donald Trump!
The political class is only just realising that voters prefer prosperity over climate jingoism!
Ed Miliband ‘on borrowed time’ after Labour’s £28bn green pledge climbdown!
NHS ditches Stonewall-backed rainbow badges which told hospitals to stop using 'woman' and 'mother!'
Chris Bryant: ‘David Cameron used the Gaydar thing against me a couple of times!’
Woke animal campaigners tell British fairgrounds to STOP using horses on carousels!
Sadiq Khan accused of 'squirrelling away money' before election! Finds extra £66.5 MILLION in City Hall budget!
Starmer built his plan for government on sand. Its collapse has only just started!
Tory capitulation to the soft-Left orthodoxy has ruined Britain!
Vicars admit the Church has provided a 'conveyor belt of baptisms' to asylum-seekers!
Enough is enough! Time to stop this abuse of our generosity!
Kaydon Prior and Jason Curtis guilty of Harrison Tomkins' murder!
Zoe Hawes killed in police chase crash on M25 which also left another man dead!
Jonathan Arafiena's champagne lifestyle of expensive cars and luxury holidays left victims bankrupt and suicidal!
'TikTok yobs' shove hosepipe through pensioner's letter box and flood their bungalow!
University must pay £450,000 for ‘unconscious’ discrimination against Indian academic!
Wolves living by Chernobyl nuclear plant develop cancer-resistant genes!
The crown is not the royal Family? The real crown is the City of London?

Friday 9 February

Mainstream media is dying! That'll teach those who conform to the establishment narrative!
JOE BIDEN: "An elderly man with a poor memory!" "The President of Mexico, (Egypt) Sisi!"
Biden threatens to cut deportations unless open borders bill passed!
TUCKER CARLSON: The Vladimir Putin Interview!
PUTIN: Boris Johnson scuppered negotiations for a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine!
PUTIN: “The CIA did its job to complete the (2014 Ukraine) coup, a colossal political mistake! All this could be done without victims!”
Tucker/Putin: “If you had evidence NATO/US/CIA did [Nord Stream], why wouldn’t you present it?” "USA controls all the world’s media!"
Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin! Afterthoughts and conclusions...
Hungary vows to block EU sanctions against Tucker Carlson over Putin interview!
Vladimir Putin says Russia invading Poland or Latvia is 'out of the question!'
Israel's ‘buffer zone’ is a war crime, says UN!
Christopher Bollyn says 4,000 Israelis were warned not to go to work on 9/11 - Odigo sent a warning in Hebrew 2 hours beforehand!
'We left our troops in these vulnerable locations... as BAIT, because so many people in DC want to go to war with Iran!'
Bret Weinstein on who's behind the invasion of the USA! “It's not a friendly migration...”
Lawyers, judges and police will not escape justice!
The FDA has become a vaccine marketing unit!
VACCINE? Trudeau's Infanticide! 4 more children under 12 die in a week 'with' COVID as the diagnosis!
Make Your Mind Up! Now British Government wants to arrest people for wearing a mask!
State power grab over child health Part 1: Vaccination in schools!
Deputy PM says: 'New Zealanders are entitled to the truth and nothing short of the truth... A Covid Inquiry... must be public, wide-ranging!'
"The goal is not to save the planet. It's not about global warming. It's not about sustainable development. It's about enslaving humanity!"
The climate scaremongers: We pay China billions to shaft our own car industry!
The BBC’s latest climate coverage makes XR look moderate!
Oh, the irony! MPs welcome migrant thugs then demand protection from them!
Met Police routinely 'victim-blames' abused children, watchdog says!
My sister's husband confessed that he strangled her and dumped her body in an incinerator, yet he was never convicted!
Illegal immigrant indicted in brutal murder of 16-year-old cheerleader!
How to raise a child! Courtesy of the Global Few (who murdered our world)
Dangerous criminals in secure hospitals get cold weather payments at taxpayers’ expense!
LITTLEJOHN: We don’t need new laws. We need cops and courts to enforce the laws we’ve got!
Lawyers, judges and police will not escape justice!
Mass migration is slowly bankrupting the UK!
Church of England has become ‘conveyor belt for asylum seeker fake conversions!’
Another pillar of Sturgeon’s woke legacy has crumbled!
The left’s approach to democracy – If you can’t beat them, ban them!
Portsmouth University must pay £450,000 for ‘unconscious’ discrimination against Indian academic!
The EU isn’t about to collapse. It’s worse than that!
Department of Justice describes Biden having diminished faculties' back in 2017!
Royals didn't go to hospital, the hospitals came to them! And no one dared to use the word 'cancer!'

Thursday 8 February

"13,100 micrograms of aluminium in the rain in 2013, normally it should be ZERO!"
3 peer-reviewed papers, published in top scientific journals, completely undermine alleged consensus on man-made global warming!"
The great electric car lie is a monstrous deception against the British public!
Fluoride to be added to drinking water under new legal powers!
Chemtrails cause flooding in Sna Diego exposed! Highlight from yesterday's San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting!
Wildlife charity labels Britain's countryside as 'racist space dominated by white people!'
Moderna didn’t respond! “Technology used in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine carries toxicity risks, scientists within company say!
Tom Haviland shares the horrifying results from his worldwide embalmer blood clot survey!
Truck covered in photos of those murdered by Trudeau/COVID vax - Ontario, Canada!
Why are billionaires building doomsday bunkers? What are they preparing for?
King Charles does not have cancer?
Blinken accuses Israel of trying to ‘dehumanize’ Palestinians!
Sweden ends Nord Stream Pipeline investigation without identifying culprit! (USA/UKRAINE?)
Top EU snarler, Guy Verhofstadt, says 'the EU should explore a travel ban' against Tucker Carlson for interviewing Putin!
EU politicians threaten to sanction Tucker Carlson for interviewing Vladimir Putin!
UKRAINE = Deep State UN/WEF/WHO centre of biological weapons/organ harvesting/child-sex trafficking/money laundering?
Refugee suspected to be Russian spy worked for MI6 and Foreign Office!
Hillary Clinton: Tucker Carlson is Putin’s ‘useful idiot!’
The real reason THEY want you to hate Trump!
Biden calls Trump ‘existential threat’ as anti-Israel protesters block 5th avenue!
Democracy in Decay: The return of Blair!
Victory for European farmers?
Transgender daycare worker avoids prison after sexually abusing a baby during diaper change!
Lifeboats sinking in a sea of wokeness!
WOKE HISTORY: Some Anglo-Saxon warriors were trannies, claims academic!
We must wake up from this nightmare of alien control!
Grant Shapps and the killing of Port Talbot!
Why Sturgeon’s clannish conceit is a challenge to democracy!
Ann Coulter: Impeach Mayorkas again!
Are the parents responsible if their children turn into killers?
Left-wingers regard themselves as virtuous. But the spiteful reaction of so many to Charles's illness shows they're the ones filled with hate!
Frog cops say mass stabbing committed by African migrant at Paris train station was NOT an act of terrorism!
Two women say they were drugged and raped by staff at Bahamas resort!
Las Vegas: Two more black teens plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter for beating white teen Jonathan Lewis to death!
Homeless man Alonzo Hebron whose story spurred $400,000 in donations, seen battering/throttling woman outside church!
Machete-wielding gang raid Co-op store, highlighting shop crime tsunami!
This is why stores in Oakland are shutting down and why you can't have nice things!
Why the criminal justice system gave up on punishing criminals!
Mayor Tiffany Henyard's response to questions about misuse of public money: "Y'all should be ashamed... You all black and you... attacking a black woman in power!"
Asylum seeker 'trapped' in Britain wants to leave as 'there's nothing for us here' but police won't let him!
HITCHENS: Why forcing people to vote and letting them choose 'none of the below' could save our shattered democracy!
The monarchy's future depends on the 'obliteration of the Sussexes', says royal biographer!

Tuesday 7 February

TEDROS: "Our food systems harm the health of people and planet... Transforming food systems is essential, by shifting towards... plant based diets!"
Dumb cops set up road blocks to stop the farmers! So they drove through the fields! Because that’s what tractors do!
Holly Valance 'putting restrictions on normal people for non-existent climate crisis is insanity!'
The futility of UK100’s Net Zero ambitions!
Trudeau was wrong to freeze the truckers’ cash, says Canadian judge!
Why was the CIA at a pandemic simulation event in October 2019?
USA: 117 elected officials, 113 candidates and 1 Surgeon General from 39 states say COVID shots must be pulled off market!
Bill Gates upset 'misinformation about vaccines' has led to not only a surge in 'vaccination hesitancy', but also a loss of trust!
People in their 20s, 30s and 40s are developing aggressive, rapidly-growing cancers. I've never seen stage 4 breast cancers presenting in women in their 20s!
VACCINES? Why are so many Brits long-term sick? Long Covid, depression from lockdowns...
Israel says 31 of 136 Gaza hostages have died since Oct 7! If true, how many were killed by Israel's bombs?
It’s not the Nazis, Mr. Putin… It’s the Jews!
"Rulings of the court have been ignored by Israel... I think we now have to look at proposing other measures!"
PUTIN: “They are trying to replace international law with order. What order? What rules? Who invented them? It's just bullshit!
Trump endorsed by International Union of Police Associations!
Nottingham murderer Valdo Calocane entitled to £360 a month because he's in the nuthouse, not in prison!
Kemi Badenoch: I have evidence gay young people are being told they are transgender!
Outrage as 5 trannies dominate volleyball court at a women's college varsity game! Biological females on bench!
'Thought police!' Bev Turner rages as Newcastle United say fan breached LGBT diversity rules!
This ‘Woke Kindergarten’ madness is all of Donald Trump’s dreams come true!
Foreign students more likely than Scots to be offered place at top universities!
When will we stop men from barbaric cultures acting out their evil ideologies on British soil?
Every month America now gets a new city the size of Pittsburgh! That's how many migrants are pouring across the border!
Sadiq Khan 'MISLED' Londoners with Ulez radio adverts!
Gary Lineker helped create BBC's new social media guidelines? Bosses love his tweeting?
Nana Akua can't decide who's worst - Prince Harry or Gary Lineker!
Adrian Chiles owes HMRC £1.7million in tax!

Tuesday 6 February

Met cop accused of 13 rapes tied up girl,threatened to 'slit' her with a knife'! Raped one girl when she was 12!
Laura Gray's two children, Ruby and Logan, were murdered by her partner, Jordan Monaghan!
Rape trial of former Brazil football star Dani Alves has heard that 'his victim's life had been ruined!'
Albanian people smuggler jailed for bringing yacht full of migrants to UK!
'We have let Islamist extremism into Britain, and we've let it win!'
Tedros, Director of the WHO, is not a medical doctor! He was accused of covering up epidemics in Ethiopia and belonged to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front’, a terrorist group!
Fauci helped homeschooling grow!
Has Covid vaccination impacted the Royals as it has so many others?
Study suggests COVID jabs caused 14 deaths for every life they saved!
How Project Fear and the vaccine rewrote the software of the brain!
Dr. David Martin says let people die and suppressed HCQ and ivermectin in order to make way for a “vaccine!”
Israel’s Biblical psychopathy!
It’s not the Nazis, Mr. Putin… It’s the Jews!
Putin says West is at war with itself, attacking family, normalising paedophilia, destroying own traditions, culture, identity!
GAZA: 'The tank is very close!' Last words of missing girl, 6, who called for aid after her parents were killed in family car!
The war against the farmers!
With all the absolute madness in the World it’s easy to forget the Sun is being blocked out daily!
The Government is offering them £300,000 a year if to convert their hotel for illegals! The Savoy has refused!
"When we get back into the Oval Office, we will totally obliterate the rest of the Deep State! We will finish the job!"
Why are Joe Biden and the Democrats allowing many millions of illegals to flood into America? They will turn them into voters!
The complete overthrow of American men. Only role left is to be a hate object for feminists!
Sadiq Khan has gone into hiding on Ulez. London deserves a Mayor with balls!
Is Macron using threat of WW3 to cement himself as the King of the EU?
We have the highest tax burden since WW2, and your taxes are paying for MP Apsana Begum's council house!
Do not pay your taxes this year!
Labour wannabe in East Thanet, Polly Billington, is a Net Zero fanatic!
Border Bill is no more? The Swamp consuming itself!
British military would exhaust capabilities after a ‘couple of months’ of war!
Asylum seeker converts are faking it, says evangelical church leader!
Even Reform UK seems to be underestimating the scale of public fury with a broken political system!
Row over workshy Britons erupts as leftie demands ‘flexibility’ for hangovers!
Teachers can ignore trannie guidance to inform parents if child says they want to change gender, says union!
Albanian people smuggler jailed for bringing yacht full of migrants to UK!

Monday 5 February

Let’s show his abusers that the people stand with Julian Assage! 20-21 February at 08:30 at Royal Court of Justice!
President Bukele: “The most powerful country is falling… The real reasons? Something so powerful can't be destroyed… unless the enemy comes from within!
MAX IGAN - Mass awareness = Mass depopulation!
NEIL OLIVER: The great awakening from the nightmare is all around us!
Covid scientist Sir John Edmunds: ‘We didn’t take enough account of the economic cost of lockdown!’
When THEY forced you to take the depopulation shots, did THEY know this would happen? (Best answer - Some did)
Before March 2021, embalmers had never seen white, fibrous structures in the veins and arteries of the deceased!
Childhood excess deaths are up 22% in the UK in 2023!
Dr. Paul Thomas: Vaxxed children versus unvaxxed - Government/Big Pharma profited hugely from torture of generations!
Mask mania claims a little boy’s life!
One victory for the covid resistance in Australia could lead to a lot more!
Gazacaust: Placing the blame where it belongs!
Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz thinks most American 'universities have failed the Jewish community' by not sanctioning Gaza genocide!
Biden calls Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu a 'bad f****** guy?' (Some things are hard to believe...)
GERMANY - University of Tübingen: Berkeley Professor Daniel Boyarin wants Israel dismantled!
Vanessa Redgrave 1979: 'Zionism is a brutal, racist ideology... It wasn't built to protect anybody except private profit!'
Goyim cannot expect Jewish elites to tell them the TRUTH — Jewish elites talk to Goyim like adults talk to children!
What powerful force is preventing the United States from defending its borders?
How sad it is to watch America’s abandonment of morality and degeneration into evil!
Black lady tells it as it is! (Obama/Clinton/BLM/Trump)
Emeritus Professor, Princeton Institute: (2009) There is no global warming, there is only regional warming and it's a good thing!
Ed Dowd: The Government is cooking the books! The US is on the verge of economic collapse!
Former Trump official, Mike Gill, who was shot by a carjacker Monday in Washington D.C., died from his wounds on Saturday!
Horror as boy, 17, stabbed to death and man in 50s rushed to hospital after bloody brawl erupts on housing estate!
The Denver police in Denver has arrested over 50 Al Qaeda members in the last 2 months!
The Italian right-wing is now calling for the assailants to be castrated and deported! Thoughts?
Rape victim facing six-year trial delay says CPS has ‘revictimised’ her!
Man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after another man was pushed onto the tracks at Oxford Circus!
XL Bully dogs that mauled grandmother to death owned by dog breeding wannabe rapper, Ashley Warren!
Abdul Ezedi 'slammed girl, 3, to ground like a wrestler', witness claims!
I am so angry with the smug morons who let the Clapham attacker stay here!
Gillian Keegan under fire after claiming Clapham attack case ‘not really about asylum!’
Senate Bill gives Ukraine 75 times as much funding as U.S. border wall!
A BBC editor was hired as an expert witness to help at least 15 Somalian criminals fight deportation!
Senate releases “border” bill, increasing inflow of legalised immigrants into American communities, workplaces and schools!
US Border Bill to allow 8,500 migrants per day!
Forty Bibby Stockholm asylum seekers converting to Christianity!
Britain must stop funding those who wish to destroy our borders!
Britain is 'betraying' its children and creating an economic time-bomb by failing to give them a healthy start in life!
Mental health epidemic is being fuelled by long waits for GP and hospital appointments!
Piers Morgan blasts Rishi Sunak for allowing NHS hospitals to become 'warzones!'
Labour must stop dancing to the SNP’s tune!
Harrison Ford on those who control us!

Sunday 4 February

The Denver police in Denver has arrested over 50 Al Qaeda members in the last 2 months!
Medical Aid for Palestine shared the location of 4 British doctors in a Gaza safe zone with Israel - Israel bombed them!
WW3! US, Britain strike Yemen’s Houthis in new wave!
Israeli soldiers dressed as doctors raided hospital to kill suspected terrorists!
Pro-Palestine protesters wave ‘Zionists control the media’ placards during London march! (And?)
Jewish org HIAS behind the invasion via the southern border? Homeland Security's Mayorkas was a leading member!
Army fails to meet recruitment targets at all training centres for five years!
US Senator, Ron Johnson, says COVID was “pre-planned by an elite group of people. Event 201!
Childhood excess deaths are up 22% in the UK in 2023!
Katie Hopkins has questions for the media! "First six months of 2023, 28,000 excess deaths!" Why no coverage?
NEIL OLIVER: "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities! COVID changed everything!"
Professors William Happer/Richard Lindzen condemn EPA's climate assessments! 'They have consistently proven to be wrong!'
Christians and drag queens – my hate crime nightmare!
The US Government Bill H.R. 6981 makes it illegal to fight back against tyranny!
Horror as boy, 17, stabbed to death and man in his 50s rushed to hospital after bloody brawl erupts on housing estate!
Clapham 'acid' attacker Abdul Ezedi 'may have gang links'!
Horror as boy, 17, is stabbed to death and another man in his 50s is rushed to hospital after bloody brawl erupts on housing estate
3 black youths brandish machetes in Nottingham city centre! Why did the BBC blur the faces of dangerous thugs?
A BBC editor was hired as an expert witness to help at least 15 Somalian criminals fight deportation!
Home Office wants extra £2.6bn in 'emergency cash' to fund asylum seeker accommodation!
Too many churches are facilitating bogus asylum claims. This must stop!
Traitorous Church aiding asylum claims on mass scale, say former Home Secretaries!
If civil servants think rolling your eyes is racist, they’ve lost the plot!
Newcastle United supporter banned from matches for questioning transgenderism online!
Labour MP wants to change law to let dead people switch their gender!
Top BBC big shot, Dawn Queva, branded white Europeans ‘melanin-recessive parasites!’
IRA-linked Michelle O’Neill to become First Minister of Northern Ireland!
This isn't a 3rd world country/apocalypse didn’t happen/nuclear warhead didn’t detonate! This is Democrat run Oakland, CA!
Barry was working in Tower 7 on 9/11 - He says multiple explosions occurred in Tower 7 while the Twin Towers were still standing!

Saturday 3 February

Prof. John Mearsheimer on IDF's hospital killing: "The Israelis don't pay any attention to rules of war and think they can do anything they want and get away with it because the US will protect them.. They take a certain joy in inflicting punishment, cruelty on the Palestinians!"
Israeli politician Daniella Weiss wants Gazans deprived of aid 'so the countries of the world will have pity on them and take them!'
Mark Regev, Australia born Israeli spokesman: 'I wanted to be the new Zionist drainer of swamps!'
Viktor Orbán - ‘Peace has a name: Donald Trump!’
Police are beginning to stand and side with the people!
France caves to farmers’ protests and pledges to drop 'punitive ecology!'
The real purpose of Net Zero: impoverishment, enslavement and depopulation!
'Pneumonia... ("easily treated with antibiotics") was a key driver of death in patients with COVID-19!'
Prof Ian Brighthope: "Very high levels of vaccination injuries and deaths... in particular, the vaccine induced deaths of Australian children!"
Pandemic meant no lifeguards at Cornish beaches when three died, inquest hears!
SNP’s Covid protection for vulnerable ‘afterthought’ could have cost 1,000 lives!
Lockdown Queen Sturgeon admits deleting Covid-era messages!
"THEY quietly released the papers showing that Ivermectin is a miraculous treatment for cancer, and no media outlet has said a word!"
Measles is the latest stick to beat the ‘vaccine-hesitant’ with!
Pharma insider says: 'The news ad spending from Pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic, essentially to buy off the news!'
The case against Ozempic - "If a fish tank is dirty, you clean the tank. You don't drug the fish!"
Tom Renz: "THEY have been working on gene therapy and genetic engineering for decades!"
Rubber bullets being fired at farmers protesting outside the EU Parliament!
Simultaneous tractor protests grip Europe from East to West!
London Judge acquits Greta Thunberg over oil protest!
How the Trusted News Initiative sets the climate agenda!
The West’s humiliating electric car climbdown has begun!
“They operate in New York, do all their stealing, then go to Florida!" “Why don’t they stay and steal in Florida?’ ‘There you go to jail!”
Elon Musk on Democrats: Get as many illegals in the country as poss. Legalise them to create permanent majority/one-party state!
Biden to prioritize legal status for millions of immigrants!
In 2007 Biden was asked if he would allow sanctuary cities to exist. His answer was NO!
CNN host stunned when ex-NYPD cop tells her migrants commit more crimes in NYC than Florida becauseFlorida jails them!
Migrants arrested over vicious assault of NYPD officers had previously been busted by cops for string of thefts!
US bombs Iranian targets in Iraq and Syria!
WW3 - Biden says US strikes on Iraq and Syria are just the beginning!
Korean women trafficked to work in L.A. brothels that served 'business titans and politicians' may have been SPIES?
New York Times shows the teens victimized by transgenderism!
Robert Jenrick blasts 'absurd' UK asylum claims as Abdul Ezedi remains on the run!
Biden undid EVERYTHING Trump accomplished to solve US migrant crisis claims radio host!
Hey, New Yorkers! Still glad you voted democrat?
America’s elites are waking up to the reality of mass migration!
Gay teens who couldn't come to terms with their sexuality removed breasts and genitals in hope trans ID would 'cure' them!
Paris stabbing - Many injured after knifeman goes on rampage at Gare de Lyon railway station!
Texas trio are arrested after they 'blew fentanyl smoke into the face of 19-day-old baby to stop her crying!'
Chemical attack suspect is ‘good Muslim’ who faked Christian conversion to get asylum!
Clapham attacker should have had asylum claim refused under Home Office rules!
Inside the diaries of teenage murderer Scarlett Jenkinson!
Robert Jenrick blasts 'absurd' UK asylum claims as Abdul Ezedi remains on the run!
Bullies drove 14-year-old Mia Janin to suicide - Mother died soon after from stress of losing daughter?
Ex-cop caused wife of 45 years to fall down stairs, breaking 19 ribs, her spine and rupturing aorta, before leaving her to die!
Pub ordered to pay compensation to Irish Gypsy and undergo 'equality and diversity training' after refusing to host daughter’s christening!
Sunak suffers major blow as plan to return migrants to Turkey collapses!
Sunak ignores the blindingly obvious: the Tories are now beyond help!

Friday 2 February

‘Big problem’ for Biden is young voters calling him ‘Genocide Joe!’
Thousands of farmers blockade Brussels during EU summit, Orbán joins farmers, ‘new leaders’ needed!
Dutch farmer: “We’re done with these fake problems created by you politicans! You are trying to destroy farmers all over Europe!”
Farmers storm EU Parliament building! Petrol bombs, eggs etc. thrown at windows!
91 French farmers arrested at food market in Paris as tractor protests spread!
Our farmers need to be as bolshie as the French!
VACCINE? Britain's unfolding cancer calamity! Experts warn deaths will rocket by over 50% in the next 25 years!
Peer reviewed and published... Ivermectin Worked Against Covid-19!
MRHA - The watchdog that was determined to ignore covid vaccine warnings!
NHS Doctor, Nimra Arshad, who sold IVs claiming they helped protect against Covid, is suspended!
EU’s ‘misinformation’ campaign is nothing but a power grab!
EU signs off $54 billion Ukraine aid after Hungary’s Orban steps aside!
Sister of Israeli hostage says Netanyahu government is deliberately killing hostages in Gaza! 'My government is annihilating them!'
Senior BBC employee called Jews ‘Nazis’ and white people ‘parasites!’
Son of Israeli diplomat deliberately ran over a Miami cop and may get off scott-free!
We need a Blair-Osborne Act to stop ex-MPs shilling for foreign rulers!
Islamism is destroying British democracy!
Nutcase who kicked female custody officer to death seen free as a bird in Oxford just 2 years after confinement in mental health facility!
Clapham acid attacker, Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, is sex attacker who won asylum after 'converting to Christianity!'
Abdul Ezedi, another criminal who won right to stay by becoming Christian! Vicars help asylum seekers beat system with pray to stay scam!
Twice denied asylum, convicted sex offender and chemical attack fugitive, Abdul Ezedi, used Christianity to remain in UK!
Police seek Abdul Shokoor Ezedi over ‘life changing injuries’ chemical and car attack!
Fears grow that acid attacks are on the rise in UK after hundreds in the last year and a 45% rise in London!
Ex-cop caused wife of 45 years to fall down stairs, breaking 19 ribs, her spine and rupturing aorta, before leaving her to die!
Mass migration will permanently alter Britain! The British way of life could be irrevocably changed
House Speaker Mike Johnson accuses Biden of intentionally creating a "clear and present danger to our national security" with open border!
Farage blasts ‘Tory lies’! ‘Don’t believe a single word’ Sunak’s government says on migration!
Four years after Brexit, the Remainers are back – and want to take permanent control!
150 Democrats vote against a bill to deport illegals caught driving while drunk!
Rugby is a form of child abuse, study says!
Sturgeon deleted WhatsApp ‘black propaganda’ messages, suggests Salmond!
No 10 angers Alan Bates with claim he was offered ‘fair’ Horizon compensation!
University expansion was a reckless mistake – and this crisis proves it!
Neocon hog, Victoria Nuland, suggests Olaf Scholz was a co-conspirator with the US in NordStream 2 attack?
Capitol cops won’t charge two men in Senate gay porn scandal!
James O'Keefe films white house officials inadvertently blowing the whistle!
Rookie cop, suspended for 'fling' with married top cop, had relationship with drugs kingpin!
Tom Hanks doesn't respect anyone who doesn't wear a mask? Most folks don't respect anyone on Epstein's flight logs!
Chet Hanks is a better man than his dad, Tom! "Don't stick me with that motherf***ing needle... It's the mothef***ing flu!"

Thursday 1 February

Rishi Sunak insists that COVID vaccines are 'safe and effective!'
Aseem Malhotra tells us why the government continutes to lie over "safe and effective vaccines!"
Megyn Kelly on being targeted by Moderna for sharing her COVID vaccine side effects publicly!
Former Judge and member of European Parliament presents shocking statistics after Covid vaccine!
The mask maniacs rave on!
USA: Excess deaths are up 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds!
The SPARS pandemic is a 86 page document that was released in 2017! It is a blueprint for what followed - 2020-2023!
Your government gave you AIDS and is blaming “long COVID” for it!
Klaus Schwab and the WEF are your enemy! "These fuckers are serious, people, they're playin' for keeps!
Eva Vlaardingerbroek: "I want the 2030 Agenda is abolished... I don't want the damn globalists in my business!"
Swiss lawyer details the WHO pandemic treaty power grab! (From their official documents)
Israeli Politician Daniella Weiss, says she wants Israel to have its borders "From the Euphrates to the Nile!"
The silence of the damned!
Jews accuse actor John Cusack of antisemitism over calls for immediate ceasefire!
11 Russian tanks and armoured vehicles were destroyed in a single Ukrainian onslaught!
Neocon hog, Victoria Nuland, suggests Olaf Scholz was a co-conspirator with the US in NordStream 2 attack?
Bloody aftermath of Biden's botched Afghanistan exit - Taliban regains ground in the Middle East!
Face it, our Army isn’t fit to fight!
Hero sub-postmaster says Government's proposed compensation for Horizon failure is 'cruel and offensive!'
White Liberals are destroying white America!
James O'Keefe has white house officials blowing the whistle!
TUCKER CARLSON: Anyone who is trying to make you have less children is trying to make you go extinct!
For our children’s sake, sign up to this transgender challenge!
Ignore the French: Net Zero is destroying British industry, not Brexit!
Democracy in Decay: Tyrant Tusk’s all-out war on democracy!
Nine injured in London acid attack including children, police officers!
NEWHAM: Teacher stabbed in the back after row with gang of uniform-wearing children yards from the school gates!
CLAPHAM: Suspected acid attacker rams car at mother before taking a child out of a car and slamming her to the floor!
PC Muhammed Miah charged with sexual assault over alleged attack four years ago!
'Possessive' boyfriend, Sebastián Villegas, stabbed Isabella Mesa 24 times and stuffed her dead body in a suitcase!
NSW police officer Daniel Keneally, son of ex-NSW premier, gets slap on wrist for lies that out innocent man in jail!
Europe is finished, condemned to death by its deluded, third-rate elites!
NEW YORK: "The assault and the murder rate has just gone through the f***ing roof... It's gonna get worse!"
101-year-old lady raped in Milwaukee... Total lack of remorse on the face of the rapist as he saunters into the courtroom!
NY Governor changes tune! Sanctuary city hag now wants migrants freed after beating cops deported!
Mass migration is (rightly) dashing Sinn Fein’s dreams!
The UK is fast approaching its immigration breaking point!
Chicago sponsored migrant shelters filled with rats, rotting food, garbage!
64 Times the Biden administration intentionally undermined border security!
The plan to destroy America - 1958!
Well said, young man!
Teacher who showed class image of Mohammed still in hiding 3 years later!
What happens when you don't fight back?

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